Multiple Campus School Management System

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School management system plays an essential role in the current educational system. School authorities all over the world are engaged in a lot of day-to-day administrative and academic activities to manage and provide a better academic experience to students effectively. However, maintaining and keeping track of school administrative activities is not an easy process in the fast-growing world. It requires hard work and often it is time-consuming.

To better perform the administrative activities of educational institute and to assure parents the real-time progress and security of their children, educational institutes utilize school management software nowadays. Such applications often offer many features that help to enhance the performance of schools with minimum efforts. The objective of this system is to manage school activities through software system and avoid manual processing with online system access to students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders to view their respective activities.

This school system consists of eight different roles – students, teachers, parents, principal, administrator, finance administrator, exam administrator and super administrator. Each role has separate permissions and menu settings.

Live Demo URL:

Admin Portal Credentials:

Username: admin
Password: admin@456

Teachers Portal Credentials:

Username: jthomas
Password: jthomas

Students Portal Credentials:

Username: 1011
Password: 1011

Parents Portal Credentials:

Username: karry
Password: karry@111

Principal Portal Credentials:

Username: graceharris
Password: graceharris

Finance Admin Portal Credentials:

Username: msmith
Password: msmith

Exam Admin Portal Credentials:

Username: tdonald
Password: tdonald

Key Features:

School system consists of nine main modules.
1. Configurations
2. Students Admission
3. Users
4. Manage Classes
5. Academics
6. Exams
7. Finances
8. Manage Roles
9. Reports

Configurations module contains institute, campus, session, departments, classroom and designation settings. Students module contains admission and students information. Users module contains parents, teachers, administrators and principal information. Manage classes module contains classes, sections, class teacher, subjects and class subjects. Academics module contains timetable, daily attendance, attendance summary, syllabus, assignments and events calendar. Exams module contains grading, exams, marks, result card and promotion. Finances module contains fee types, class fee structure, monthly fee generation and voucher print, bulk fee voucher print, expense category, expenses, expenses summary, free/scholarship students and concession students. Manage roles module (only visible to superadmin) contains roles, modules, activities and role permissions. Reports module contains reports of students, documents checklist, teachers, class subjects, timetable, attendance, exam marks, expenses, student fee, free/scholarship students, concession students, total fee and class wise total fee.


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017, ASP.NET Framework 4.8, Entity Framework Dapper, MS SQL SERVER 2012, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, bootstrap, Monarch UI theme, Font Awesome etc.

Prerequisite Application:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017, .NET Framework 4.8, MS SQL SERVER 2012, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.


If you want to modify or add new features, you can always contact us at

Version 1.4 : 02/07/2023

- Bulk Admission error message shown on not saving.
- Multiple languages support provided.
- Left menu removed while printing reports.
- Menu's were not working on localhost environment for users other than super admin and fixed now.
- Class fee structure was not saving for new session and have been fixed now.
- Arrears were not saving for concession students and have been fixed now. 
- Father name and mobile # columns added in Fee report Export.

Version 1.3 : 03/05/2023

- Restricted finance user to edit paid fee voucher. Only Admin can edit paid fee vouchers.
- On bulk fee voucher print, hided free students and only print non free students vouchers.
- Added concession amount in discount head while generating student fee and shown discount on fee voucher.
- Added annual charges in annual charges head while generating student fee and shown annual charges on fee voucher.
- Made class wise bulk voucher page so that two students vouchers shown on single page instead of one student to avoid paper cost.
- Shown students name in alphabetical order on add attendance page to search students quickly.
- Made class wise bulk fee print page to save time and effort.
- Dashboard fee amount will only be visible to Admin users only.
- Date wise fee report made to see daily income.
- Date wise expense report made to see daily expenses.
- Made class wise student fee generation page to generate students fee vouchers each month.
- Inactive students fee removed from Dashboard counts, student fee report and student date wise fee report.
- On Edit student fee, current date shown in fee date as paid date.
- Arrears calculated on previous pending fee instead of previous month.
- Attendance summary class section names shown alphabetically.

Version 1.2 : 15/03/2023

- Increased page size on all listing screens from 10 to 50.
- Mobile menu visibility issue resolved.
- Startup URL set to Login screen.
- Teacher profile update issue resolved.
- Serial no. column added on students daily attendance.
- Totals row added at the footer of attendance summary screen. 
- Teacher was unable to mark attendance from mobile device and fixed now.
- Fee voucher template updated.
- Bulk Fee voucher template updated.
- Fee Arrears were not calculating in whole class fee generation and fixed now.
- Teacher restricted to see his/her assigned class students only.

Version 1.1 : 12/01/2023

- class dropdown change was not populating sections correctly and has fixed now.
- Teacher restricted to mark attendance of his/her assigned classes only.
- New dashboard made for parents role.
- Dashboard URL updated for each role.

Version 1.0 : 13/12/2022

- Initial Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

.NET 4.8, .NET 4.7, .NET 4.6

Demo Url

https://broadpeakschool.knowledge Avenue

High Resolution


Source Files Included

C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, CSS

Video Preview Resolution


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