Lara LMS – Online Course Selling Marketplace

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Online Learning Management Marketplace

LMS – Learning Management System. This application manages the full features of the online learning management system. An instructor create an account & submit courses. Super admin reviews instructor profiles & their courses. Admin takes action as approved or suspend. When an instructor is approved then this instructor comes to a public website. Also same action for the course from admin approval. When an instructor updates the approved course then it comes to the admin panel for review as an updated course.
When a course is approved by the admin then it’s listed in the website view. A user/ student view course details & enroll in this course & view full videos from his/her panel.
When a course is successfully sold then the amount goes to admin provided account. Amin send money to the instructor’s account that he/she provides from the instructor panel “Payment setting options”

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Admin Login:

Instrictor login:

Classified ads script

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Admin Login:

Instrictor login:

Development Tools

  • Laravel
  • Vue.js
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap

Changelog – Version 1.0.5

  • 1. Duplicate purchase invoice ID
  • 2. Article details error from admin
  • 3. Registration & paypal payment bug fixed
  • 4. Lesson update error fixed
  • 5. Application setting update

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x, PHP 7.x

Demo Url

High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution


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