Magento Hide Add To Cart Button By Country

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Magento Hide Add To Cart Button By Country Extension is an extension which allows you to hide the add to cart button on products for multiple selected countries by you.
If you don’t want to sell any product in some countries, you can hide add to cart button on those products from your website pages.
Thus, users from these countries can not add products in cart which are selected by you in restricted countries.

After installation, you can see a country multiple select dropdown will appear inside the product general tab,
where you can select/deselect multiple countries of your choice.

This extension will automatically detects the country GEOIP location API, this extension will work for all product types like simple, configurable, virtual, grouped, bundle and downloadable

Main feature of this extension is to restrict product shipping in countries by hiding add to cart button from that product so user from restrict country can only see product detail page but can not add product in cart.

Installation guide

Installation Steps

1 . Upload file manually – Extract it and then extract “Custom_Producthidecart-2.0.0.tgz” and then copy all files app folder
and then paste into your magento root directory.

2. Second way is from admin panel – Go to admin panel – System -> Configuration -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager and unchecked “Put store on the maintenance mode while installing/upgrading/backup creation”
option and browse file and upload it.

3. Clear Cache

4. Now follow provide documentation or goto admin panel and edit any product, you will see hide add to cart button by country multiple select list in general tab.

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers
Compatible Software

Magento 1.9.3.x, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento

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