Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Support | Wiki WordPress Plugin

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Knowledge base WordPress plugin helps you build customer self-service helpdesk in minutes. Create resource of helpful articles and answer popular customer question. Our customers use knowledge base as customer support centers, extensive FAQs, products or service documentations, internal company documentations, wiki and much more.


  • Drag & Drop Knowledge Base Posts and Categories Reorder Easily reorder knowledge base posts and categories.
  • Customs Slugs Set custom knowledge base article and category slugs.
  • Breadcrumbs Display breadcrumbs on category and single pages.
  • Article File Attachments
  • Gutenberg Block Ready
  • Live Search
    • Placeholder Set search field placeholder.
    • Hide Button Option to hide search submit button.
    • Placement Select where you want search displayed (main page, category page, single page).
    • Disable Live Search Option to disable live search results.
  • Main Knowledge Base Page
    • Columns Display categories in 2, 3, or 4 columns.
    • Category Style Display knowledge base categories as boxes or lists.
    • Sidebar Display horizontal sidebar.
    • Page Content Display additional content on main page.
    • Reorder Layout Drag & drop order search, knowledge base content, page content and sidebar on the page.
    • Category Count Display article count in category link.
    • View All Link Display “View All” link for each knowledge base category.
    • View All Count Display knowledge base article count in “View All” link.
    • Category Icons Display knowledge base category icons and set unique icon for each category, chose from 200 icons.
    • Category Font Size Set category title font size.
  • Single Page
    • Meta Display / hide article updated date, category and tags meta info.
    • Comments Enable comments on single page. This feature requires theme support!.
  • Voting
    • Public or Member Only Voting Easily set who can post a vote on your site from the plugin´s settings page.
    • Disable Dislike Button
    • Set Vote Icons Set like and dislike icons.
    • Reset Votes Reset votes for a single knowledge base article or all articles.
  • Widgets
    • Articles Display list of articles, order by date, title and filter by tag or category.
    • Categories Display list of knowledge base categories
  • Article List Shortcode Display list of articles, order by date, title and filter by tag or category. Easy to use shortcode generator.
  • Set Category Link Color
  • Set Article Link Color
  • Responsive Design Fully responsive design and optimized for small screen device such as iPhone, iPad.
  • Documented All our product come bundled with step by step documentation covering installation and setup.
  • Translation Ready All our products are translation ready using Poedit tool with instructions in bundled documentation.
  • Set Link Color Using Color Picker
  • Regular Product Updates Knowledge Base Plugin is kept up to date with the latest WordPress versions View Changelog


Version 4.2.1 – Apr 15, 2020

  • Documentation update

Version 4.2.0 – Dec 9, 2019

  • Added opening attachments in new window
  • Added help page
  • Updated theme download URL
  • Updated ACF
  • Separated base CSS to enqueue only for KB theme
  • Fixed categories and tags not showing in Guttenberg
  • Fixed table of contents title

Version 4.1.0 – Mar 17, 2019

  • Added categories shortcode
  • Added help page
  • Updated plugin options
  • Updated complimentary theme
  • Removed main page setup in options
  • Fixed date ordered content bug
  • Minor styling improvements

Version 4.0.0 – Feb 24, 2019

  • Added Gutenberg blocks for search, knowledgebase content and widget area
  • Added file attachments option to articles
  • Added Gutenberg block support for knowledgebase articles
  • Added main knowledgebase shortcode
  • Added search field shortcode
  • Added widget area shortcode
  • Replaced icon font with SVG icons
  • Added icons, now over 900 icons available
  • Rewritten plugin options
  • Updated theme
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.2.0 – May 8, 2018

  • Duplicated entries in related articles fixed
  • Added addon link in options
  • Autocomplete JS conflict fixed
  • Updated theme

Version 3.1.0 – Dec 7, 2017

  • Added icons
  • Added support for sidebar addon

Version 3.0.0 – Nov 30, 2017

  • Added article table of contents
  • Added styled ordered list option
  • Added live search to search widget
  • Added option to override templates from plugin
  • Added complimentary WP theme
  • Updated design
  • Options panel updated
  • Replaced icon set
  • Removed post format support

Version 2.5.0 – Nov 1, 2017

  • Added category description
  • Added revisions
  • Updated breadcrumbs path

Version 2.4.0 – Mar 21, 2017

  • Category with child subcategory now display articles assigned to parent category
  • Updated Skelet options
  • Fixed get() bug
  • Fixed PHP 7 bug

Version 2.3.0 – Feb 15, 2017

  • Added order by likes in shorcode
  • Added order by likes in widget
  • Updated body tags
  • Fixed CSS bugs

Version 2.2.3 – Sep 3, 2016

  • Fixed CSS bug
  • Fixed shortcode posts per page

Version 2.2.0 – Jun 21, 2016

  • Added 200 icons
  • Added breadcrumb text option
  • Added alphabetical order option
  • Added body CSS classes
  • Added page conditional tags
  • Added PHP 5.2 validation
  • Rewritten search to improve theme compatibility

Version 2.1.5 – Apr 19, 2016

  • Fixed custom permalink bug
  • Fixed assets path bug
  • Fixed reorder bug

Version 2.1.0 – Jan 30, 2016

  • Added option for meta info display under page content
  • Added and improved styling options
  • Fixed minor styling bugs

Version 2.0.0 – Jan 20, 2016

  • Added box layout option for main page
  • Added category icon option
  • Added drag & drop reorder for main page layout
  • Added main page content sidebar
  • Added option to display page content for main page
  • Added article list shortcode with shortcode generator
  • Added knowledge base category widget
  • Added options to articles widget
  • Added “View All” category links on main page
  • Added opttion to hide search button
  • Updated vote button tooltip
  • Fixed settings page URL bug

Version 1.5.0 – Dec 10, 2015

  • Added option to display categories in live search results
  • Added reset all votes option
  • Added votes columns to all KB posts page
  • Votes button restyled
  • Added option to select vote icon
  • Added option to select page template that KB plugin uses
  • Plugin code rewritten and refactored
  • Options settings rewritten

Version 1.4.0 – Apr 8, 2015

  • Breadcrumbs option added
  • Oembed support added
  • Options page update

Version 1.3.0 – Jan 21, 2015

  • Live search added
  • More options to display search
  • Search placeholder option

Version 1.2.1 – Aug 28, 2014

  • Fixed blank page bug
  • pregetposts filter update
  • Fixed conflict with Groups plugin

Version 1.2.0 – Jul 17, 2014

  • Added option to display knowledge base category count
  • Replaced templateredirect hook with templateinclude
  • Fixed font icon bug
  • Fixed admin reorder bug
  • Fixed localisation bug
  • Fixed stripping of p tag on single page

Version 1.1.2 – Jan 31, 2014

  • Fixed category page bug
  • Fixed search bug

Version 1.1.0 – Nov 14, 2013

  • Added pretty permalinks
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.0 – Oct 7, 2013

  • Initial release

Contextual sidebar addon

Contextual sidebar addon for our best selling WordPress Knowledge Base plugin. Allowing customers to access all knowledge base articles anywhere on the site without reloading the page. We have also added Contact form 7 integration. Demo. The addon is a separate purchase!

Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Support | Wiki WordPress Plugin - 1

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x

Compatible With
Demo Url

Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
