Modern News Ticker is a powerful, flexible, fast, easy to use and customize news ticker. It offers a varied number of features while still being lightweight and very easy to work with:
- It comes with 15 different themes to choose from.
- It has 4 different effects: scroll, fade, type and slide.
- It has 4 different layouts that include news items, front label and control buttons.
- The corners can be set to either round or square.
- It can load RSS and JSON feeds.
- The feeds can be set to automatically refresh.
- It has 21 settings that control the effects, the feeds and other behaviors.
- It has 3 methods that control the autoplay and the feed refresh.
- It is responsive.
- It comes with a detailed guide.
- NEW: RTL support.
This is the jQuery plugin version of the news ticker. A WordPress plugin version is also available here: Modern News Ticker for WordPress.
- Beginning with 9 February 2023, the Twitter feed no longer works as Twitter restricted access to their formally free API.
2.5.0 (20 March 2020):
- Added a new setting called “randomOrder”, to be able to set the news items to display in a random order. This applies for both the news items entered manually as well as for those loaded from feeds.
- Added a new setting called “centerAlign”, to be able to set the news items to align to the center. Applicable for effects other than “scroll”.
2.4.1 (03 January 2020):
- Fixed an issue that was causing the tweet links not to open properly.
2.4.0 (14 November 2019):
- Added a new setting called “twitterExcludeReplies” to be able to exclude replies from the returned Twitter feed (default: false).
- Added a new setting called “twitterIncludeRetweets” to be able to include retweets in the returned Twitter feed (default: false).
- Made the feed preloader show a bit faster.
- Added a “Changelog.txt” file and moved here the version changes that were previously listed in the “Readme.txt” file.
2.3.0 (26 September 2019):
- Added RTL support. A new setting is available called “direction” in which the page text direction can be specified, either “ltr” (default) or “rtl”.
- Moved the JS source file from “Sources/js” to “Main/modern-ticker/js”, next to the minified version.
- Other small modifications.
2.2.1 (17 September 2019):
- Added a new setting called “rss2jsonApiKey” to be able to specify an API key for the rss2json service, if needed.
2.2.0 (15 January 2019):
As Yahoo recently shutdown the YQL service, the “YQL” load process type for RSS feeds was removed.
The “rss2json” load process is now the default one for RSS feeds and the “self” load process is also available as a backup.
As backward compatibility, if the ticker has the load process set to “YQL”, it automatically defaults to “rss2json”.
2.1.0 (07 March 2018):
- Fixed an issue that was causing the preloader not to show properly in some browsers when set to load a feed.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the news items not to display properly when loading feeds and “linksEnabled” set to false.
- Modified the theme CSS files so that the styles have higher specificity to make it less likely to be overwritten by other page styles.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the RSS feed not to load properly when using the “rss2json” service from a page on HTTPS.
- Other small modifications and improvements.
2.0.0 (24 April 2017):
- Updated the project folder structure.
- Updated the example files.
- Updated the guide.
- Updated the “Read Me” file.
- Added version numbering.
- Added an “Updates” section to the “Read Me” file.
- Made updates to the CSS files.
- Made updates to the JS plugin file.
- Added error messages to feeds.
- Updated jQuery to the latest version.
- Added option to the example files to load jQuery from a CDN.
- Added support for having only arrows buttons or only the play/pause button.
- Changed the file structure of the themes to reuse common image files and have less files overall.
- Updated the Twitter authentication instructions of the guide to match with changes to the Twitter site.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the JSON files not to bypass cache when the option was turned on.
- Added a new option to process the loading of RSS and JSON files, called “self”, that uses PHP files to load the feeds through.
- Added 2 new files: “load-rss.php” and “load-json.php”.
- Changed the name of the “twitter.php” file to “load-twitter.php”.
- Added 2 new settings: “rssLoadFile” and “jsonLoadFile”.
- Changed the name of the “twitterLoadingFile” setting to “twitterLoadFile”. Added backward compatibility support for the former name.
- Changed the name of the “processService” setting to “loadProcess”. Added backward compatibility support for the former name.
- Changed the default width to “100%” in the CSS code.
- Added default “min-width” and “max-width” values to the CSS code.
- Added a default margin to the CSS code.
- Added a new class to the CSS file, called “mt-font”, to use the ticker font, as opposed to the default page font.
1.10.0 (2 March 2017):
- Added support for loading data using a JSON feed.
1.9.0 (15 January 2017):
- Important! The Google Feed API that the ticker was using has been closed recently. I have removed it and have added 2 other RSS processing services, one as default and the other as an alternative. Anyone who is using RSS loading (width loadType: “process”) should update to the new version of the JS file. All that you need to do is to replace the old “jquery.modern-ticker.min.js” file from the “modern-ticker/js” folder with the new one.
1.8.0 (5 August 2016):
- Improved the typing effect functionality. HTML tags inside the typed text are now supported so that the typed text can have different styles.
- Fixed an error that was causing the typing effect not to display properly when switching back and forth fast between news items.
1.7.0 (29 September 2015):
- Improved the way RSS loading works.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some RSS urls not to work properly.
- Added a new setting called “forceNoCache” to bypass loading cached RSS files, if needed.
- Added console error messages for the “process” load type.
1.6.1 (18 December 2014):
- Fixed an issue that was causing the links not to display properly when loading an RSS file directly.
1.6.0 (6 September 2014):
- Added a new setting to specify if the autoplay pauses when hovering over the news.
- Added a new setting to specify if the news items have the links enabled.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the preloader not to be properly visible when loading data.
1.5.1 (2 September 2014):
- Fixed an error where empty news items were displayed if the “feedCount” was higher than the available number of news items.
- Improved the way that the “feedCount” setting works in order to be able to load the total available items or a variable number of items up to a specified limit.
1.5.0 (10 May 2014):
- Improved the way that the layout works.
- Improved the layout behaviour when the ticker is responsive.
- Fixed an issue in page layouts with subpixel precision.
- Fixed an issue with the news items stacking on top of each other.
- Added a new setting to specify the target page of links for loaded content.
- Added a new setting to specify the path to the Twitter loading file.
- Updated the files and instructions with the new Twitter API key names.
- Updated the initialization code.
- Updated the guide.
- Updated jQuery to the newest version.
1.4.0 (13 February 2014):
- Improved the RSS file loading options. Now there are 2 loading options available.
- Added an example RSS file.
- Updated the instructions.
- Updated the guide.
- Fixed a couple of bugs.
1.3.0 (10 February 2014):
- Added a new setting to specify the type of scrolling, either continuous, with no interruption, or discontinuous, leaving empty space once the list finishes scrolling and before starting again.
- Added a new setting to specify the start position of the scrolling, either from inside or from outside.
1.2.3 (22 August 2013):
- Fixed a bug that was causing the news not to display properly when the width was set as responsive and the window was resized.
1.2.2 (15 August 2013):
- Updated the code of the effects so that the first list items animate as well.
- Fixed a bug that was causing a delay in the refresh of the loaded RSS feed.
1.2.1 (26 June 2013):
- Made an update to the Twitter feed functionality to work with the 1.1 update of the Twitter API.
1.2.0 (13 February 2013):
- Added a setting to control the automatic refresh of dynamically loaded data at an interval of time.
- Added a method to be able to call the refresh through code, if needed.
1.1.0 (9 February 2013):
- Updated the guide.
- Updated the code.
- Updated instructions.
- Updated file structure.
1.0.0 (21 May 2012):
- Launched.