Modern HTML5 Responsive Youtube Playlist Player

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This is a responsive video player to play YouTube playlists. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or an array of video ids as playlist source. The player is fully responsive and will resize intelligently, it also runs smoothly on mobile devices. The player has a custom designed interface, instead of YouTube’s default interface. You can customise its appearance, and lots of other options and settings.

Modern HTML5 Responsive Youtube Playlist Player - 1


  • Enter a Youtube Playlist, Channel, or array of Video ID’s.
  • Newest YouTube API V3
  • Native Fullscreen Support for Major Browsers
  • Fully Responsive
  • Works on Mobile Devices
  • Display playlist on the right, or on the bottom
  • Custom Player Controls
  • Automatically show/hide playlist
  • Continuous Play & Autoplay
  • Social Sharing Buttons (Facebook, Twitter Google+)
  • Many Options More, like: max results, first video, annotations, fullscreen, volume, extra player vars, etc

The player uses the latest API (V3) from YouTube. Previous API versions will be deprecated soon, so this is future proof. There is also native fullscreen support for Chrome, Safari and FireFox, using HTML5 requestFullscreen. IE10+ uses YouTube’s own fullscreen method were the controls are hidden. You can customise all of the colors to match your site’s design. The buttons in the control bar can be turned on/off individually, these are: play button, time indicator (3 different settings), volume slider & button, share button, forward and backward buttons, youtube link button, fullscreen button, playlist toggle button.


1.11.0 (April 29, 2019)
* Updated JS to skip deleted videos

1.10.0 (May 2018)
* Added option to prompt users to accept cookies before loading the YouTube video for the GDPR law.

1.9.0 (April 21 2017)
* Added option to show/hide related videos while paused and stopped.
* Small bugfixes

1.7.0 (November 23 2015)
* Fixed bug where scrolling the time slider wouldn't work on iOS

1.6.0 (September 8 2015)
* Added method to set an ID as first_video instead of the video index.
* Added option to shuffle the playlist.
* Updated manual on registering your own API key.
* Fixed bug where user's theme could overwrite the font-family for the icons.
* Fixed bug where the video title would go over the user's navigation bar.

1.5.0 (June 23 2015)
* Updated YouTube logo so it's not hidden behind the controls bar which can violate YouTube's terms.

1.4.1 (May 15 2015)
* Fixed bug where multiple private video's in a row would cause errors.

1.4.0 (Apr 15 2015)
* Updated Font Awesome library and added custom prefix to fix compatibility issues.

1.3.0 (Feb 23 2015)
* Added new horizontal layout of player.

1.2.0 (Nov 27 2014)
* Added feature to show hi-res image when the video is stopped.
* Fixed bug where spinning wheel would spin infinitely.
* Fixed bug which caused the playlist to show below the player.
* Improved efficiency of JS.

1.1.0 (Oct 6 2014)
* Added support for pagination.
* Added Force HD option.
* Added Hide Youtube Logo option.
* Improved method of displaying errors.

1.0.2 (Aug 31 2014)
* Fixed bug where videos in the playlist would not scale to 100% height.
* Fixed bug where asynchronous loading of the youtube player would not always work.

1.0.1 (Aug 22 2014)
* Fixed box-sizing issue
* Fixed bug where you couldn't share video's before you hit play
* Fixed bug where deleted videos in a playlist would cause errors

1.0.0 (Aug 20 2014)
* First version


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