Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension

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Magento 2 Mega Menu extension allows you to create an elegant effective menu for your online store without having to know much how to code. It helps to improve customer shopping experience by displaying menus clearly and flexibly, making it easy for customers to find the categories, links they need, or products and links that shop owners want to show. Magento 2 Mega Menu module offers flexible navigation, without requiring you to have programming skills.

Magento 2 Mega Menu supports both vertical mega menu and horizontal mega menu that fit for almost of website styles

Specially, there are 5 styles for Mega Menu dropdown: Block Top, Block Left, Block Categories, Block Right, Block Bottom. Block Categories will show subcategories from 1 to 8 columns. You are free to add content such as: text, image, widget, product, call module… into Block Top, Left, Right, Bottom via input Editor. With this feature, you can flexibly arrange or design the mega menu without any programming knowledge.

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  • Fully responsive
  • 100% open source
  • Multi Store support
  • Menu item inherit options from root categories
  • Support 5 block layouts
  • Vertical & Horizontal Ready
  • Support Mega Menu & Classic menu for Dropdown menu
  • Supports many content types: product, image, widget, external links, html, contact us…
  • Allow to add menu icon, label (New, Hot, Sale, Featured)
  • Support many browers: Firefox, Chrome, Edge…

  • Works great with Magento 2.
  • Compatible with every Magento 2 theme.
  • Global configuration settings available
  • Change Log

    Version 1.0.0: Released on Mar 01, 2022
    - Initial release


    Knowledge Base

    Before filing a new support ticket, please follow the steps below to assist us expedite your request. This is for everyone’s advantage and will assist to make the entire process more efficient. It’s critical, and we ask that everyone to these guidelines.

    Read the item documentation first:

    The documentation covers all the item setting and configuration. You may find the solution for your issues here.

    We support the item in accordance with Envato’s Support Policy:

    We will review and respond to the ticket within one business day (except for weekends and holiday). Please review the Envato’s Support Policy to see what is and is not covered by item support. Please keep in mind that only one website should be supported for each item purchase code. If your support license has expired, please renew it to continue receiving technical help.

    To open a support ticket for the item on our HELP CENTER, choose the Department and then provide the theme purchase code in the ticket and submit. Please keep in mind that providing us with information about your website and some screenshots of the problem will make it simpler for us to answer your query and assist you more quickly.

    Important: DO NOT REPLY TO THE TICKET VIA THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Any responses sent via this no-reply-email may be overlooked since our support team was unable to view them.
    If you have any problems with the ticket system, please contact us at for assistance. However, the first option is more convenient and makes it easy for both of us to monitor the problems.


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