Mega Slider

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MegaSlider is responsive slider module with touch-swipe navigation. You can add text, image or video to your slider. With a friendly admin user interface and power timeline manager, MegaSlider is highly customizable slider for Drupal 7.

Demo item animation and slide transition.

Frontend Features

  • Touch navigation for mobile and desktop
  • Slide is reponsive, it shows best on all desktop and mobile browser
  • You can add YouTube and Vimeo videos in slide
  • Preloads images.
  • Move or fade transition for slides.
  • SEO optimized
  • Custom effects for each object (text, image or video)
  • Cross browser: Slider was tested on IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome

Backend Features

You can view how it work here

  • Easy to use admin area with drag and drop
  • You can add font from Google webfont
  • Set custom effects, start time, stop time and delay for each object via timeline manager.
  • Option to create styles
  • Duplicate object and slide Function
  • Works with Drupal 7.

Slide Items Panel

Slide Items Panel

Tools panel

Tools panel

Timeline panel

Timeline manager


Change logs

8.x-1.4 (Oct 19, 2018)

- Support Drupal v8.6.x
- Support link redirect for each slide in settings
- Fix multi instance of one slider on the same page
- Effects bug fixes

7.x-2.25 (Oct 19, 2018)

- Support link redirect for each slide in settings
- Effects bug fixes
- Change jQuery from 1.4.4 to 1.7.2 in slider backend

Change logs

8.x-1.3 (Jan 3, 2018)

Add goole font in edit slider form
Bug fixes: 
- Slide in right/ left/ up/ down effect 
- Error md-slider field with no slider

7.x-2.24 (Jan 3, 2018)

Add background video
Bug fixes: 
- Slide in right/ left/ up/ down effect 
- Error with jQuery 2.x 
- Show loading when images loading 

8.x-1.2 (Nov 2, 2017)

Bug fixes:
- Google font error with italic style
- Fix curtain transition

7.x-2.23 (Nov 2, 2017)

Bug fixes:
- Google font error with italic style
- Fix curtain transition

New feature:
- Option to auto play video

8.x-1.1 (Oct 20, 2017)

bug fixes:
- Background color bug
- Transition bug with background color

8.x-1.0 (Oct 6, 2017)

bug fixes:
- fix error background image width
- fix error background image not full on mobile
- fix bug Undefined variable: fid
- fix js for drupal 8.4 and jquery 3.x

7.x-2.22 (Oct 6, 2017)

bug fixes:
- fix transition
- fix error background image width
- fix error background image not full on mobile

8.x-beta1 (Mar 7, 2016):

Update for Drupal 8: user do not have to clear cache after create slider to view block.

Version 2.19 (Nov 17, 2015):

Bug fixes: 
- CMD+click bug in chrome/safari in MACOS
- Slide image height

Version 2.18 (Jul 7, 2015):

New features:
- Add overlay background settings
- Add class settings
- Config hide layout in mobile
Bug fixes: 
- Update jQuery libraries functions
- Fix youtube video

Version 2.17 (Mar 8, 2015):

New features:
- Show hide some of the content if it is a mobile device
Bug fixes: 
- Fix field md_slider and link config
- Cloning slides causes duplicated layers
 - Bug related to the open sans condensed google font

Version 2.16 (Dec 6, 2014):

New features:
- Add image background alt attribute
Bug fixes: 
- Padding item Text
- Media module alpha4

Version 2.15 (July 22, 2014):

Bug fixes: 
- IE9 keep object in slider
- Migrate js bug

Version 2.14 (July 22, 2014):

Bug fixes: 
- Default object appear (from fadeIn to none)
- Responsive error from small to larger screen

Version 2.13 (July 9, 2014):

- Add target option for link object
- Bug fixes: choose slide image

Version 2.12 (June 25, 2014):

New features:
- Add disable single slide
Bug fixes:
- Thumbnail scroll
- Text shadow
- Show pause on hover option

Version 2.11 (April 25, 2014):

Bug fixes:
- embeded video in https
- transition effect for slide use background color

Version 2.10 (April 21, 2014):

New features:
- use color as slide background
- change colorpicker to spectrum
NOTE: Please run update.php after update module source code

Version 2.9 (March 27, 2014):

Bug fixes:
- priority css for index layer
- default background
- responsive for slider fullwidth

Version 2.8 (March 21, 2014):

New feature:
- Add custom field for MD Slider
Update document
Bug fixes:
- Opacity
- jquery_update module conflict
- Export bug
- Anchor in item link

Version 2.7:

Bug fixes:
- Fix double html encode
- Fix unactive tab still play slide item

Version 2.6:

Bug fixes:
- Single quote in text object
- Quote in admin
- Fix htmlentities with UTF-8 encode
- Fix bug image not found

Version 2.5:

Bug fixes:
- Missing alt in image tag
- Remove puffIn & vanishIn effects
- Vimeo video error in lightbox
- Text link error
- Minor bug fixes

Version 2.4:

Bug fixes:
- Export thumbnail image
- Update loop and generate_css_file options
- Re-add show video in lightbox
- Minor bug fixes

Version 2.3:

Please run update.php after update.
New features:
- New slide transitions
- New object effects
  + Effects in: foolishIn, puffIn, twisterInDown, twisterInUp, swap, swashIn, tinRightIn, tinLeftIn, tinUpIn, tinDownIn, vanishIn
  + Effects out: bombRightOut, bombLeftOut, foolishOut, holeOut, puffOut, swashOut,  tinRightOut, tinLeftOut, tinUpOut, tinDownOut, vanishOut
- Option to render css file for each slideshow
Bug fixes:
- Disable swipe vertical in touch device error
- Minor bug fixes

Version 2.2:

Bug fixes
New features:
- Add option to show next/prev button on touch device
- Option choose play video with lightbox

Version 2.1:

Bug fixes
New features:
- Import & Export
- Link object
- Choose slider loop or not
- Add option to keep object at last item (stop animation)

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

Drupal 8.5.x, Drupal 8.4.x, Drupal 8.3.x, Drupal 8.2.x, Drupal 8.1.x, Drupal 8.0.x, Drupal 7.4x, Drupal 7.3x, Drupal 7.2x, Drupal 7.1, Drupal 7.0

Demo Url Slider/

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
