iTest – Online Quiz & Examination System Flutter Mobile App

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iTest – Online Quiz & Examination System Flutter Mobile App

iTest is the best online quiz and examination app. It allows educators to create, share, and manage quizzes and exams with a high degree of convenience and flexibility. Additionally, iTest offers powerful assessment capabilities that enable educators to assess their students’ knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects.

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App Features
Subject List
Exam and Quiz List
Exam History
Exam Result

Add mobility to your school and education organizations by taking the benefits of the
iTest – Online Quiz & Examination System Flutter Mobile App

iTest Mobile App Features

1. Advanced dashboard and home screen with various shortcuts and vital information about your academic exam Culture
    * Subject list and filter quiz by subject
    * Recent quiz & exam list
    * Recent given and taken exam history
2. Payment gateway support
3. Attractive Subject Category Screen
    * Students/Candidates can see their exams or quizzes by subject 
4. Take a Quiz or Exam List
    * Students/Candidates can see all their running exams & expired exam lists here and go for taking exam 
5. Exam History
6. Attractive & easy to use take exam module
7. Advanced and Informative Exam Result Screen
    * Student can see their exam result and also can see right and wrong answers 
8. Profile
    * Students can see their profile information

Demo Credentials

App Login Credentials


username: student1

password: 123456

Change Log

Version 1.2 (15-Nov-2022)
- The examinee can view the answer sheet with the result
- Payment gateway integration
- Exam result show after the exam
- Minor design update
- Minor bug fixing
Version 1.1 (14-Mar-2022)
- Minor Bug Fixing
Version 1.0 (28-Feb-2022)
- Initial release v1.0

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 2.x

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .java, .kotlin, .swift, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
