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How to compile kartero using monaca



Kartero is mobile application for managing your business delivery and pickup services, you can use kartero for your business like Pickup & Delivery, Beauty Services, Repair Services, Home Services,Health and Well Being and any type of Businesses that needs to monitor daily activity task in realtime.

Kartero is a complete package with admin and customer panel, it connects via Rest API json, and this app can run on Android and iOS.

You can offer a paid membership monthly/yearly or even 14 day trial to any individual company small,big or personal business, which means you can earn income by offering the kartero services.

Managing Daily Task

Manage daily driver task
Easy to assign delivery/pickup task
alert notification
Realtime location of your driver
Group your driver by assigning them to a team
Send push notification/SMS and email to your driver
Interactive map directions
Translation ready
Customer signature
Calendar task view
Driver On duty on/off features
Realtime driver who's online
Realtime route to destination
Paypal payment supported
Stripe payment supported

See the Kartero in action?

Download android APK File click here

Watch Kartero in action click here

Website Click here

Backend Panel Click here

username : admin
password : admin

Customer Panel Click here

username : test@yahoo.com
password : 12345

Sample Driver Login
username : xy
password : xy

Paypal Sample account
User/Email : buyer2@codemywebapps.com
Password : Buyertestaccount

Stripe Sample account
Cardnumber : 4242424242424242

Video Tutorials

kartero installation guide

kartero creating google api key

compiling kartero app

kartero how to run a cron jobs


= 1.7 (20 August 20) =

fixed - completed task showing in pending task when refresh
fixed - calendar view update plugin to latest version
update - deprecated library
update - address to map use external maps instead showing maps
update - use push to firebasex plugin
update - cordova-plugin-background-geolocation version
update - to work with monaca to support ios sdk 13
update - auto assign
update - checking offline/online drivers
update - send push to mobile app2 and single app
update - update api for insert task
new - add api for insert contact
new - paystack payment

= 1.6 (23 September 19) =

fixed - support php 7.2 above
fixed - upload logo for company
fixed - driver goes offline when app is in the background
fixed - config.xml to work in android 9

= 1.5 (15 November 18) =

fixed - bugs checking of activity
fixed - checking of new database fields added
fixed - team map selection
new - add export contact list
new - add map filter options
new - api services for inserting task

= 1.4 (13 November 18) =

fixed - auto assign to only send to active driver status
fixed - lessen the call of maps api
fixed - push logs
fixed - not saving driver track back location
fixed - compiling app to android
fixed - driver plot map
fixed - driver app crash when running in background
update - update onsen library to latest version 2.10.5
update - customer panel settings into tabs
update - web installer can run installation again after successfully installed kartero
new - add mapbox api
new - map settings
new - Firebase Cloud Messaging
new - maps api logs
new - export agent list
new - export task list
new - driver app separate pending and completed task into tabs
new - driver app add mapbox map

= 1.3 (08 June 18) =

fixed - forgot password driver
fixed - not compiling in android and ios
fixed - background tracking to use new version of plugin
The following files has been changed in version 1.3

Mobile app files
- www/js/app.js
- config.xml
- res/icons (new icons is added for ios size 1024x1024)

PHP File
- protected/components/Driver.php

= 1.2.2 (17 January 18) =

fixed - map crash in ios 11
fixed - update config.xml to use the latest phonegap build
fixed - forgot password of driver
New - add route in driver track back

The following files has been changed in version 1.2.2

Mobile app files
- www/js/app.js
- Kartero mobile app/config.xml
- www/beep.wav (new files this is the new push sounds for android and ios)
- res/icons (new icons is added for android and ios)
- res/screens (new icons is added for android and ios)

PHP File
- protected/controllers/CronController.php
- protected/components/DriverIOSPush.php
- protected/components/Driver.php

Asset Files
- assets/js/app.js

= 1.2.1 (22 March 17) =

fixed - agent offline not working
fixed - do not update last login if agent status is set to off duty
fixed - set last online based in Agents Tracking Options
fixed - get remaining task loading in login page
fixed - encryption type selection in config.php
changes - remove menu dropdown
changes - move select language in settings section
changes - change icon and splash screen in config.xml
new - add agent track back location
new - add options to disabled background tracking
new - add options to change track interval

= 1.2.0 (15 March 17) =

fixed - uploading files in driver app
fixed - full name not showin in profile driver app
fixed - email subject not translating
fixed - not loading task number in calendar if there is APIHasKey set in config.js
fixed - fixed home link when you in other page
fixed - missing translation
fixed - responsive layout menu
fixed - add receive by in task history
fixed - cannot view task description when viewing task in agent app
new - add new plugins for tracking when app is not active
new - Agents Tracking Options
new - add last driver login in customer dashboard
new - add app version in driver information
new - options to localize calendar
new - add map when adding new contacts
new - add sms logs in customer panel
new - add sms limit
new - add notes, signature and photo for notifications
new - add last seen agent
new - add agent on-duty status
new - add auto retry auto assign
new - critical task options
new - add options to records agents location
new - map options Hide Pickup Task
new - map options Hide Delivery Task
new - map options Hide Successful Task
new - add timezone settings in customer panel
new - add options for settings default app language
new - add push broadcast
new - add resize picture when taking picture
new - add smtp for sending emails
new - update PHPMailer
new - update plugin phonegap-plugin-push to use latest version

= 1.1.0 (12 January 17) =

fixed dashboard charts not getting correct signup value
fixed curl driver class
fixed paypal connection settings
fixed add checking of driver email address and phone number
fixed customer cannot delete task if their plan is not unlimited
fixed sounds alert in customer panel
fixed ios error sending push Port not open
new add admin forgot password
new mercapago payment gateway
new razorypay payment gateway
new authorize.net payment gateway
new add options for password encryption using yii encryption or md5
new add customer contacts
new add software version in driver app settings
new add contact list in creating add task
new add services
new add dropoff and pickup address when creating task
new add options for driver to add notes to task
new add options for driver to add photo to task
new signature can be viewed and change
new add settings to turn on/off notes, signature and add photos
new add options to upload driver profile picture
new add company logo
new add tracking map for customer to track the agent
new add rate agent in tracking map
new add ratings in driver list and task
new responsive customer backend
new add seo settings
new add options to upload mass task using csv file
new notification email and sms to customer

= 1.0.0 (12 August 16) =

Initial release version


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