Just to remind you: Almost all the plugins you need to create a complete and professional WordPress website are founded in THE MOST WANTED WORDPRESS PLUGINS PACK: Premium Sliders, Video Players, Logos Showcase, Full Screen Image Or Video Backgrounds, Image and Video Galleries, Audio Players, Radio Players, Carousels, Countdowns, Multimedia Accordion, Event Calendar, Christmas Card.
If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.
Update: March 04, 2024 - images fixes for all the radio players Update: November 03, 2023 - NEW Product has been added: Lono - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player With Playlist - EventoZilla - Event Calendar - help documentation modifications Update: August 18, 2023 Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - removed the '/;' added automatically to the end of stream which made special IceCast streams not play Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - added jQuery dependency for wp_register_script() Update: March 18, 2023 - Universal Video Player - added jQuery dependency for wp_register_script() Update: March 08, 2023 - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider WordPress Plugin - added jQuery dependency for wp_register_script() Update: January 31, 2023 - EventoZilla - Event Calendar - code improvements Update: December 06, 2022 Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO - updates for folder reading option Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - updates for folder reading option - bug fix for favorites option which appear when the player was set as sticky Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin - updates for folder reading option HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - updates for folder reading option Update: August 20, 2022 Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - code improvements for IceCast streams that use Azura Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider - code improvements for loading the next YouTube/Vimeo video on mobile devices - replaced 'cueVideoById' with 'loadVideoById' Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin - updates for 2022 - color picker improvements - code improvements for now playing reading file - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements All In One Slider Responsive Slider - updates for 2022 Update: May 07, 2022 CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - updates for 2022 Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player - new API functions for playing or pausing the player Update: April 03, 2022 - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider WordPress Plugin - updates for 2022 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - added the option to display the current listeners for the standard radio streams - added the option to set the maximum number of songs in the history Update: March 08, 2022 - Sticky HTML5 Music Player With Continuous Playback - updates for 2022 - Universal Video Player - updates for 2022 Update: January 23, 2022 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - for streams it will display the art image from the stream - code improvements - "use strict" mode on - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - new parameter added 'The MSCP PRO json Api URL ( OPTIONAL )' which can be used if you want to display the song cover image from MSCP PRO radio server - new optional 'Optional Shoutcast Sid' added. If you are using a ShoutCast stream and on the ShoutCast server you run multiple radio streams, you can set the 'sid' number so that the history will be displayed correctly. - code improvements for now playing reading file - new parameter added to define the pages where you don't want the player to appear in the footer, if you activated the player for footer - All In One Slider Responsive - code improvements for reading the same of the images in the layers - css modifications Update: December 06, 2021 - Universal Video Player - replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background - replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES - css modifications for tooltip - Sticky Radio Player - replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES - code improvements for now playing reading file -SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES - code improvements - EventoZilla - Event Calendar - replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES - added the option to not show the months without events - it will not show the years without events and the events navigation will be faster Update: November 05, 2021 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - WordPress Plugin - option to select your favorite audio files from the playlist - read folder feature improvements - the 'changeMp3' API function will also auto-play the song - option to start the player minified - new API function added to change the category by clicking a button on the page - Image&Video FullScreen Background WordPress Plugin - code improvements Update: October 08, 2021 - INFINITO - Custom CSS for Chosen Pages and Posts or for Entire Website - code improvements Update: September 19, 2021 - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery - increased the lightbox window size for video content - "use strict" mode on - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - All In One Slider Responsive - code improvements - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher Responsive - code improvements - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin - code improvements for classic version Update: August 20, 2021 - Accordion Slider PRO - code improvements - Multimedia Carousel with Image Video Audio Support - code improvements - Chronos CountDown - code improvements - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background - WP Plugin - code improvements Update: July 17, 2021 - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - "use strict" mode on - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - EventZilla - Event Calendar - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - code improvements for now playing reading file - Multimedia Carousel with Image Video Audio Support - increased the dimension of the video in the lightbox window. - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Magic Slider with Layers & Carousel - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: June 04, 2021 - Universal Video Player - new API function added to change the category by clicking a button on the page - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - js libraries update - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin - for mobile devices, the controls will hide after the play button is pressed - bug fix when the controls were set to always be visible Update: May 19, 2021 - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: May 07, 2021 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: April 26, 2021 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin - duplicating a player will also duplicate the player playlist - button to empty the player playlist Update: April 16, 2021 - Accordion Slider PRO - increased the lightbox window size for video content - updates for 2021 Update: April 08, 2021 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - "use strict" mode on - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - Universal Video Player – YouTube/Vimeo/Self-Hosted - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - CountDown Pro WP Plugin - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: March 12, 2021 - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress Plugin - for the carousel, parameter to enlarge the images on mobile devices - CountDown With Image or Video Background - Responsive WordPress Plugin - updates for 2021 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - WordPress Plugin - updates for 2021 - EventoZilla - Event Calendar - 'Automatically Generate Event Post' parameter was added - 'Show End Date' parameter was added which will allow you to display or not the end date - 'Show The Month First In The Date' parameter was added which will allow you to display the date like Nov 05, 2020 or like 05 Nov 2020 Update: February 16, 2021 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - removed flash fallback - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - replaced musicbrainz api with audiodb api Update: February 02, 2021 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO - "use strict" mode on - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ - image resize on mobile devices, if the images are bigger than 150px - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - radioJar bug fix for history - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - history file improvements - new parameters added 'Path to the artist images/album covers folder' - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - API function to play/pause the player from a button on the page - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player - removed flash fallback - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - code improvement for 'now playing' & 'stream title' files - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - removed flash fallback - code improvement for 'now playing' & 'stream title' files - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - code improvement for 'now playing' & 'stream title' files - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin - moved html5 audio tag inside the script so that it will not be affected by the incorrect usage of mediaelement library - Universal Video Player - WordPress Plugin - it will have bottom playlist when the mobile device is hold in portrait mode for easy readable text Update: January 07, 2021 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - new optional parameters added: Url custom metadata file, Metadata File Type - bug fix which appeared when the player started minified - code improvements for IceCast streams - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin - "use strict" mode on (for the player without playlist) - updates to be compatible with jQuery 3.5+ (for the player without playlist) Update: December 16, 2020 - Magic Christmas Card With Animation - updates for 2020 - code improvements - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - code improvements - Universal Video Player - code improvements - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider - code improvements Update: December 01, 2020 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - option to add up to 4 mp3 files over the video at intervals defined by mp3PlayingInterval - new optional parameter added 'MP3 Playing Interval'. The mp3 defined by mp3FileOverVideo parameter will play at intervals defined here. - new optional parameter added 'The video volume will be set to this percent'. When the mp3 defined by mp3FileOverVideo parameter will start playing the video volume will be the percent defined here from the existing video volume. - new parameter added 'Optional Image Over YouTube Videos'. It will hide the YouTube video with a still image and you'll enjoy only the video sound. - duplicating a player will also duplicate the player playlist - button to empty the player playlist - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin - sessions improvements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - css modifications - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery - sessions improvements - EventoZilla - Event Calendar - Monday will be listed first in the extended version Update: November 10, 2020 - All In One Slider Responsive - reflection file updated - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - code improvements for IceCast streams - new parameter added 'The MSCP PRO json Api URL ( OPTIONAL )' which can be used if you want to display the song cover image from MSCP PRO radio server - Sticky Radio Player - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player - sessions improvements Update: October 24, 2020 - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher Responsive WordPress Plugin - code improvements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - code improvements Update: October 02, 2020 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO - code improvements - CountDown Pro WP Plugin - sessions improvements - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - sessions improvements - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel - sessions improvements - Sticky HTML5 Music Player - css modifications - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider - css modifications - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast - css modifications - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background - css modifications - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - option to display the artist image from the AzuraCast metadata api - modification to compensate the Firefox autoplay blocking - Universal Video Player - code improvements - Multimedia Responsive Carousel - sessions improvements - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - sessions improvements - CountDown With Image or Video Background - Responsive WordPress Plugin - code improvements - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin - sessions improvements - Image&Video FullScreen Background - sessions improvements - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - sessions improvements - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - code improvements - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider - sessions improvements Update: September 07, 2020 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - uninstall bug fix - session_start with 'read_and_close' - CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - code improvements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin - session_start with 'read_and_close' - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin - css modifications - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin - css modifications - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - css modifications - EventZilla - Event Calendar WordPress Plugin - code improvements Update: August 20, 2020 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - EventZilla - Event Calendar WordPress Plugin - css improvements - Universal Video Player: - Google Analytics Tracking improvement - notice fix for 'videos_initial_ord' optional parameter - Multimedia Responsive Carousel - next & previous buttons for the lightbox window Update: August 04, 2020 - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - removed error suppression - Accordion Slider PRO - updates for 2020 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - code improvements - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - css modifications - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - bug fix when the grab artist image parameter was set to false Update: July 04, 2020 - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider WP Plugin - updates for 2020 - Chronos CountDown - updates for 2020 - INFINITO - Custom CSS for Chosen Pages and Posts or for Entire Website - replaced author uri link Update: June 04, 2020 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - new optional parameters added: Url custom metadata file, Metadata File Type, Check IceCast Metadata File First, Path to the artist images/album covers folder - "use strict" mode on - js & css improvements Update: June 02, 2020 - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher: - updates for 2020 - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - updates for 2020 - removed error suppression - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - updates for 2020 Update: May 05, 2020 - CountDown Pro for WebSites: - updates for 2020 - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider - css modification for newer version of Chrome - EventZilla - Event Calendar WordPress Plugin - added transparency for background color of 'Ended' and 'Cancelled' flags - increased the 'search...' field total number of characters - fixed the bug for hour display when 'Use 24 Hours Format' was activated - removed ':' which appeared when dress code was not defined - added 'fa_1x' for next/prev arrows - added overflow hidden for details content area - Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - updates for 2020 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - css modifications - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - now playing feature code improvement - modification to compensate the firefox autoplay blocking - CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - now playing feature code improvement - modification to compensate the firefox autoplay blocking Update: April 23, 2020 - NEW Product has been added: 'EventZilla - Event Calendar WordPress Plugin' worth $20 (total $569) Update: April 08, 2020 - Universal Video Player: - youtube info reader update - added new parameter called 'Advance To Next Video' which will allow you to set if the next movie plays after the current movie has finished - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - WordPress Plugin - now playing feature code improvement - modification to compensate the firefox autoplay blocking - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player - now playing feature code improvement - modification to compensate the firefox autoplay blocking - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin - now playing feature code improvement - modification to compensate the firefox autoplay blocking - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - AzuraCast support added - removed Flash fallback - new optional parameter 'optional_images_path' - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin - updates for 2020 - HTML5 Video Player - updates for 2020 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - bugs fix for IE1 - All In One Slider Responsive - updates for 2020 Update: March 04, 2020 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new optional parameters for the shortcode added: 'url_custom_metdata_file' and 'metadata_file_type' - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin - updates for 2020 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support - WordPress Plugin - code improvements for 'now playing' feature - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin - added option to show the author name in front of the song name, in the player playlist - added option to set the artist image width & height - Multimedia Responsive Carousel WordPress Plugin - next/previous actions using the keyboard - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - updates for 2020 Update: February 04, 2020 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - css width: auto; height: auto; for title for theme compatibility - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - updates for 2020 - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - updates for 2020 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - updates for 2020 - Universal Video Player: - updates for 2020 Update: December 20, 2019 - NEW Product has been added: 'Magic Christmas Card With Animation' Update: December 07, 2019 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - replaced die() function with wp_die() - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: - replaced author uri link Update: November 26, 2019 - Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel: - replaced author uri link - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - code improvements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - replaced die() function with wp_die() Update: November 08, 2019 - All In One Slider Responsive - bug fix for slider with thumbnails - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - optional 'start point' and 'end point' added for each video - code improvements - Zoom In/Out Effect Slider - bug fix Update: October 31, 2019 - HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - bug fix - HTML5 Video Player: - replaced author uri link - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - replaced author uri link - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: - replaced author uri link Update: October 17, 2019 - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - HTTPS compatibility for lightbox - Accordion Slider PRO - updates to the Twitter share feature - HTTPS compatibility for lightbox - CountDown Pro for WebSites: - css modifications for compatibility with Avada theme - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - css modifications for compatibility with Avada theme Update: October 07, 2019 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - IE11 fix for banner display - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - updates to the Twitter share feature - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - replaced author uri link - CountDown Pro for WebSites: - replaced author uri link - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - added player loading delay - replaced author uri link - Magic Slider with Layers & Carousel: - replaced author uri link - HTML5 Video Player: - bottom playlist navigation improvements - added player loading delay, for player without playlist Update: September 10, 2019 - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - replaced die() function with wp_die() - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - bug fix Update: September 03, 2019 - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: - added carousel loading delay - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions with the equivalent .on() - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - added playsinline:1 for YouTube instance Update: August 30, 2019 - NEW Product has been added: 'CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History - Shoutcast and Icecast - WordPress Plugin' Update: August 22, 2019 - All In One Slider Responsive - updated jquery.touchSwipe.min.js file - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions with the equivalent .on() - Chameleon Audio Player: - added player loading delay - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - HTML5 Video Player: - added player loading delay Update: August 07, 2019 - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider WordPress Plugin: - removed error suppression - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - removed error suppression Update: July 26, 2019 - NEW Product has been added: 'Chronos CountDown - Responsive Flip Timer With Image or Video Background - WordPress Plugin' Update: July 18, 2019 - HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - CountDown Timer PRO: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - removed error suppression - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - removed error suppression - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - code improvements Update: July 04, 2019 - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - removed error suppression - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - replaced the .click(), .mouseover(), .mouseoout() etc functions, from the plugin JS file, with the equivalent .on() - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - removed error suppression - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - css update - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - code improvements Update: June 25, 2019 - NEW Product has been added: 'Accordion Slider PRO - Responsive Image And Video WordPress Plugin' Update: June 21, 2019 - All In One Slider Responsive: - code improvements - UberSlider - Layer Slider: - code improvements - Universal Video Player: - added 'playsinline:1' for YouTube instance - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: - code improvements - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - code improvements - CountDown Pro WP Plugin: - code improvements - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: - code improvements Update: June 07, 2019 - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - added autoplay for YouTube videos on IOS/Android - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: May 23, 2019 - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - code improvements - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - code improvements - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code improvements Update: May 11, 2019 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - replaced the LastFM API Update: May 09, 2019 - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - code improvements - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - replaced the LastFM API - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - replaced the LastFM API - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - replaced the LastFM API - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - replaced the LastFM API Update: April 25, 2019 - Universal Video Player: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - updated the help documentation - Zoom In/Out Effect Slider: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - CountDown Pro: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: April 03, 2019 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - HTML5 Audio Player: - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements Update: March 20, 2019 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - All In One Slider Responsive Slider - reflection library updated - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.2 - updated the help information regarding FaceBook Share - Universal Video Player - 'Center Player' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the player will center on the page - multiple code improvements - UberSlider - Layer Slider - updates for HTTPS compatibility - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider - added setTimeOut option Update: February 28, 2019 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code modifications for the display of the artist image - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - code modifications for the display of the artist image - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code modifications for the display of the artist image - Sticky Radio Player: - code modifications for the display of the artist image - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code modifications for the display of the artist image Update: February 19, 2019 - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: - multiple code improvements - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the player will center on the page - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - css update - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - autoplay for video background on Chrome - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - autoplay for video background on Chrome Update: February 04, 2019 - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider will center on the page - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider WP Plugin - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the player will center on the page - Image&Video FullScreen Background WordPress Plugin - bug fix: a missing 'Name - required' message - CountDown Pro WP Plugin - bug fix: a missing 'Name - required' message - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the showcase will center on the page - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider will center on the page - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher - multiple code improvements - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the player will center on the page Update: January 22, 2019 - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress Plugin: - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider/carousel will center on the page - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - multiple code improvements - Radio Player With Playlist - Shoutcast and Icecast: - code modifications for reading the 'Current Song' features - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code modifications for reading the 'Current Song' features - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - code modifications for reading the 'Current Song' features - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code updates - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider: - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider will center on the page - All In One Slider Responsive: - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider will center on the page - Multimedia Responsive Carousel WordPress Plugin: - 'Center Plugin' parameter was added. By setting it 'true' the slider will center on the page Update: January 11, 2019 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player Pro: - bug fix for category selection - improvements for shuffle option - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements reading id3v2 tags Update: December 16, 2018 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - cookie improvement for continuous playback feature - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - cookie improvement for continuous playback feature - HTML5 Video Player: - autoplay on Chrome - fullscreen feature fix - Universal Video Player: - screenfull.min.js library updated to the latest version - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - screenfull.min.js library updated to the latest version - Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery: - updated the jquery.prettyPhoto.js library Update: December 09, 2018 - NEW Product has been added: 'INFINITO - Custom CSS for Chosen Pages and Posts or for Entire Website' - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: - increased the playlist scroll when using mouse wheel - Universal Video Player: - increased the playlist scroll when using mouse wheel - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - increased the playlist scroll when using mouse wheel Update: December 01, 2018 - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin- increased the playlist scroll when using the mouse wheel - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player Pro: - increased the playlist scroll when using mouse wheel - improvements for read folder feature - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - cookie improvement for continuous playback feature - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - increased the history scroll when using mouse wheel - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - increased the history scroll when using mouse wheel Update: November 22, 2018 - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - increased the playlist scroll when using mouse wheel - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - now you also have the option to set the video background only for a div. - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements Update: November 01, 2018 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements Update: October 31, 2018 - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - multiple code improvements - HTML5 Audio Player: - multiple code improvements - All In One Slider: - reflection library updated - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - cors update - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - cors update - HTML5 Video Player: - multiple code improvements - reflection library updated - CountDown Pro: - multiple code improvements - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.1 - added FaceBook share parameter - multiple code improvements - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.1 - added FaceBook share parameters Update: October 19, 2018 - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - bug fix for thumbs navigation on full width version - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - API function to load a new song from a button on the page Update: October 04, 2018 - NEW Product has been added: ' Famous - Responsive Image And Video Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin ' - SHOUT HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - radio server status checking: online/offline - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.1 - added FaceBook share parameters - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.1 - added FaceBook share parameters Update: September 27, 2018 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - fixed a bug for 'Show Bio Button' parameter - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - updated the FaceBook API to the latest version 3.1 - added FaceBook share parameters - multiple code improvements Update: August 29, 2018 - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - multiple code improvements - All In One Slider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin: - we've changed the layers admin interface - added 'Duplicate' option for slider, playlist item and layers - new video tutorials Update: August 21, 2018 - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin: - new parameter for delay player loading - multiple code improvements - SHOUT HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - new parameter for delay player loading - multiple code improvements - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider: - code improvements - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: - code improvements - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - multiple code improvements - Image&Video FullScreen Background: - multiple code improvements - UberSlider Layer Slider: - multiple code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - multiple code improvements - All In One Slider Responsive Slider: - removed googleapis server for the loading of fonts - multiple code improvements - xPromoter Top Bar Switcher Responsive: - code improvements - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: - code improvements Update: July 16, 2018 - All In One Slider Responsive: - new parameter added for the carousel called 'Active Item Optional Class'. As an option, you can define a class name for the active item (the item which is in the middle) - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: - new parameter added for the carousel called 'Active Item Optional Class'. As an option, you can define a class name for the active item (the item which is in the middle) - Universal Video Player - WordPress Plugin: - code improvements - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - code improvements - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - code improvements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - code improvements - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast: - code improvements - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements - CountDown Pro: - code improvements - Sticky Radio Player - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: - code improvements - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider: - code improvements - Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel - code improvements Update: July 02, 2018 - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - if not sticky, Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - if not sticky, Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix Update: June 26, 2018 - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: - updated the Vimeo API to the latest version - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - code improvements for website navigation - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - code improvements for website navigation - new parameter for delay player loading - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: - updated the Vimeo API to the latest version - Universal Video Player - YouTube, Vimeo & Self-Hosted: - updated the Vimeo API to the latest version Update: June 08, 2018 - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin - Chrome auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix - Safari 11 on Mac auto-play restriction for HTML5 audio & video tags fix Update: May 21, 2018 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube: - auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - code improvements - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams Update: May 02, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - code improvements for pop-up feature - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - new parameter called 'Cookie Expiration Time' used to set the cookie (used for continuous playback on all pages) expiration time in days - Video Player & Video Background: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code improvements for pop-up feature Update: April 19, 2018 - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize - HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated Update: April 10, 2018 - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated - Zuper Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix Update: March 28, 2018 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time Update: March 01, 2018 - Radio Player With Playlist: - code improvements - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin: - bug fix - SHOUT HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - bug fix - Zuper Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - bug fix - HTML5 Video Player: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - bug fix - HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements Update: February 20, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: bug fix which appeared on IOS when the playlist had not scroll - Universal Video Player - YouTube_Vimeo_SelfHosted: code improvements - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube: code improvements Update: February 12, 2018 Update: February 07, 2018 Update: January 30, 2018 Update: January 17, 2018 Update: January 05, 2018 - NEW Product has been added: 'Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - WordPress Plugin' Update: November 28, 2017 Update: November 24, 2017 Update: November 03, 2017 - NEW Product has been added: 'SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support' Update: November 01, 2017 Update: September 19, 2017 Update: September 12, 2017 Update: August 22, 2017 Update: August 01, 2017 - NEW Product has been added: Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player Update: July 05, 2017 Update: June 20, 2017 Update: June 09, 2017 Update: May 02, 2017 Release Date: April 10, 2017