Narratium – Simplicity for authors

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Narratium is a modern responsive WordPress theme designed and built for writers and bloggers. Created with simplicity in mind.

All Narratium configuration options are integrated and use native WordPress functions for ease the managing, avoiding struggle in dealing with third complex configuration panels that become obsolete over time. This makes it a perfect theme for both advanced and beginners WordPress users.

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Features Resume

Dynamic Navigation (AJAX): AJAX Navigation can be activated with just one click to accelerate and approach the navigation throughout the website. Come with various transition effects.

Text Format Tags for Titles: Narratium introduces titles (and subtitles) with text format tags. This allows you to give text format tags (bold, italic, color) to your post’s titles and subtitles.

Extended Template System: Narratium implement a system of templates que permite que dichas templates puedan ser intercambiables. Así por ejemplo puedes.

Focused in the future: Narratium is compatible with WordPress Gutenberg and follows closely its development.

Custom author avatar: Every author can upload an avatar to display on their profile page from the administration site.

Featured images for every category: You can link an image with every category of the site. This image is displayed on the top of the category site.

Color Schemes: Narratium come with a serie of predefined color schemes that can be selected for the entire theme and also individually for any post. You can set the theme with a color scheme but configure any post to display with others colors, adding a plus of customization for your posts.

Post Co-authors: In some magazines you can find articles written by various authors in conjunction. In Narratium you can indicate co-authors for your posts. These co-authors appears in the theme next to the post’s author.

Video covers for posts: You can upload a video file to display it in the place of the featured image of the post.

Category templates: You can easily set up the design you want to display the items in every different category of the site.

Read time: Narratium can automatically count how many words has every article to give to the reader an idea of its length and time it will take to read it.

Interview support: You can convert every article in an interview by adding questions and answers through interview buttons that come with the theme and appear in the content editor.

Word Count Tool: Literatum can automatically count how many words has every article to give to the reader an idea of its length and time it will take to read it.

Icons: Narratium imports a custom typeface that display icons anywhere on the page and let you manipulate them easily as if they were a text. You can easily accompany the site menus and content of the articles with any of these over 400 icons by adding them as it is explained in the documentation. See image.

Designed for social networks: Every Narratium item contains the corresponding metadata to ease the sharing on the major social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Fully prepared for Twitter Cards.


Translatable into any language (includes English and Spanish).

Author’s contact field included. Every author can add their Twitter and Facebook username and will appear on the profile. Besides, these contact data will be also used when any visitor shares an article on the social networks.

Online Documentation.

Responsive, to adapt articles to any device and to be read from anywhere without losing legibility.

Version 1.2.7 - 25 August 2022
- Updated custom internal framework version
- Fixed issues with the post share media headers feature
- Improved AJAX Navigation and fixed some related bugs.
- Fixed bug with format titles and subtitles colors not displaying correctly on single pages.
Version 1.2.6 - 06 January 2022
- Fixed some bugs related with the latest version of WordPress 5.8+
- Added theme.json file
Version 1.2.5 - 08 April 2021
- Fix bug in Format for Titles feature in WP version 5.7+
Version 1.2.4 - 01 January 2021
- Added "Featured Image" column to posts table in Admin pages.
- Added option to show/hide the "Go back to home" button in the main sidebar (option in Appearance -> customize -> Homepage settings)
- Experimental: AJAX navigation is now using URL object (
- Updated demo data file.
- Improved style for new Social Buttons Block.
- Improved style for content image captions.
- Improved style for <code> elements.
- Improved helper classes for content elements.
- Fixed Bug with integrated textarea's editors in custom options in latests WP versions.
- Fixed bug with custom image field uploads.
Version 1.2.3 - 10 December 2019
- Fixed style issues with Columns block.
- Fixed style issues with Video block.
- Improved compatibility with Gutenberg.
- Improved style aspects related with margins and paddings for Gutenberg blocks layout.
- Fixed text align issues by default in Gutenberg blocks (now the text is aligned to left by default instead of center).
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.2.2 - 13 December  2018
- Fixed author profile image bug.
- Fixed Post lists widget date bug.
- Added option to disable social media SEO metadata in theme features page.
- Fix RTL text in post titles when format for titles is enabled.
Version 1.2.1 - 10 December 2018
- Adapted format in title feature to Gutenberg/Wordpress 5.
- Adapted subtitles for posts feature to Gutenberg/Wordpress 5.
- Fixed user profile social media buttons.
- Improved internal framework.
Version 1.2.0 - 9 September 2018
- Fixed featured image for pages bug.
- Fixed some responsive issues.
- Fixed author profile image bug.
Version 1.1.9 - 4 August 2018
- Improved Format for post title feature
- Improved post subtitles feature
- Now some special features can be enabled/disabled in Appearance/Themes features
- Fixed logo bug with image sizes and PHP7+
- Improved internal framework.
Version 1.1.8 - 4 June 2018
- Fixed crop logo bug.
- Fixed "read time" bug.
Version 1.1.7 - 25 May 2018
- Added pagination in author profiles.
- Fix custom author templates bug.
- Improved internal framework.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.1.6 - 23 May 2018
- Added option to filter posts by category in templates
- Added option to filter posts by tags in templates
- Added option to change posts order in templates
- Added option to change the posts per page displayed in every template
- Improved templates system
- Added special classes for images and elements (.full-width and .wild-element)
- Added 2 new color schemes, Radar and Violet.
Version 1.1.5 - 10 April 2018
- Fix autosave bug with post's titles bug.
Version 1.1.4 - 29 March 2018
- Added back-to-top button feature for mobile.
- Added "Featured post" widget.
- Added "Posts column" widget
- Added "Posts list" widget.
- Added "Extra JS" field in the AJAX navigation to execute custom code at the end of every AJAX request.
- Fixed "go back" bug in AJAX navigation.
- Spanish translation revised.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.1.3 - 12 March 2018
- Fix scroll bug in Firefox.
- Added CSSGram effects for images in masonry template.
Version 1.1.2 - 6 March 2018
- Fixed responsive related bugs.
- Added demo content xml included in the download.
- Added extra navigation controls to Masonry template.
Version 1.1.1 - 6 February 2018
- Added german translation (thanks Volker!). 
- Added post credits feature to single post template and featured image + content template. 
- Added new template for search results. 
- Added initial support for CSS Hero (WIP). 
- Added display/hide options for masonry template. 
- Fixed hardcoded strings for location. 
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.1.0 - 29 January 2018
- Fixed bug related with cover images 
- Fixed bug related with some versions of PHP.
Version 1.0.9 - 24 January 2018
- Added more customize options to photo grid template
    Display/hide meta info (post author, read time, comments count)
    Overlay styles (high dark, light dark, flat dark, etc)
    CSSGram effects integrated!
- Improved navigation controls.
- Improved spanish translation.
- Fix bug with video covers in dynamic single template
- Fix bug with AJAX controls
Version 1.0.8 - 11 January 2018
- Fixed minor bugs related with old PHP versions
Version 1.0.7
- Release!

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x

Compatible With
Demo Url


Well Documented

Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Widget Ready



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