Ionic 3 multipurpose eCommerce app templates (Android – IOS)

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Ionic 3 multipurpose eCommerce app templates (Android – IOS)

Complete solution with admin panel and back end contact us

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1 => Login,signup and forgot password screen

2 => Home screen

3 => Product list screen

4 => Product detail screen

5 => Cart screen

6 => Favorite screen

7 => Checkout screen

8 => Payment gateway screen

9 => My order screen

10 => User profile screen

11 => User Address manage screen

12 => Add review screen

Ionic 3 multipurpose eCommerce app templates (Android - IOS) - 1

Informação adicional

Compatible Software


Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JSON, XML, Layered PNG, JavaScript JS, CSS

Software Framework

Cordova, Ionic

Video Preview Resolution
