Currency Converter contains exchange rate from many countries in the world and display to front-end for users,
because customers come from multi national. That is very convenient for customers who want to know about currency rate.
The currency exchange rate data is collected from Yahoo Finance Service and, then display for users and they can view easily.
Exchange rate data will auto update frequently, you also manual update. This extension is full configuration. You can select the store to display
by the widget configuration
Demo Version
This is frontend & backend demo version
- Display Currency exchange rate in frontend
- Select currency exchage rate data service (Yahoo,
- Update currencies exchange rate data (automatic by cron job or manual)
- Select the store to display by widget configuration
- Select Currency code will be display in frontend
- Custom user interface (change font, font-color, number of item on each page, number after decimal)
Backend: Currency Converter
Username: cvdemouser
Password: xmage2user
- Downloads the extension
- Unzip the file
- Copies the content from the unzip folder to {Magento Root}/app/code
To enable extension:
- php -f bin/magento module:enable—clear-static-content Yosto_CurrencyConverter
- php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
After that, you need to refresh cache at System -> Cache Management. If magento get some trouble such as
broken UI, css or js not found, please run this command:
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After extension installed, go to Store -> Currency -> Currency Exchange Rate, click “Update Exchange Rate” button for update data at the first time
Change Setting:
Logs into your Magento Admin, then go to Store -> Currency -> Currency exchange
- Clicks on “Store/Currency/Currency Exchange Rate”
- Clicks on “Update Exchange Rate” button to Update all currency manually
- Update basic interface config in General setting
Request Support
Feel free to get support via email: