Knob House Rental – SwiftUI with Jetpack Compose and Laravel
Knob House Rental – SwiftUI with Jetpack Compose and Laravel is a house, unit, tenant, invoice management application for iOS and Andriod with separate owner and tenant logins.
House Rental App Download TestFlight Public Link
House Rental Andriod App Download Link
iOS Key features
- Firebase Crashlytics
- SwiftUI
- Customization support
- Appstore submission support
Andriod Key features
- Firebase Crashlytics
- User Interface built with Jetpack Compose
- Module based activity architecture with Navigation Compose
- A presentation layer that contains a Compose screen (View) and a ViewModel per screen
- Reactive UIs using MutableStateFlow, SnapshotStateList and coroutines for asynchronous operations.
- Dependency Injection with Dagger 2
- Customization support
- Playstore submission support
Backend info
- Laravel
- PHP – 7.4.30
- Laravel framework – 8.83.27
- MariaDB – 10.4.27
- Customization support
- Hosting support
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Admin Demo
Password: 12345678
Andriod Demo