Mstore Expo – Complete React Native template for WooCommerce

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Flutter Mobile App: FluxStore WooCommerce - Flutter ecommerce full app

Flutter Mobile App: FluxStore Multi Vendors - Flutter marketplace app

– Version: 5.0.1
– Last update: 01/10/2023
– This is Exclusive Product Licence from Envato

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Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 5
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 6
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 7
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 8
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 9
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 10
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 11
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 12
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 13
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 14
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 15
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 16
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 17
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 18
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 19
You are developers who are challenged to develop store mobile application in a shorter time.
You question how can MStore help. Here are your answers.

You are shop-owners of physical stores with high-traffic consumers and think to go digital. Or you are online shop-owners with E-Commerce websites. Both of you want to maximize sale opportunities.

Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 20 Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 21

For those who own physical shops and developers, with MStore, you have variety ready-to-use E-commerce templates to create your mobile store application. If you had your online shops in WooCommerce, MStore supports you to convert your current websites to mobile store app easily. Your store mobile app will be found in both App Store and Google Play Store. With MStore, your mobile app gives higher user-experience comparing to website-on-mobile. Your products will appear clear and can be zoom without any format error. While you can control your store and orders of shoppers, your shoppers also can connect and stay aware of all promotions and announcements of your stores if they have your app on their mobiles.

Either you are business people with raising sale ambition or developers with faster mobile application creation need, MStore provides you solutions.
Faster- Smoother- Closer.

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Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 26
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 27
Mstore Expo - Complete React Native template for WooCommerce - 28

Change logs:

Version 5.0.1

Update - fix build issue on Expo

Version 5.0.0

1. Update - latest Expo 48.x
2. Update - fix some compatible issue on latest library

Version 4.8.0

1. Update - fix some compatible issue on latest library
2. Update - latest react native and package.json libraries

Version 4.7.0

1. Update - fix some compatible issue on latest library
2. Update - latest react native and package.json libraries

Version 4.5.0

1. Update - fix warning unsafe
2. Update - fix loading asset issues
3. Update - fix some compatible issue on latest library
4. Update - latest react native and package.json libraries

Version 4.4.0

1. Update - support react Hook
2. Update - upgrade router and navigator v5.x
3. Update - fixed some issues related to Address and Login screens
4. Update - latest package.json libraries

Version 4.1.0

1. Update - latest Expo 39.0
2. Update - compatible with latest NodeJS 
3. Update - latest package.json library

Version 4.0.0
1. New – Load Config file from server to show Home screen
2. Update – latest Expo and React Native
3. Update – Fix select default country in Delivery screen
4. Fix some issues related User Profile screen
5. Update – latest package.json libraries

Version 3.9.8

1. Update - latest mstore-api plugin (improve security and remove depend on JSON API)
2. Update - fix some logins issues
3. Update - minor bug fix and improvement
3. Update - latest Expo 36.x and depencies libraries

Version 3.9.7

1. New - add Apple Sign in
2. New - add Currency Switching
3. Update - many bug fixes and improvements
4. Update - latest Expo 36.x

Version 3.9.6

1. New - add new Mstore API - (replace for existing mstore-checkout)
2. Update - update latest Expo 0.35
3. Update - fix payment issues
4. Update - fix searching jumping issues
5. Update - coupon and review tab issues
6. Update - update latest library and api-commerce

Version 3.9.3

1. New - support Android X
2. Update - latest Expo 0.34
3. Update - minor bugs fix.
4. Update - all latest dependencies libraries 

Version 3.9.0

Dear customers, we are excited to announce new MStore 3.9.0 with following updates:
1. New - add new Promotion Banner Flash Sale with the coundown
2. New - add new Blog horizontal layout on homepage
3. New - add new update for Product Varaiant Dropdown selection
4. New - Add new Sorting on product list
5. Update - minor bug fix from Github 
6. Update - latest stable React Native 0.59.9 and Expo 0.33 

Note: please update the latest build.grade on this version to fix some build issue on Android and update the build.grade to 3.4.0 - thank you!

Version 3.8.0

1. New - Support SMS Login by using Facebook Account Kit
2. New - Support for Affiliate business, now it’s easy to update convert the app as the affiliate with the magic config Affiliate: { enable: true }
3. New - Add new categories layout UI.
4. New - Support Order note.
5. New - Support the Pin & zoom Image from when viewing the product detail.
6. Update - Add new subcategories from the categories filters.
7. Update - Checking the available stock when ordering or adding the number of products.
8. Update - Fix crash issue on Android 9.
9. Update - Fix Login issue on Android Samsung Galaxy.
10. Update - Fix the refund & return issues.
11. Update - Fixed the “going” Order status when creating new Order
12. Minor bug fix (#400, #539, #496) and latest React Native, libraries updates.

Version 3.7.0

1. New - add more 9 demo layouts, 
2. New - add an option to switch to Black mode
3. New - add a new filter at the category screen
4. New - support Return & Refund Order
5. Update - demo app on Android & Appstore
6. Update - improve billing address UX
7. Update - improve MyOrder detail screen
8. Fix - RTL issues (#270), #315, sign up & facebook login issues (Android), black theme issues
9. Update latest React native 0.58 & Expo v32.0

- Make sure you have update Android to latest SDK 28,
- Make sure using the fresh download to build on Android as there are the major change from the

version 3.6.5 (14/12/2018):

1. NEW - improve Android performance 
2. UPDATE - latest React Native libraries
3. FIXED - minor UI bugs fix and UX improvement

version 3.6.4 (24/11/2018):

1. UPDATE - ANDROID performance optimize 
2. UPDATE - latest library 
3. FIXED - My order detail, show the detail Order is fixed

1. NEW - Dark theme, bring 2x value pack UI, more tuning and powerful
2. NEW - Search screen: update new UI, add recent history, add Filter screen to support finding product effectively.
3. NEW - Add option to manage billing Address.
4. NEW - Add confirm checkout information: showing subtotal, discount, shipping, total...
5. NEW - Support more category layout (CategoryListView: false)
6. NEW - the Mobile mask for a phone number, show as the placeholder (checkout screen)
7. NEW - Checkout screen: Improve UI when selecting the country list
8. NEW - Detail screen: Add Related product
9. NEW - Profile screen: Privacy policy, Term & Condition
10. NEW - Homepage screen: add new categories navigation
11. NEW - Checkout page: add trash icon to remove the product item easier
12. UPDATE - the keyboard adapt when typing 
13. UPDATE - the default country and currency, now we can update from the config.js file easier
14. UPDATE - Support to config just one default Country when checkout, update via config.js file
15. UPDATE - Performance improvement
16. FIX - offline issues, navigation issues, lock portrait mode...

version 3.6.0 (26/10/2018):

version 3.4.6 (18/04/2018):

1. Fixed empty login screen on Android
2. Fixed login screen blank when typing
3. Fixed Login blank & still showing on the menu and will take you to login screen even after user is logged in. 
4. Fixed Product Description text i blank on product page on Android
5. WishList page Arabic version
6. Fixed Android header -
7. Fixed some issues RTL
8. Some minor UI bugs fixed
9. Add profile detail page 

version 3.4.5 (06/04/2018):

1- Add image for variant 
2- Add on boarding
3- Fixed splash screen issue on Android
4- Fix login issue on Facebook
5- Fix payment issues
6- Fix coupon_line is not array 
7- Add menu category options to left side bar
8- Many bug fix and improve performance
9- Add new build script for easier to setup: yarn setup
10- Fix issues on iPhoneX
11- Update Expo and React Native to latest version
12- Support installing library via pod by using: react-native link

29 Dec, version 3.4.4

1. Improve the product detail description 
2. Support fix price coupon percentage 
3. Fixed coupon issue
4. Fixed sign up issues, please also update the mstore checkout plugin v1.1.0
5. Fixed Wishlist navigation
6. Fixed product detail description
7. Fixed issue on Wishlist click on the item in order to view it, error navigation 
8. Fixed menu News issues 
9. Fixed Image product detail and description layout
10. Fixed Order issues caused by missing Shipping line and email 
11. Auto load the billing address on next ordering
12. Fixed checkout issue from WordPress site -
13. Fixed missing token when user sign up
14. Fixed Facebook login issue
15. Update latest React Native and Expo

9 Dec, version 3.4

1. Support multi payment gateway
2. Add coupon feature
3. Add Shipping feature
4. Fix warning: React.PropTypes, React.createClass 
5. Update to latest Expo & React Native
6. Update config file for easy to modify
7. Upgrade config for status bar
8. Fixed https issues
9. Update react-navigation to latest version
10. Fixed image source issue from category page
11. Add parallax effect into Category page.
12. Update the left side bar  performance on Android
13. Add custom screen that could fetch any URL via webview, the menu item "Marketing Email" 
14. Hide the Tabbar when show product detail
15. Improve UX on tab navigation
16. Update Out of Stock checking
17. Improve security on Payment by remove key config from Strip & Paypal
18. Secure your Payment gateway without extra config
19. Add new video guide to setup the app completely.
20. Add animate processing with cool animated
21. Fixed Facebook login issues
22. Fixed issue after Logout

5/07/2017 Version 3.0

- Release new Expo version for Mstore

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Informação adicional

Compatible Software

iOS 12, Android 9.0

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JS, CSS, JavaScript JSON, JavaScript JSON

Video Preview Resolution


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