Jeff – Personal Website Developer Portfolio in flutter website

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Flutter Web is built-in with modern responsive design principles using the Material Design framework. This helps the developers to manage the complexity of everchanging design requirements in the fast-moving technology world.

Personal Portfolio Flutter Website can be use for portofolio your personal website, it is responsive any device mobile and website screen can be save your time to code all Front end layout.

Landing Page Portofolio Feautures::

– Clean code comments in all code

– Responsive Layout

– Support Mobile Screen

– Awesome Animation

HTML Structure
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image host

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image host
image host

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Support Policy

Faced a problem? Need assistance with the product? No worries – customer support is always ready to help you.
Support requests are being processed on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT +05.30) [generally] within 24h to 48h in the order they were received.
I suggest, while reviewing your support request, please read the documentation that comes in the zip file of CodeCanyon. You can download it from CodeCanyon: We are in GMT+5:30 time zone. We address all the support queries 6 days weekly (Sunday off). If any support ticket has no response from the item owner for 7 days, the ticket will be considered closed. If you need further assistance you can create another ticket or drop us an email asking us to re-open the ticket for you.

Have pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our website contact page If you like our product and support then please drop a rate and write a review at:

Free updates & reliable customer support

We are constantly adding new features to our template, and this app template will not be an exception. Since all the future updates will be free of charge once you purchase the license, rest assured that you will not be denied any new feature we come up with.

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