
Note: You can use any mobile number for signup process and verificaiton code is 1234
Admin Panel Access
Foodies Admin Panel Click here password:123456
Rider Panel Access
Foodies Rider Panel Click here password:123456
Restaurant Panel Access
Foodies Restaurant Panel Click here password:123456
This Food Ordering Clone Script is the first of its kind Clone in the world and is ideal for any on-demand delivery business or food delivery apps like UberEats/Postmate/seamless or for even online food ordering websites
Application features :
- Register/Login with Facebook
- RegisterLogin with Google
- Register/Login with Email
- Phone No Verification (Twillo)
- Forgot Password
- Show Nearby Restaurants
- Featured Restaurants – Featured/promoted Restaurants will come first in the list
- Search Restaurants
- Filter Restaurant based on Specialty
- Add Favorite Restaurant
- Restaurant Profile includes
- Restaurant Name
- Restaurant Slogan
- Restaurant Description
- Restaurant Image
- Restaurant food delivery price based on user’ location
- Restaurant Cooking time
- Restaurant Delivery Time
- Restaurant Ratings
- Restaurant Menu with prices
- Opening and Closing Time
- Payment
- Cash On delivery
- Debit/Credit Card (Stripe)
- Checkout Feature
- Add to cart
- Select or add new delivery address
- Choose Payment Method
- Delivery / Pickup
- Promo code
- Discount
- Tax
- Rider tip
- Free delivery if order met the desired price
- Order History
- Track Order
- When user registers
- New order Placed
- Push Notifications with firebase
- Order Detail and status
- Order is in processing
- Order has been accepted and Restaurant is processing it
- Rider is on the way to restaurant for pickup
- Rider has picked up the food
- Rider is on the way to customer
- Rider has delivered the food
- Admin Panel
- Add restaurant
- Edit restaurant
- Promote Restaurant
- Block Restaurant
- Manage menu item
- Able to see all users
- Edit and change password of user
- Search users
- Manage Orders
- See order by filter of status
- Track order status
- Assign order to rider
- See order details
- Add riders
- See rider details
- Verify Rider Documents
- Block Rider
- Rider Order Status
- Manage app Sliders
- See multiple cities tax information
- Able to add tax information
- Able to edit tax information
- Able to Delete tax informtaion
- Manage currency information
- Able to add currency information
- Able to edit currency information
- Able to Delete currency informtaion
Foodies Delivery Boy Android App, Foodies Android application Customer App, Foodies Restaurant Tablet App, and Foodies IOS application Customer App all are separate products and you need to purchase them separately.
If you purchase Foodies android application you will get android application, and Php Based back end panel.
NOTE: Setting up application doesn’t include in product price. You can do set up by yourself or can hire our technical person to do that for you but that will be a paid task.
Change Log
Version 2.1.2 Updated 10 May 2021 1. Bug Fixing 2. SQL Updated
Version 2.1.1 Updated 27 April 2021 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing -Android App 1. Bug Fixing & improvements
Version 2.0.9 Updated 13 June 2020 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing 2. Security & improvements -Restaurant Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Session Handling -Admin Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Setting [New] 3. Session Handling -Rider Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Session Handling -Android App 1. Bug Fixing & improvements For more information
Version 2.0.8 Updated 5 May 2020 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing 2. Paypal [New] -Restaurant Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Manage Manage Menu [New] 3. Able to Delete Menu 4. Bell Sound if new order comes [New] -Admin Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Scheduled Order Display [New] 3. Manage Manage Menu [New] 4. Able To Edit Tax Details [Fixed] 5. Change Password Page [Fixed] 6. Improve Register Restaurant (Preview images) [Fixed] 7. If Restaurant Blocked , it will not show in speciality filter too [Fixed] 8. Bell Sound if new order comes [New] -Rider Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Register Rider [New] -Android App 1. Schedule Order [New] 2. New Payment Method [Paypal][New] For more information
Version 2.0.7 Updated 13 April 2020 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing -Restaurant Panel 1. Bug Fixing For more information
Version 2.0.6 Updated 18 Feb 2020 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing For more information
Version 2.0.5 Updated 3 Feb 2020 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing & New Features 2. Fixed superAdmin Login issue 3. Fixed email sending issue -Admin Panel 1. Bug Fixing & enhancement 2. Earning Report [NEW] -Restaurant Earning -Rider Earning -Restaurant Panel 1. Bug Fixing & enhancement 2. Delete Coupan Code [NEW] 3. Restaurant Earning [NEW] For more information
Version 2.0.4 Updated 20 Dec 2019 -Mobile API 1. Bug Fixing & New Features -Admin Panel 1. Bug Fixing 2. Rider Request(Able to receive request from Rider Portal) [New] -See All List -Able To Remove 3. Restaurant Request(Able to receive request from Restaurant Portal) [New] -See All List -Able To Remove 4. Reset Password [New] 5. Menu with Images [New] 6. Able to Block Users [New] 7. Active/Deactive Menu Items [New] 8. Restaurant Closing Time [Fixed] 9. Push Notification To All Users [New] 10.Left Menu Count [New] 11.Inbox (Able to chat with rider) [New] For more information
Version 2.0.3 Updated 24 Oct 2019 -Mobile API 1. Fixed Email Template Pricing issue 2. Rider order status fixed 3. Admin panel order status fixed For more information
Version 2.0.2 Updated 21 Oct 2019 -Android 1. Add to cart Fixed -Mobile API 1. Variables.php For more information
Version 2.0.1 Updated 19 Oct 2019 -Android 1. Restaurant open/close time Fixed 2. Android loading page on order details page Fixed 3. Android add to card crash Fixed -Admin Panel 1. Add admin Users and change their password from admin panel NEW 2. Can Edit Restaurent information 3. Can Edit users name and their email addresss 4. Can Edit Profile picture and cover image of restaurant 5. Can Edit restaurant open/close time 6 Can add admin users and able to change password For more information
Version 2.0 Updated 16 Oct 2019 - Rider App has been deleted from the customer app. Now rider app is separate and will be purchased separately - The admin,restaurant,rider panels are completely redesigned. - new functions have been changed and added in the mobileapp_api folder. - Improved Performance
Foodies Restaurant Food Delivery v1.1.5 //Replace apiController.php file in mobileapp_api - Fixes Deals Screen - Bugs removed - Improved Performance //Replace files in android project 1) ActivitiesAndFragments >> 2) ActivitiesAndFragments >> Foodies Restaurant Food Delivery v1.0.1 - Add Payment: response status code was unacceptable 500- fixed - On checkout there was a json error - fixed Foodies Restaurant Food Delivery v1.0.1 - update Admin panel files (tax.php , currency.php , countries.php , manage_menu.php) Foodies Restaurant Food Delivery v1.0.2 - Portal Login Issues solved (admin,restaurant,rider) -Phone number verification solved -Php 7.0 compatible
Foodies can be used as
Courier app
Delivery app
Fast food delivery
Grocery delivery
Medicine delivery
Parcel delivery
Bakery store