jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin

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The OneByOne Slider is a lightweight, responsive & layered jQuery plugin you can use to display your image and text one by one. The CSS3 animation is driven by Animate.css. It’s mobile friendly, which support wipe left/right on your touch device like iPhone & iPad. You can drag and drop to navigate with your mouse too. The latest update add an extra example, which make Twitter Bootstrap Carousel support the one by one animation.


Now it’s available in WordPress (click image below)

wordpress plugin

Change logs (please re-download it if you purchase it before)

(update 15th May 2013)

  • Update to the jQuery 1.9.1, and use Modernizr to detect the CSS3 transition support. You can re-download the source package if want to use it with jQuery 1.9.1.

(update 14th Nov 2012)

  • Integrate with Bootstrap Carousel. You can use it on your favourite framework now.
  • Add autoHideButton option, set to false to make the arrows always be visible.
  • Update the help documentation.

(update 14th Sep 2012)

  • Add responsive example.
  • Add fade transition in IE9-, which doesn’t support the CSS3 transition.
  • Now you can customize each slide’s animation, even each element in the slide’s animation.
  • Add hover to pause option of the slideshow.
  • Added ‘fadeInLeftBig’, ‘fadeInRightBig’, ‘fadeInUpBig’, ‘fadeInDownBig’, ‘flipInX’, ‘flipInY’, ‘lightSpeedIn’ animation.
  • Fix bugs: link can’t be clicked in the iOS.
  • Update to jQuery 1.8.1.

Purchase the extended license?

I appreciate if you can put this item’s link in your item’s description. Please provide only the minified version of js file on your theme, and one extended license can be using on a theme only.


  • CSS3 driven animation, hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions for supported modern browser.
  • Responsive support, example included.
  • Mobile friendly, you can use it in a touch device.
  • It’s lightweight, the compressed javascript is only 4kb.
  • Optional auto delay slideshow, optional hove to pause the slideshow.
  • Each slide or element’s animation can be customized.
  • Optional drag function of mouse.
  • Optional animation style, can be in random or any other type.
  • Optional arrow and buttons.
  • FAQ is included in the source package.
  • Free update, you can download the future update for free.

About the CSS3 transition

Note: The CSS3 transition only works in the modern browser like Firefox, Safar and Chrome. Which doesn’t work in IE7, 8 & 9, it seems the IE 10 will support it.

For jQuery 1.8.0 user

It seems there is a bug with jQuery 1.8.0, please download the Uncompressed version of jQuery and comment line 4521, then this plugin will work fine.

// throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );

Available plugin settings

// the wrapper's name        
className: 'oneByOne', 
// the wrapper div's class name of each slider        
sliderClassName: 'oneByOne_item',  
// pause the auto delay slideshow when user hover                    
pauseByHover: true, 
// the global ease animation style, 
// take effect if you don't pre-defined it in the element
easeType: 'fadeInLeft', 
// width of the slider        
width: 960,  
// height of the slider        
height: 420, 
// the delay of the touch/drag tween        
delay: 300,  
// the tolerance of the touch/drag          
tolerance: 0.25, 
// enable or disable the drag function by mouse        
enableDrag: true, 
// display the previous/next arrow or not         
showArrow: true,  
// auto hide the arrows when user leave the slider or not
autoHideButton: true,
// display the circle buttons or not        
showButton: true,  
// auto play the slider or not        
slideShow: false,  
// the delay millisecond of the slidershow        
slideShowDelay: 3000, 
// set responsive to true, when you'll change the 
// slider's size with the media query in CSS        
responsive: true
// when slider is smaller than minWidth, 
// the text are be hidden in the responsive            
minWidth: 480

Available easeType

‘fadeIn’, ‘fadeInUp’, ‘fadeInDown’, ‘fadeInLeft’, ‘fadeInRight’, ‘fadeInRight’, ‘bounceIn’, ‘bounceInDown’, ‘bounceInUp’, ‘bounceInLeft’, ‘bounceInRight’, ‘rotateIn’, ‘rotateInDownLeft’, ‘rotateInDownRight’, ‘rotateInUpLeft’, ‘rotateInUpRight’, ‘fadeInLeftBig’, ‘fadeInRightBig’, ‘fadeInUpBig’, ‘fadeInDownBig’, ‘flipInX’, ‘flipInY’, ‘lightSpeedIn’ or ‘random’


Animate.css is from Dan Eden.
The background image in the bootstrap example is from photos8.

Recommendations For You

XML Image/Video Grid Gallery:
grid gallery
The AS3 Flash Fotography Template:

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software


Demo Url
High Resolution
Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
