LinkedIn Data Extractor Pro
LinkedIn Data Extractor Pro is great LinkedIn scrape if you’re looking analyze large amounts of information.
LinkedIn Data Extractor Pro-let you to extract massive data from LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Data Extractor Pro Scrape Avatar,UserId,UserName,Follows,Email,Phone,Office,Address,Company,Education,ProfileUrl
help you easily find better talent
Why Need LinkedIn Data Extractor Pro?
Fast and easy to use
High Efficiency,superior quality,UI-friendly
Analyze consumer habits and develop new products or target underdeveloped niches
Keep an eye on new trends, attitudes, and fashions as they emerge
Explore discussions about travel destinations, services, amenities, and take advantage of local knowledge
Track discussions about your brand, products, country, or city
Help you analyze the playback volume and subscription status of similar videos
Amazing Features
- Extractor User Avatar
- Extractor UserId
- Extractor UserName
- Extractor Profile Url
- Extractor Follows
- Extractor Office
- Extractor Company
- Extractor Education
- Extractor Email
- Extractor Phone Number
- Extractor UserBio
- Extractor to Excel
- Very easy to use
- More….
You can read our step-by-step tutorial on how to Scrape LinkedIn(Included in the download file)
Runtime Environment
Win7 Win8 Win10 Win11 and Win Server
Online Support
Update Logs
– V3.0.1 (19 June 2024)
--Add: Extract from search --Update: Extract linkedin feature