Multisite & Domain Mapping Plugin

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Turn your website into a more professional website using the Multisite & Domain Mapping features.

Before you Purchase:

  • Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of LaraClassifier or JobClass to use this feature.


  • Customize URLs with Domain Mapping (by setting a sub-domain (or domain) per country).
  • Allow you to use the core app with multiple sub-domains or domains.
  • Allow you to set logo and website name per country (Convenient for multi domains use).
  • Optimize your website SEO per sub-domain (or per domain).
  • All the other purchased add-ons will be available for the configured domains / subdomains.

NOTE: Since the Multisite & Domain Mapping plugin does the same job (and better) as (than) the “Multi-countries URLs Optimization” option, by installing the Multisite & Domain Mapping plugin you can no longer enable the “Multi-countries URLs Optimization” feature.



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