Isomorphic – React Admin Dashboard Template

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Introducing Isomorphic, the ultimate React-based admin template for crafting cutting-edge web applications. If you’re building a web application a strong admin dashboard is required, our react template solution is the key to your success. With Next.js at its core, Isomorphic delivers a responsive design that adapts flawlessly to any device, providing an exceptional experience on admin dashboard platform building. 

Isomorphic comes packed with a powerful Analytics Dashboard, complete with charts and graphs, file management that helps you visualize crucial data. It’s your go-to admin template for managing an online business efficiently.

With Isomorphic , easy maintenance is a breeze, making it the go-to choice for admin template. The rich and modern technologies used in isomorphic ensures that your admin dashboard is the most advanced and scalable admin dashboard . We used the latest version of bleeding edge technologies such as Next Js Typescript React Tailwind .

Isomorphic is a one-of-a-kind admin dashboard template that not only gives you the dashboard pages , but the other pages needed for your business. Our tailored made five dashboards not only have the exceptional dashboard but also has all the inner pages that are required for your online website. For example, the ecommerce template has the product pages, category pages, cart pages and all the most relevant pages required for an ecommerce business. All the relevant dashboards have the app pages which are required to build your perfect web application . On top of that we have the additional pages designed like sign-in, sign-up, forget password, not found, maintenance, 404 pages and so on all are included with this template.

Isomorphic is one of the 1st react admin template in Themeforest, pioneer of all react templates.

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 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
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 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
 react admin template
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Built with :

- Next Js
- React
- Tailwind
- Headless UI
- Rizz UI
- Recharts
- RcTable
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- TypeScript
- Jotai
- RTL supported
- Swiper
- Google Map
- Next Theme 

Our Awesome Products


Change Log

11th February 2024 v6.3.0

-Appointment dashboard upgraded 
-Appointment app added
-Fix table dark mode ui issue 
-Fix dark mode black theme ui issue

3rd February 2024 v6.2.0

-Appointment Dashboard added
-Fixed some internal issues

29th January 2024 v6.1.0

-all packages upgrade
-refactor layout code
-fix charts hover ui issue 
-Executive & Financial dashboard updated 

17th January 2024 v6.0.0

-added 2 new unique layout - drag and drop menu layout and magic keyboard 
-rizzui v0.8.4 updated
-code refactoring 
-design issue fixed 
-ismorphic-starter-template added

31st December 2023 v5.9.5

-rizzui v0.8.3 upgraded 
-themeing updated 
-fix cart & checkout page empty product issue
-flight booking upgraded 
-misc ui issue fix 

13th December 2023 v5.9.0

-financial dashboard updated
-packages upgraded
-flight booking updated

1st December 2023 v5.8.0

-financial dashboard added
-flight booking updated

24th November 2023 v5.7.0

-New Executive Dashboard added
-POS updated 
-misc ui issue fix and code re-factor 

10th November 2023 v5.6.0

-POS app added
-Flight booking search page added
-Added 2 email template
-Event app style issue fixed  
-Upgraded all packages including next.js 14

1st November 2023 v5.5.0

-another brand new Layout added and we call it Beryllium 
-event calendar app added
-user, role, and permission page added
-removed legacy code

24th October 2023 v5.4.0

-NFTs explore page added
-form code is now more organized and ready to connect with API
-useCart hook for handling cart products, total price and products cart drawer
-cart, checkout pages are more re-usable and data driven 

16th October 2023 v5.3.0

-Added new layout called Lithium
-Added uploadthing 
-Improve image loading experience 
-RizzUI upgrade pushed 

7th October 2023 v5.2.0

-Multi layout support (Added a new Layout called Helium)
-update env validation 

27th September 2023 v5.1.0

-authentication and authorization added using next-auth 

27th September 2023 v5.0.0

Major update
completely revamped the template
previous version has been deprecated

- Completely new dashboard built using Next(v13x app router), React, Typescript and TailwindCSS 
- 5 Dashboard Overview/Home pages for E-Commerce, File, Logistics, Support, Analytics 
- Complete apps kit for E-Commerce, File Management, Logistics, Support and Analytics 
- Beautifully crafted dashboard widgets
- A statics/metric card with limitless options 
- A mobile friendly controlled table component for display any kind of large amount of data with pagination, filtering and sorting options
- Charts are built on top of Recharts package with limitless customization 
- A readymade search and filters page for E-Commerce shop page and property listings page
- Each and very forms have zod validation and client side data handing, they are ready to connect with API. 
- 5 Unique authentication pages for Sign-in, Signup, Forgot password, OTP verifications
- Readymade Account settings form page
- 85+ custom SVG react icons 
- Built in LTR, RTL support
- Light and Dark mode support
- Multi color theme support
- Every pages are Layout agnostic to support different types of Layout and Container, we use @container query to do the responsive works to ensure that our customer can make Box, Fluid or Full width Layout apps 
-and many more... 

16th January 2023 v4.0.5

-follow up fixing for the Ant Design v5

21st November 2022

-Updated some of our packages.
-Fixed some internal issues.

14 September 2021 v4.0.1

- isomorphic-nextjs build issue fixed

2 September 2021 v4.0.0

- React, React-dom updated to the latest version
- Next.js updated to the latest version
- Antd library updated to the latest version
- Google map info window issue fixed
- Non monorepo next.js version added
- Calendar error fixed
- Style improvement
- Next js route error fixed
- Next js style issues fixed
- 2x faster performance
- Docker files removed
- Youtube search removed
- 3x faster build in the next.js version
- Image broken issue fixed

17 September 2020 V3.1.0

2. Library and packages updated
3. Added react-icons support
4. Improve Icon reuse/customization
5. Design issues fixed
8. UI issues fixed

20 June 2020 V3.0.7

1. Antd version updated to v4
2. Library versions updated
3. Next.js version updated to 9.4.4
4. Performance Improved
5. Design issues fixed
6. Warning removed
7. Packages updated
8. UI issues fixed

30 May 2020 V3.0.6

1. window resize issue fixed in boilerplate-single
2. performance improved
3. style issues fixed
4. faster development with with next.js
5. minor bug fixed

28 January, 2020 V3.0.5

1. Freeze/Hang issue fixed on window resize
2. Notification issue fixed
3. Removed npm libraries that is not open source

12 December, 2019 V3.0.3

-  Hotel Client Removed due to Envato Policy
- Separate non monorepo Isomorphic added

28th October, 2019 V3.0.2

 - Isomorphic GraphQL boilerplate added 
 - Isomorphic Boilerplate Single added
 - Code Refactored
 - Code And File Structure changed for better Code Reusability
 - added for detail change log

2nd October, 2019 V3.0.1

 - Isomorphic dashboard user profile added
 - Slider feature added to isomorphic dashboard

26th August, 2019 V3

 - windows PORT issue fixed
 - firebaseAuth is not a function issue fixed

7th August, 2019 V3

- Added New Hotel front demo with CRA + Next
   [  that is based on Context API + React Hooks.  ]
- Added mono repo architecture, for that we had to change our folder structure. 
- Added Facebook account kit
- Updated packages
- Updated Authentication code. 

21th March, 2019 V2.9.6

 - Isomorphic: 
      * New Scrum board / Kanban / Trello board type component added
 - Isomorphic Next: 
      * Next Version update 
      * Design issue fixed and some improvement
      * browser window resize responsive issue fixed

10th February, 2019

 - Isomorphic: 
      * React, React dom upgraded to latest version
      * Firebase, Auth0 Login, Registration issue fixed
      * Design issue fixed and some improvement
      * libraries updated 
 - Isomorphic Next: 
      * Next Version update 
      * SSR rendering issue fixed
      * Design issue fixed and some improvement
      * libraries updated 

4th October, 2018

 - Upgraded to Create React App 2.0

Isomorphic - React Admin Dashboard Template - 30

 - Upgraded styled-components 
 - Fixed few issues with JS

12 September, 2018

- Functional Form Validation section added on Next js version 
- Firebase version updated on Next js version

19 July 18

 - Updated Django JWT implementation

12 July 18 – Version 2.9.3

- Firebase firestore chat fix
- Fixed styling issues. 

10 July 18 – Version 2.9.2

- Added Firestore CRUD
- Fixed iPad Styling issues. 

28 Jun 18

  - Added Django Rest API + JWT Implementation
  - Added Flask + JWT Implementation. 

26 Jun 18 – Version 2.9.1

  - Few Styling fixing
  - No Api key validation check 

29 May 18

-  Fixed sidebar active issue
- Removed toJS() from mapStateToProps

24 May 18

- Fixed few css issue

28 March 18

- Added Firebase chat
- Added Invoice builder
- Fixed styling issues. 

27th Feb, 2018

 - Fixed few code structure issue
-  Fixed few styling issues

18th January, 2018

Isomorphic Next.js version added as SSR implementation

31 December – Version 2.4

- Added Ant Design version 3
- Updated few packages
- Fixed styling issues on safari

21 November – Version 2.3

- Added React 16 support
- Added Frappy chart
- Form submission example added.
- Topbar language conversion fixed.
- Replaced tags with new tags component

14 November – Version 2.2

-  Added JWT implementation based on Laravel
-  Added Quick start boilerplate
-  Button styling fixing 
-  Minor styling fixing. 

11 November

-  Added JWT implementation based on Express 

22 Oct – Version 2.1

-  Minor css fixing 

18 Oct – Version 2

- Converted to styled components. 
- Added multi select examples
- minor css issue resolved. 

20 Sept – Version 1.5

- Added Github API search
- Added Youtube search & react-youtube
- Added separate customApp folder support
- Added leaflet & new google map implementation. 
- Firebase & Auth0 authentication code updated. 

24 Aug – Version 1.4

- Added Multilingual support
- Added RTL support
- Added React intl support. 
- Fixed Ant table image issue. 
- Fixed minor css problems.

11 Aug – Version 1.3

- Added color switcher
- Added loading on algolia
- Fixed responsive issues

31 July – Version 1.2

- Added Offline Documentation
- Fixed Windows Installation Issues. 
- Fixed Auth0 missing key.
- Fixed minor CSS and JS changes. 

29 July – Version 1.1

- Added Auth0 Integration
- Added Firebase Authentication
- Added Algolia Search Integration
- Added Ecommerce Section [ cart, checkout ]
- Added Card.js
- Added tree view
- Added uppy.js
- Added Dropzone
- Added React Dates. 
- Added Codemirror.
- Fixed Scroll issues. 
- Fixed Installation problem. 
- Fixed Tests. 
- Fixed few css & js issues. 

Please try to install with latest yarn

Our Plugins

Full functional E-Commerce application with Laravel Backend

Pickbazar Laravel – React, Next, REST & GraphQL Ecommerce

listbbok banner

RnB – WooCommerce Rental & Booking System

RnB - WooCommerce Rental & Booking System

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Chrome

Compatible With

ReactJS, TypeScript

Demo Url Admin Dashboard Template


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

CSS Files, JS Files
