Karenderia Driver App

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Android APK   

– Version: 1.0.3

– Last update: March 27, 2024

Update Instructions

During update your mobile app vue files, please run the npm install again both in main folder and src-capacitor folder

NodeJS 16+
Xcode 14.1+ (for iOS)
Android Studio Flamingo 2022.2.1 or Giraffe or newer version (for Android)

Steps for updating
1. Update first your quasar cli by executing this command
quasar upgrade -i
2. use the latest mobile Files
3. execute npm install in main folder and src-capacitor folder

Important : Driver app requires karenderia version 1.1.1

Testing Notes :
To fully test the driver app please sign up as rider, and order to merchant mcdonals
using address los angeles

Download the APK demo CLick here

Notice to buyer : this is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System,
you need to purchase KMRS for this pwa and android app to work.

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– Video tutorials

Build your app


Configure firebase project


Create keystore


Configure google login


Configure facebook login


Change android package ID and package name


Version 1.0.3 - 27 March 2024
fixed - missing code for translation
fixed - send location to server using iOS
fixed - keep awake 

Version 1.0.2 - 09 October 2023
update - API level 33 (android)
update - settings to turn on/off proof of delivery photo
update - add complete delivery address details 
update - merchant self delivery
fixed - enter OTP to numeric keypad
fixed - add food item instructions in order details
new  - add on demand delivery (Driver will Go online anytime, no shift selection is required.)
new - add select language when first time opening the app
new - optins to keep the app awake

Version 1.0.1 - 03 April 2023
fixed - PWA get location error
new - RTL support
new - Translation

Version 1.0.0 - 03 March 2023
- Initial Release.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Other, Other, Other, Other, Other

Demo Url

https://bastisapp.com/rider Landingpage/

Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JSON, XML, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

Software Framework
Video Preview Resolution
