Hello! Friends
The miraculous – Music Streaming Laravel Script is packed with many features that allow you to play music while browsing other pages..
Let’s allow us to explain our product.
miraculous – Music Streaming Laravel Script is a streaming music service. By which you can play any music at any time. miraculous – Music Streaming Laravel Script is designed very neat and clean, and 100% responsive. This music site Script is planned so that you can utilize this for any online music store. This music site Script has many special highlights and designs which engage you to make an expert music store. Additionally, the motivation behind this music store Script is to give a stage to musicians, specialists, and everybody working in media outlets like Orchestra, Sound Store, Online Radio Station, and so forth
Exactly when “words obscure, music talks.” Do you feel your melodic capacity or music office is obscuring without end? Well by then it’s an extraordinary chance to buzz up your music aptitudes with a delightful music site.
Authorization for demo
URL:Click Here
Password: 12345678
URL:Click Here
Password: 12345678
Key Features
- Responsive Design
- Admin Dashboard
- User Dashboard
- Payment Gateways – Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Braintree,ManualPay
- Indian Payment Gateways – RazorPay, Instamojo, PayTM, PayU Money
- Manual / Offline Payment Gateway
- Right Click, Inspect Element, Preloader, Welcome Mail Disable
- Site Settings
- Mail Setting through Admin
- Invoice PDF Download
- ADMIN Translation
- Notification
- Coupons
- Language Translator
- Like/Dislike option on audio
- Support MP3 Audio
- AWS S3 Audio Upload
- Loop & Shuffle
- Audio Resume Play
- Audio Download
- Audio Search
- Audio Rating
- Blogs
- Invoice Setting through Admin Panel
- AQ
- User Management
- Create Playlists
- Add Songs To Playlists
- Dynamic Music Player
- Add To Queue Functionality
- Add To Favorites
- History Management
- Plans And Pricing
- SEO Setting through Admin
- Social Login – (Google, Facebook, Github, Twitter, Amazon, Linkedin)
- Newsletter Setting
- Paypal Donation link setting
- Add new page option from Admin Panel
- Google Adsense
- Testimonial
- Welcome Email
- Secure Login & Change Password
- Drag & Drop Sliders
- Users Profile Page
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Based on 1170px grid
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome Icons
- Documentation Include
Server Requirements
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
PHP > 8.1.13
I use Laravel framework version 8.83.27
Update Detail
16/09/2023 ( Version1.3 )
- Laravel Version upgrade to 8.83.27 - PHP version 8.1
01/04/2021 ( Version1.2 )
- Laravel Version upgrade to 8 - Minor bugs fixed and improved performance
01/04/2021 ( Version1.1 )
- Highlighted the default language. - Removed the limitations of image dimension while uploading. - Responsive issue fixed. - Minor bugs fixed and improved performance
Note: Any media – Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included in this item and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. Read help file for more details after you purchase the template.