JQuery AdDelFields

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This plug-in is very useful for those who need to duplicate or delete fields within a form.

1) You insert the form inside a div (container) that has a specific class eg. (Class = “contenitore_input”)
2) il div con classe “contenitore_input” verrà chiuso in un ulteriore div con un id specifico es:.(id=”contenitore_generale”)
3) the div with class “contenitore_input” will be closed in another div with a specific id eg. (id = “contenitore_generale”)
4) assign a reference attribute to each field to be duplicated eg. &lt input alt=”nome” &gt
this attribute will be the fixed part of the “NAME” and “ID”, in this case:
considering the field &lt input alt=”nome” &gt
will become
&lt input alt=”nome” name=”nome_ 1 ” id=”nome_ 1 ” &gt
click on add …
&lt input alt=”nome” name=”nome_ 2 ” id=”nome_ 2 ” &gt
This allows the page receiving the request to obtain the value of a specific input or simply differentiate between them
also allows differentiation of the id to act on the elements via JS uniquely

1) implementation of a sort of validation to the addition of fields:

  • class to indicate the binding of a field
  • class to indicate that a field must be numeric
  • class to indicate that a field must contain an e-mail
  • class to indicate that a field must contain a date in the format dd / mm / yyyy

2) callback functions are available after the addition and after removal of fields

3) duplication of all the attributes of duplicate fields for consistency

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

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Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML

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