This plug-in is very useful for those who need to duplicate or delete fields within a form.
1) You insert the form inside a div (container) that has a specific class eg. (Class = “contenitore_input”)
2) il div con classe “contenitore_input” verrà chiuso in un ulteriore div con un id specifico es:.(id=”contenitore_generale”)
3) the div with class “contenitore_input” will be closed in another div with a specific id eg. (id = “contenitore_generale”)
4) assign a reference attribute to each field to be duplicated eg. < input alt=”nome” >
this attribute will be the fixed part of the “NAME” and “ID”, in this case:
considering the field < input alt=”nome” >
will become
< input alt=”nome” name=”nome_ 1 ” id=”nome_ 1 ” >
click on add …
< input alt=”nome” name=”nome_ 2 ” id=”nome_ 2 ” >
This allows the page receiving the request to obtain the value of a specific input or simply differentiate between them
also allows differentiation of the id to act on the elements via JS uniquely
1) implementation of a sort of validation to the addition of fields:
- class to indicate the binding of a field
- class to indicate that a field must be numeric
- class to indicate that a field must contain an e-mail
- class to indicate that a field must contain a date in the format dd / mm / yyyy
2) callback functions are available after the addition and after removal of fields
3) duplication of all the attributes of duplicate fields for consistency