Multi Counters – Increasing the Conversion of Purchases via any Counters, Countdowns and Timers

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Multi Counters – easily creating any counters, countdowns and timers with triggers

Multi Counters – marketing tool for increasing the conversion of purchases by creating a scarcity effect, urgency effect and social proof via any counters, countdowns and timers with triggers.


  • Countdown to a certain date
  • Countdown for a certain time
  • Counter with any amount
  • Set a cookie for visitors
  • Set Up triggers when the count ends
  • 8 demos included
  • Custom styling

What can you use the Multi Counters for?

  • Create scarcity effect with limited amount of whatever you are offering
  • Create urgency effect with limited time offers
  • Create social proof by showing how popular your offer is & how many people are rushing in to buy it
  • Setup limited-time offers. Setup limited-amount offers
  • Time anything


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