Jobs Portal Pro Plugin For WordPress

  • Reviews:



School Management

School Management

Jobs Portal Pro plugin brings you the most simple solution to display jobs on any type of WordPress websites. You may already know, some really big Job Portals provide the option to use their database and extend your website with job offers. This plugin can make everything automatically, some job providers also pay the commission when any of your visitors click on the job links.

Jobs Portal Pro plugin to create and manage job portal on your WordPress website where recruiters can post their job requirements and view job applicants. Also, applicants can filter, search jobs and apply to a job in an easy and elegant way.

Jobs Portal Pro Jobs Portal Pro
Username: userdemo | Pass : userdemo Username: recruiter| Pass: 123456
Jobs Portal Pro
Username: employee | Pass: 123456

Jobs Portal Pro : Admin Demo

Username / Password : userdemo / userdemo

Super Admin

  • – Manage and View All Activities
  • – Add Industries, Departments, Job Types, Skills
  • – Add and Publish Jobs
  • – Verify Recruiter Accounts
  • – Activate / Deactivate Recruiter Accounts
  • – View and Manage Registered Candidates
  • – View Job Applications


  • – Register Company Profile
  • – Add and Publish New Jobs
  • – Register Company Profile
  • – View Job Applications
  • – View Candidate CV


  • – Register and Upload CV
  • – Search for Jobs
  • – View Job Requirements
  • – Apply to Jobs


Update History

  • ver 2.6 (09-04-2024)
    -  Fixed: CSS issue.
    - Fixed: Registration issue./code>
  • ver 2.5 (27-02-2024)
    -  Fixed: New Job Post Email./code>
  • Var 2.4 (13-02-2024)
    - Fixed: Candidate name not coming
    - Fixed: Backend Recruiter registration issue
  • ver 2.3 (21-03-2022)
    -- Emails issue fixed.
  • Ver 2.0 (19 January, 2021)
    -Added OTP Verification SMS and Email.
    -Added Job Application Filter.
  • Ver 1.9 (11 September, 2020)
    -PHP Ver7.4 Compatible.
  • Ver 1.8 (19 Febuary, 2020)
    -Minor Bug Fixed.
  • Ver 1.7 (17 Febuary, 2020)
    -Users Registration issue Fixed.
  • Ver 1.6 (05 December, 2019)
    -Added Email Notifications Settings
    -Notify Candidate when new Job is published
    -Candidate Account Registration Email
    -Recruiter Account Registration Email
    -Recruiter Account Approval Email
    -Candidate Applied to Job Email to Recruiter
  • Ver 1.5 (21 February, 2019)
    -Added Recruiter's Account Approval Functionality
  • Ver 1.4 (04 February, 2019)
    -Added CV Document Upload Functionality
    -Added Job Portal Admin Dashboard
    -Improved Layout
  • Ver 1.3 (01 February, 2019)
    -Fixed Minor Bug
  • Ver 1.2 (05 January, 2019)
    -Added Envato license check
  • Ver 1.1 (03 January, 2019)
    -Documentation update as per codecanyon guide line
    -Check the plugin with codecanyon guide line
    -Fixed minor issues as per give codecanyon reviewer
  • Ver 1.0 (15 Dec 2018)
    -New Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Gmail

Compatible Software

WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 4.9.x, PHP 8.0.x, PHP 7.4.x, PHP 7.3.x

Demo Url Portal Pro Admin/

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
