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Leo Fashion Elementor – Clothing & Apparel Prestashop Theme
Leo Fashion Elementor Clothing & Apparel Prestashop theme is an inspiring fashion theme that is built on the best Leo Elements Creator Module. The theme not only comes with a stunning look but it is also developed in a powerful Leo framework and a fast, user-friendly theme customizer. With Leo Fashion Elementor, you can have your own professional eCommerce website to sell any products like unisex fashion, men’s fashion, women’s fashion, clothing, accessories, apparel, glasses, dresses, shoes, casual clothes, high-end clothes, jewelry, etc.
Leo Fashion Elementor is a professional theme that comes with a lot of necessary and advanced theme features like Mobile- first and responsive layout design, Ap Page Builder, Ajax Cart, Quick Product Search, Mega menu, Product Quickview, RTL support, etc.
Thanks to being built on Leo Elementor Module, Leo Fashion Elementor allows you to customize your online website right from the front store, which is very intuitive, simple, and quick. Leo Elementor requires zero coding to edit, modify, or build every part of your website with 36+ available widgets and modules.
Leo Fashion Elementor Clothing & Apparel Prestashop 1.7.x – 8.x theme already born with 04+ homepage demos, 04+ headers and footers, 07+ product pages, and many pre-defined inner pages.
It’s time to experience Leo Fashion Elementor demos before grabbing it for your fashion store.
Leo Fashion Elementor – Clothing & Accessories Prestashop 1.7.x – 8.x Theme
04+ Homepages for Fashion & Apparel Stores
Leo Fashion Elementor is designed for any fashion, apparel, and clothing store with 04+ homepage demos. Easily import your favorite demo to your website just by 1 click installation.
Multiple Header Layouts
Leo Fashion Elementor comes with 04+ Header layout designs with unlimited variations. You can easily pick or customize the header style as you wish.
Multiple Footer Layouts
Leo Fashion Elementor comes with 04+ Footer layout designs with unlimited possibilities. You can easily pick or customize the footer style as you wish
Powerful Customizable Mega menu
Leo Fashion Elementor theme is integrated with Leo Mega menu Prestashop theme, which allows you to customize your top menu, and add images, links, and product categories to your menu.
Stunning Slideshow & Banners
Designed with beautiful sliders and banners with smooth effects, Leo Fashion Elementor makes it possible for you to catch your web visitor by displaying your hottest products or greatest sale offers. Easily customize your slider with Leo Elementor Module
Unlimited Product Display under Tabs
With Leo Product tabs, you can display many fashion products and items under product tabs. Featured products, Best-selling products, New products, etc
Latest News and Blog updates
Being integrated with Leo Blog Prestashop module, Leo Fashion Elementor leaves you with a stunning blogging space. You can create blog posts, and manage your articles and comments from the Admin panel.
Smart Ajax Add to Cart
Leo Fashion Elementor allows you to add products to your shopping cart without reloading the entire page each time.
Beautiful mobile-first design
Leo Fashion Elementor comes with a mobile-first design and makes sure your website displays an awesome look and feel to your web visitor. It’s 100% responsive to be completely adjustable on any screen resolution like MacBook, desktop, tablet, iPad, etc.
Highlight Outstanding Features
- 04+ homepage demos
- Fully responsive design
- All powerful features of Prestashop online store
- Powerful Page Builder – Ap Page Builde
- Built-in mega menu Module
- Diversified product page and category page layouts
- Product Quick view
- Smart Product Search module
- Deal of the Day with Countdown Timer
- Ajax Cart, Wishlist, Compare Feature
- Blog Module included
- Easy change color template width via the Live theme editor Module.
- Can add code css, js in backoffice
- This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.7.x – 8.x
- We translate template to 6 languages.
- Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.
- Product list builder in home page and category page, create product item for Desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone.
- Live edit theme: change background, text color, header and footer style
- Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.
- Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab, ajax search.
- Search in blog and button share
- Css3, SVG icons used.
- Product Slider/Grid home page and category page
- Look book module, product gallery module
- Social block: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
- Maximum load speed for google speed, SEO Optimization.
- RTL and multiple language support
- This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices
- Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
- Impressive built-in content style.
- SEO Optization & High Conversion Rate
- Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.
- Support for native language file translation.
- Video Leo Framework
Our Support Chanel:
Change log:
Version 1.0.0 (Prestashop
Version 8.0
****templates change: -List file change configtheme.yml assetsjstheme.js modulesps_categorytreeviewstemplateshookps_categorytree.tpl modulesps_contactinfonav.tpl modulesps_contactinfops_contactinfo.tpl modulesps_customeraccountlinksps_customeraccountlinks.tpl modulesps_customersigninps_customersignin.tpl modulesps_imagesliderviewstemplateshookslider.tpl templates_partialsmicrodatahead-jsonld.tpl templates_partialsmicrodataproduct-jsonld.tpl templates_partialsform-fields.tpl templates_partialsnotifications.tpl templates_partialspagination.tpl templatescatalog_partialsproduct-customization.tpl templatescatalog_partialsproduct-prices.tpl templatescatalog_partialssubcategories.tpl templatescatalog_partialsminiaturespack-product.tpl templatescatalog_partialsminiaturesproduct.tpl templatescataloglistingcategory.tpl templatescataloglistingproduct-list.tpl templatescheckout_partialscart-summary-totals.tpl templatescheckout_partialsorder-confirmation-table.tpl templatescheckout_partialsorder-final-summary.tpl templatescheckoutcart.tpl templatescheckoutcart-empty.tpl templatescheckoutorder-confirmation.tpl templatescustomer_partialscustomer-form.tpl templatescustomer_partialsorder-detail-no-return.tpl templatescustomer_partialsorder-detail-return.tpl templatescustomer_partialsorder-messages.tpl templatescustomeraddresses.tpl templatescustomerdiscount.tpl templatescustomerguest-tracking.tpl templatescustomerhistory.tpl templatescustomerorder-detail.tpl templatescustomerorder-follow.tpl templatescustomerorder-slip.tpl templateserrorsforbidden.tpl templateslayoutslayout-both-columns.tpl templateslayoutslayout-error.tpl templatescheckout_partialsstepspayment.tpl templatescheckout_partialsstepsaddresses.tpl templatescheckout_partialscart-detailed-product-line.tpl -New file templatescustomer_partialsaccount-transformation-form.tpl templateserrors410.tpl templates_partialspassword-policy-template.tpl templatescatalog_partialscategory-footer.tpl assetsjsthirdPartyNotice.json -Copy all folder our module in dependencies/modules/ to replace for folder old module in public_html /modules
Version 8.0.1
This version have not change file in folder theme compare to version 8.0
Version 8.1.1
****templates change: assetsjstheme.js assetsjsthirdPartyNotice.json *** File tpl change templatescatalog_partialsminiaturescategory.tpl templatescatalog_partialsminiaturespack-product.tpl templatescatalog_partialsminiaturesproduct.tpl templatescatalog_partialscategory-header.tpl templatescatalog_partialsproduct-cover-thumbnails.tpl templatescatalog_partialsproduct-images-modal.tpl templatescatalog_partialssubcategories.tpl templatescheckout_partialsstepsaddresses.tpl templatescheckout_partialscart-detailed-product-line.tpl templatescheckout_partialscart-summary-product-line.tpl templatescheckout_partialsorder-confirmation-table.tpl templatescmsstores.tpl templatescustomerdiscount.tpl templateslayoutslayout-both-columns.tpl *** module update please copy all folders our module in dependencies/modules/ then replace for folder old module in public_html /modules