This library contains a total amount of original and unique 566 extension method (counting method overloads) to use in a total of 68 types to cover general purposes about almost everything you could need to do, plus 73 extension method for these 3rd party products:
- Telerik Controls for Windows Forms
- Google’s Youtube API for .NET
- Gecko-Fx API.
This work was developed over the course of five years, the source-code has been tested and revised monthly via custom Unit Testings and Visual Studio’s built-in analytic services.
The library consists in one single assembly, and it is deployed in separated builds for x86, x64 and neutral (“AnyCPU“) architectures, also the builds are deployed for .NET Framework 4.6, 4.5 and 4.0 independentlly. You will not find any kind of incompatibility issues.
Full list of compatible type names:
- [Enum]
- Assembly
- Bitmap
- Boolean
- Byte
- Char
- Color
- Control
- DataGridView
- DataTable
- Date
- Decimal
- Delegate
- DirectoryInfo
- Double
- EventHandler
- Exception
- FileInfo
- HttpWebRequest
- IComponent
- Icon
- IDictionary
- IDisposable
- IEnumerable
- IList
- Image
- Integer
- IntPtr
- ListBox
- ListView
- Long
- MemoryStream
- NameValueCollection
- Node
- Nullable
- Object
- Pen
- Point
- PointF
- Process
- Queue
- Random
- Rectangle
- RectangleF
- RichTextBox
- SByte
- SecureString
- Short
- Single
- Size
- Socket
- SolidBrush
- Stack
- Stream
- String
- StringBuilder
- TextBox
- Type
- UInteger
- UIntPtr
- ULong
- UShort
- WebBrowser
- WebRequest
- XDocument
- XElement
- XmlDocument
- XmlNode
Full list of extension methods:
- [Enum].AddFlag(Of T)(T) As T
- [Enum].AddFlags(Of T)(T()) As T
- [Enum].FlagCount() As Integer
- [Enum].Flags(Of T)() As T()
- [Enum].HasDuplicatedValues() As Boolean
- [Enum].HasFlagsAttribute() As Boolean
- [Enum].RemoveFlag(Of T)(T) As T
- [Enum].RemoveFlags(Of T)(T()) As T
- Assembly.GetLoadableTypes() As Type()
- Bitmap.Cut(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.ReplaceColor(Color, Color) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.Resize(Double, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.Resize(Size, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.Scale(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.SetBrightness(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.SetContrast(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.SetGamma(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.SetOpacity(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.ToBase64(ImageFormat) As String
- Bitmap.ToBlackAndWhite(Opt: Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.ToGrayscale(ImageExtensions.GrayscaleTone, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Bitmap
- Bitmap.ToIcon() As Icon
- Boolean.ToBit() As Integer
- Boolean.ToString(String, String) As String
- Byte().ToString(Encoding) As String
- Byte.ToIntPtr() As IntPtr
- Char.EscapeRegEx() As String
- Char.EscapeXml() As String
- Char.IsDiacritic() As Boolean
- Char.IsHexadecimal() As Boolean
- Char.Repeat(Integer) As string
- Color.ToHtml() As String
- Color.ToPen() As Pen
- Color.ToSolidBrush() As SolidBrush
- Color.ToWin32() As Integer
- Control.IsInDesignMode() As Boolean
- Control.IsInRuntimeMode() As Boolean
- DataGridView.ExportToCSV(Opt: String) As String
- DataGridView.ExportToXml() As String
- DataGridView.HideAllColumns()
- DataGridView.HideAllColumns(Integer())
- DataGridView.HideAllColumns(String())
- DataGridView.HideColumns(Integer())
- DataGridView.HideColumns(String())
- DataGridView.MoveSelectedRows(RowMoveDirection)
- DataGridView.MoveSelectedRows(RowMoveDirection, IEnumerable(Of Integer))
- DataGridView.RemoveSelectedItems()
- DataGridView.ShowAllColumns()
- DataGridView.ShowAllColumns(Integer())
- DataGridView.ShowAllColumns(String())
- DataGridView.ShowColumns(Integer())
- DataGridView.ShowColumns(String())
- DataGridView.ToDataTable() As DataTable
- DataGridView.ToListView() As ListView
- DataTable.ExportToCSV(Opt: String) As String
- DataTable.ExportToXml() As String
- DataTable.ToDataGridView() As DataGridView
- DataTable.ToList() As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
- DataTable.ToListView() As ListView
- Date.AddWeeks(Double) As Date
- Date.DaysInMonth() As Integer
- Date.ElapsedFromNow() As TimeSpan
- Date.FirstDayOfMonth() As Date
- Date.FirstDayOfWeek() As Date
- Date.FirstDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek) As Date
- Date.FirstDayOfYear() As Date
- Date.GetTimestamp() As String
- Date.IsFutureTime() As Boolean
- Date.IsNow() As Boolean
- Date.IsPastTime() As Boolean
- Date.IsToday() As Boolean
- Date.IsTomorrow() As Boolean
- Date.IsYesterday() As Boolean
- Date.LastDayOfMonth() As Date
- Date.LastDayOfWeek() As Date
- Date.LastDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek) As Date
- Date.LastDayOfYear() As Date
- Decimal.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Decimal.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Decimal.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Decimal.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Decimal.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Decimal.IsEven() As Boolean
- Decimal.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Decimal.IsMultipleOf(Double) As Boolean
- Decimal.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Decimal.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Decimal.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Decimal.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- Delegate.Combine(Delegate) As Delegate
- Delegate.Remove(Delegate) As Delegate
- Delegate.RemoveAll(Delegate) As Delegate
- DirectoryInfo.CopyTo(DirectoryInfo)
- DirectoryInfo.CopyTo(String) As DirectoryInfo
- DirectoryInfo.CreateAllDirectories() As DirectoryInfo
- DirectoryInfo.CreateAllDirectories(DirectorySecurity) As DirectoryInfo
- DirectoryInfo.GetSize() As Double
- DirectoryInfo.HasParent() As Boolean
- DirectoryInfo.HasRights(FileSystemRights, AccessControlType) As Boolean
- DirectoryInfo.OpenInExplorer()
- DirectoryInfo.Recycle(Opt: UIOption)
- DirectoryInfo.Rename(String)
- DirectoryInfo.SetRights(FileSystemRights, AccessControlType)
- Double.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Double.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Double.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Double.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Double.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Double.IsEven() As Boolean
- Double.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Double.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- Double.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Double.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Double.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Double.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- EventHandler(Of T).RaiseEvent(Of T As EventArgs)(Object)
- EventHandler(Of T).RaiseEvent(Of T As EventArgs)(Object, T)
- EventHandler.RaiseEvent(Object)
- EventHandler.RaiseEvent(Object, EventArgs)
- Exception.ToEnglish As String
- FileInfo.CopyTo(DirectoryInfo)
- FileInfo.CopyTo(DirectoryInfo, Boolean)
- FileInfo.CreateAllDirectories() As DirectoryInfo
- FileInfo.CreateAllDirectories(DirectorySecurity) As DirectoryInfo
- FileInfo.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() As String
- FileInfo.HasExtension() As Boolean
- FileInfo.HasRights(FileSystemRights, AccessControlType) As Boolean
- FileInfo.IsAccesible(FileInfo, FileAccess) As Boolean
- FileInfo.Lock(Opt: FileShare) As FileStream
- FileInfo.MoveTo(DirectoryInfo)
- FileInfo.MoveTo(DirectoryInfo, Boolean)
- FileInfo.OpenInExplorer()
- FileInfo.Recycle(Opt: UIOption)
- FileInfo.Rename(String)
- FileInfo.Rename(String, String)
- FileInfo.RenameExtension()
- FileInfo.SetRights(FileSystemRights, AccessControlType)
- HttpWebRequest.GetResponseSafe() As WebResponse
- IComponent.IsInDesignMode() As Boolean
- IComponent.IsInRuntimeMode() As Boolean
- Icon.GetIconLayers() As Icon()
- Icon.ToImage() As Image
- IDictionary.ToHashtable() As Hashtable
- IDictionary.ToNameValueCollection() As NameValueCollection
- IDisposable().DisposeAll()
- IEnumerable(Of Byte).ToString(Encoding) As String
- IEnumerable(Of IGrouping).JoinByFirstGroupElement(Of T, TKey) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of IGrouping).JoinByFirstGroupElement(Of T, TKey)(Func(Of T, Boolean)) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of String).BubbleSort As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).CountEmptyItems As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of String).CountNonEmptyItems As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of String).FindByContains(String, Boolean) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).FindByLike(String, Boolean) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).FindExact(String, StringComparison) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).RemoveByContains(String, Boolean) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).RemoveByLike(String, Boolean) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of String).RemoveExact(String, StringComparison) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- IEnumerable(Of T)().ConcatMultiple(IEnumerable(Of T)()) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T)().StringJoin As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).Append(Of T)(T) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).CountEmptyItems As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).CountNonEmptyItems As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).Duplicates As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).ForEach(Of T)(Action(Of T))
- IEnumerable(Of T).GroupByIntoFirstElement(Of T, TKey)(Func(Of T, TKey)) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).GroupByIntoMaxNumberOfElements(Of T, TKey)(Integer, Func(Of T, TKey)) As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T))
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T)) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T), Integer) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T), Integer, Integer) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), T) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), T, Integer) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOf(IEnumerable(Of T), T, Integer, Integer) As Integer
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T)) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T), Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T), Integer, Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), T) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), T, Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).IndexOfAll(IEnumerable(Of T), T, Integer, Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- IEnumerable(Of T).Prepend(Of T)(T) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).Randomize As IEnumerable(Of T
- IEnumerable(Of T).RemoveDuplicates As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).SplitIntoNumberOfElements(Integer) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).SplitIntoNumberOfElements(Integer, Boolean, T) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).SplitIntoParts(Integer) As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).ToArray(Of T)(Func(Of T, Boolean)) As T()
- IEnumerable(Of T).ToList(Of T)(Func(Of T, Boolean)) As List(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).UniqueDuplicates As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of T).Uniques As IEnumerable(Of T)
- IEnumerable(Of XElement).DistinctByElement(String) As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
- IEnumerable(Of XElement).SortByElement(String) As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
- IList.IndexOf(Func(Of T, Boolean)) As Integer
- Image.ContainsColor(Color) As Boolean
- Image.Cut(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) As Image
- Image.GetPixelInfo() As IEnumerable(Of PixelInfo)
- Image.GetPixelInfoAt(Integer) As PixelInfo
- Image.IndexOf(Color) As Integer
- Image.IndexOf(Color, Integer) As Integer
- Image.IndexOf(Color, Integer, Integer) As Integer
- Image.ReplaceColor(Color, Color) As Image
- Image.Resize(Double, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.Resize(Size, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.Scale(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.SetBrightness(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.SetContrast(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.SetGamma(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.SetOpacity(Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.ToBase64(ImageFormat) As String
- Image.ToBlackAndWhite(Opt: Single, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.ToGrayscale(ImageExtensions.GrayscaleTone, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As Image
- Image.ToGridImages(Integer, Integer, Opt: GraphicsQualityContainer) As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of Rectangle, Image))
- Image.ToGridRectangles(Integer, Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Rectangle)
- Image.ToIcon() As Icon
- Integer.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Integer.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Integer.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Integer.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Integer.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Integer.IsEven() As Boolean
- Integer.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Integer.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- Integer.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Integer.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Integer.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Integer.IsPrime() As Boolean
- Integer.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- Integer.ToCSharpHex() As String
- Integer.ToIntPtr() As IntPtr
- Integer.ToVBHex() As String
- IntPtr.MarshalAs(Of T)() As T
- ListBox.CopyItem(Integer)
- ListBox.CopyItems(Integer())
- ListBox.CopySelectedItems()
- ListBox.DeselectAllItems()
- ListBox.DeselectAllItemsNoJump()
- ListBox.Deserialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- ListBox.RemoveDuplicatedItems()
- ListBox.RemoveSelectedItems()
- ListBox.SelectAllItems()
- ListBox.SelectAllItemsNoJump()
- ListBox.Serialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- ListBox.SetSelectedNoJump(Integer(), ListBoxItemSelectionState)
- ListBox.SetSelectedNoJump(Integer, ListBoxItemSelectionState)
- ListBox.SetSelectedNoJump(String(), ListBoxItemSelectionState)
- ListBox.SetSelectedNoJump(String, ListBoxItemSelectionState)
- ListBox.Sort(Of T)()
- ListBox.Sort(Of T)(IComparer(Of T))
- ListView.Copy()
- ListView.Copy(Integer)
- ListView.Copy(String)
- ListView.Copy(String, Integer)
- ListView.CopyItem(Integer)
- ListView.CopyItem(Integer, String)
- ListView.CopyItem(Integer, String, Integer)
- ListView.CopyItem(ListViewItem)
- ListView.CopyItem(ListViewItem, String)
- ListView.CopyItem(ListViewItem, String, Integer)
- ListView.CopyItems(Integer())
- ListView.CopyItems(Integer(), String)
- ListView.CopyItems(Integer(), String, Integer)
- ListView.CopyItems(ListViewItem())
- ListView.CopyItems(ListViewItem(), String)
- ListView.CopyItems(ListViewItem(), String, Integer)
- ListView.CopySelectedItems()
- ListView.CopySelectedItems(String)
- ListView.CopySelectedItems(String, Integer)
- ListView.Deserialize(String)
- ListView.ExportToCSV(Opt: String) As String
- ListView.ExportToXml() As String
- ListView.MoveSelectedItems(RowMoveDirection)
- ListView.MoveSelectedItems(RowMoveDirection, IEnumerable(Of Integer))
- ListView.RemoveDuplicatedItems(Integer)
- ListView.RemoveSelectedItems()
- ListView.Serialize(String)
- ListView.SetColumnIndices(Integer, Opt: Integer)
- ListView.ToDataGridView() As DataGridView
- ListView.ToDataTable() As DataTable
- Long.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Long.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Long.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Long.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Long.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Long.IsEven() As Boolean
- Long.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Long.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- Long.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Long.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Long.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Long.IsPrime() As Boolean
- Long.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- Long.ToCSharpHex() As String
- Long.ToIntPtr() As IntPtr
- Long.ToVBHex() As String
- MemoryStream.ReadToEnd() As String
- MemoryStream.ReadToEnd(Encoding) As String
- MemoryStream.ReadToEnd(Encoding, Long) As String
- MemoryStream.ReadToEnd(Long) As String
- MemoryStream.SeekToBegin() As Long
- MemoryStream.SeekToEnd() As Long
- MemoryStream.ToStream() As Stream
- NameValueCollection.ToDictionary() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
- NameValueCollection.ToGETRequestString() As String
- NameValueCollection.ToGETRequestString(String) As String
- Node.ToXmlNode() As XmlNode
- Nullable(Of T)().ConvertToNonNullable(T) As T()
- Nullable(Of TSource, TTarget).ConvertTo(Func(Of TSource, TTarget)) As Nullable(Of TTarget)
- Object.CanConvertTo(Of T)() As Boolean
- Object.CanConvertTo(Type) As Boolean
- Object.ConvertTo(Of T)() As T
- Object.ConvertTo(Of T)(T) As T
- Object.IsDisposable As Boolean
- Pen.ToColor() As Color
- Pen.ToSolidBrush() As SolidBrush
- Point.ToPointF() As PointF
- PointF.ToPoint() As Point
- Process.WaitForIdle()
- Process.WaitForIdle(Integer)
- Process.WaitForIdleAsync(Action)
- Process.WaitForIdleAsync(Action, Integer)
- Queue(Of T).Dequeue(Integer) As T()
- Queue(Of T).EnqueueRange(T())
- Queue(Of T).Peek(Integer) As T()
- Queue(Of T).Reverse()
- Random.NextOf(Of T)(T()) As T
- Rectangle.ToRectangleF() As RectangleF
- RectangleF.ToRectangle() As Rectangle
- RichTextBox.AppendColoredText(String, Color)
- RichTextBox.AppendColoredText(String, Color, Color)
- RichTextBox.AppendColoredText(String, Color, Color, Font)
- RichTextBox.AppendTextAndSelect(String)
- RichTextBox.ClearSelectedText()
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String(), RegexOptions, Color) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String(), RegexOptions, Color, Color) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String(), RegexOptions, Color, Color, Font) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String, RegexOptions, Color) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String, RegexOptions, Color, Color) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.ColorizeMatches(String, RegexOptions, Color, Color, Font) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.CopyAll()
- RichTextBox.Deserialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RichTextBox.FindNext(String, RichTextBoxFinds) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.FindNext(String, RichTextBoxFinds, Color, Color) As Boolean
- RichTextBox.Serialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RichTextBox.SetCaretPos(Integer)
- RichTextBox.SetCaretPosToBegin()
- RichTextBox.SetCaretPosToEnd()
- SByte.ToIntPtr() As IntPtr
- SecureString.AppendChars(Char())
- SecureString.AppendString(String)
- SecureString.ToUnsecureString() As String
- Short.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Short.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Short.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Short.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Short.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Short.IsEven() As Boolean
- Short.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Short.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- Short.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Short.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Short.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Short.IsPrime() As Boolean
- Short.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- Short.ToCSharpHex() As String
- Short.ToIntPtr() As IntPtr
- Short.ToVBHex() As String
- Single.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- Single.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- Single.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- Single.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- Single.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- Single.IsEven() As Boolean
- Single.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- Single.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- Single.IsNegative() As Boolean
- Single.IsOdd() As Boolean
- Single.IsPositive() As Boolean
- Single.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- Size.ToSizeF() As SizeF
- Socket.IsConnected() As Boolean
- SolidBrush.ToColor() As Color
- SolidBrush.ToPen() As Pen
- Stack(Of T).Peek(Integer) As T()
- Stack(Of T).Pop(Integer) As T()
- Stack(Of T).PushRange(T())
- Stack(Of T).Reverse()
- Stream.ReadToEnd() As String
- Stream.ReadToEnd(Encoding) As String
- Stream.ReadToEnd(Encoding, Long) As String
- Stream.ReadToEnd(Long) As String
- Stream.SeekToBegin() As Long
- Stream.SeekToEnd() As Long
- Stream.ToArray() As Byte()
- Stream.ToMemoryStream() As MemoryStream
- String.Contains(String, StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.ContainsAll(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.ContainsAll(IEnumerable(Of String), StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.ContainsAny(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.ContainsAny(IEnumerable(Of String), StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.Delimit(String, Integer, Opt: RegexOptions) As String
- String.Delimit(String, Opt: RegexOptions) As String
- String.Delimit(String, String, Integer, Opt: RegexOptions) As String
- String.Delimit(String, String, Opt: RegexOptions) As String
- String.EndsWithAny(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.EndsWithAny(IEnumerable(Of String), StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.EnsureEndsWith(String) As String
- String.EnsureEndsWith(String, StringComparison) As String
- String.EnsureEquals(String) As String
- String.EnsureEquals(String, StringComparison) As String
- String.EnsureStartsWith(String) As String
- String.EnsureStartsWith(String, StringComparison) As String
- String.EqualsAny(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.EqualsAny(IEnumerable(Of String), StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.EscapeRegEx() As String
- String.EscapeXml() As String
- String.ExpandBlankSpace(Char, Opt: Integer) As String
- String.ExpandBlankSpace(Opt: Integer) As String
- String.ExpandChars(Char, Opt: Integer) As String
- String.ExpandChars(Opt: Integer) As String
- String.ExpandVariables() As String
- String.GetGroupingInfo(Opt: List(Of GroupingCharsInfo)) As GroupingInfo
- String.HasDiacritics() As Boolean
- String.IndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), Integer, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IndexOfRegEx(String, Integer, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IndexOfRegEx(String, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IndexOfRegEx(String, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.IsAlphabetic() As Boolean
- String.IsCaseOf(StringCase) As Boolean
- String.IsHexadecimal() As Boolean
- String.IsLikeAny(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.IsNumeric() As Boolean
- String.IsNumericOf(Of T) As Boolean
- String.IsPalindrome() As Boolean
- String.IsUnicodeEscaped() As Boolean
- String.IsValueOf(Of T) As Boolean
- String.IsXmlEscaped() As Boolean
- String.LastIndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), Integer, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.LastIndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.LastIndexOfAnyRegEx(IEnumerable(Of String), RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.LastIndexOfRegEx(String, Integer, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.LastIndexOfRegEx(String, Integer, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.LastIndexOfRegEx(String, RegexOptions) As Integer
- String.Measure(Font) As Size
- String.NormalizeASCII(Opt: Char) As String
- String.NormalizeDiacritics(NormalizationForm) As String
- String.OccurrencesOf(Char) As Integer
- String.OccurrencesOf(Char, StringComparison) As Integer
- String.OccurrencesOf(String) As Integer
- String.OccurrencesOf(String, StringComparison) As Integer
- String.PadBoth(Integer, Char) As String
- String.Pluralize() As String
- String.Pluralize(CultureInfo) As String
- String.Randomize() As String
- String.Randomize(Integer) As String
- String.RemoveEnd(Integer) As String
- String.RemoveEnd(Integer, Integer) As String
- String.Rename(StringCase) As String
- String.Repeat(Integer) As String
- String.Replace(String, String, StringComparison) As String
- String.ReplaceAll(IEnumerable(Of String), String) As String
- String.ReplaceAll(IEnumerable(Of String), String, StringComparison) As String
- String.ReplaceAllRegex(IEnumerable(Of String), String, Opt: RegexOptions) As String
- String.ReplaceRegEx(String, String, Opt: RegExOptions) As String
- String.Reverse() As String
- String.Rotate(StringDirection, Integer) As String
- String.Singularize() As String
- String.Singularize(CultureInfo) As String
- String.SizeInFile(Encoding) As Integer
- String.SizeInFile(Encoding, Boolean) As Integer
- String.SizeInMemory() As Integer
- String.Split(String, Integer, StringSplitOptions) As String()
- String.Split(String, StringSplitOptions) As String()
- String.SplitByLength(Integer) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- String.SplitByPosition(Integer) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- String.StartsWithAny(IEnumerable(Of String)) As Boolean
- String.StartsWithAny(IEnumerable(Of String), StringComparison) As Boolean
- String.SubstringEnd(Integer) As String
- String.SubstringEnd(Integer, Integer) As String
- String.ToByteArray(Opt: Encoding) As Byte()
- String.ToSecureString() As SecureString
- String.UnescapeRegEx() As String
- String.UnescapeUnicode() As String
- String.UnescapeXml() As String
- String.WithDoubleQuotes() As String
- String.WithQuotes() As String
- StringBuilder.AppendFormatLine(IFormatProvider, String, Object()) As StringBuilder
- StringBuilder.AppendFormatLine(String, Object()) As StringBuilder
- StringBuilder.AppendFormatLine(String, Object) As StringBuilder
- StringBuilder.AppendFormatLine(String, Object, Object) As StringBuilder
- StringBuilder.AppendFormatLine(String, Object, Object, Object) As StringBuilder
- T().DeinitializeAll()
- T().ForEach(Of T)(Action(Of T))
- T().InitializeAll()
- T().Resize As T()
- TextBox.ClearSelectedText()
- TextBox.CopyAll()
- TextBox.Deserialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- TextBox.Serialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- TextBox.SetCaretPos(Integer)
- TextBox.SetCaretPosToBegin()
- TextBox.SetCaretPosToEnd()
- Type.CreateInstance(Object()) As Object
- Type.CreateInstance(Of T)(Object()) As T
- Type.InheritsFrom(Type) As Boolean
- Type.IsDisposable As Boolean
- Type.IsNullable As Boolean
- UInteger.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- UInteger.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- UInteger.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- UInteger.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- UInteger.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- UInteger.IsEven() As Boolean
- UInteger.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- UInteger.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- UInteger.IsNegative() As Boolean
- UInteger.IsOdd() As Boolean
- UInteger.IsPositive() As Boolean
- UInteger.IsPrime() As Boolean
- UInteger.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- UInteger.ToCSharpHex() As String
- UInteger.ToUIntPtr() As UIntPtr
- UInteger.ToVBHex() As String
- UIntPtr.MarshalAs(Of T)() As T
- ULong.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- ULong.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- ULong.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- ULong.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- ULong.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- ULong.IsEven() As Boolean
- ULong.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- ULong.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- ULong.IsNegative() As Boolean
- ULong.IsOdd() As Boolean
- ULong.IsPositive() As Boolean
- ULong.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- ULong.ToUIntPtr() As UIntPtr
- UShort.DifferenceOf(Double) As Double
- UShort.Formatted(Double, CultureInfo, Opt: Integer) As String
- UShort.Formatted(Double, Opt: Integer) As String
- UShort.FractionBy(Double) As Double
- UShort.IsDivisibleBy(Double) As Boolean
- UShort.IsEven() As Boolean
- UShort.IsInRangeOf(Double, Double) As Boolean
- UShort.IsMultipleBOf(Double) As Boolean
- UShort.IsNegative() As Boolean
- UShort.IsOdd() As Boolean
- UShort.IsPositive() As Boolean
- UShort.IsPrime() As Boolean
- UShort.PercentageOf(Double) As Boolean
- UShort.ToCSharpHex() As String
- UShort.ToUIntPtr() As UIntPtr
- UShort.ToVBHex() As String
- WebBrowser.NavigateAndWait(String, Opt: Boolean)
- WebRequest.GetResponseSafe() As WebResponse
- XDocument.DistinctByElement(String, String) As XDocument
- XDocument.GetXPaths() As IEnumerable(Of String)
- XDocument.SortByElement(String, String) As XDocument
- XDocument.ToXmlDocument() As XmlDocument
- XElement.RemoveAllNamespaces() As XElement
- XmlDocument.DistinctByElement(String, String) As XmlDocument
- XmlDocument.GetXPaths() As IEnumerable(Of String)
- XmlDocument.SortByElement(String, String) As XmlDocument
- XmlDocument.ToXDocument() As XDocument
- XmlNode.CreateCDataSection() As XmlCDataSection
- XmlNode.CreateCDataSection(String) As XmlCDataSection
- XmlNode.GetCDataSection(XmlNode) As String
- XmlNode.ToXNode() As XNode
- PlaylistItem.GetThumbnail(ThumbnailQuality) As Image
- PlaylistItem.GetThumbnailUrl(ThumbnailQuality) As String
- PlaylistItem.GetVideoUrl() As String
- SearchResult.GetChannelUrl() As String
- SearchResult.GetPlaylistUrl() As String
- SearchResult.GetThumbnail(ThumbnailQuality) As Image
- SearchResult.GetThumbnailUrl(ThumbnailQuality) As String
- SearchResult.GetVideoUrl() As String
- Subscription.GetChannelUrl() As String
- GeckoWebBrowser.NavigateAndWait(String)
- GeckoWebBrowser.NavigateAndWait(String, GeckoLoadFlags)
- GeckoWebBrowser.NavigateAndWait(String, GeckoLoadFlags, String, MimeInputStream)
- GeckoWebBrowser.NavigateAndWait(String, GeckoLoadFlags, String, MimeInputStream, MimeInputStream)
- RadGridView.HideAllColumns()
- RadGridView.HideAllColumns(Integer())
- RadGridView.HideAllColumns(String())
- RadGridView.HideColumns(Integer())
- RadGridView.HideColumns(String())
- RadGridView.MoveSelectedRows(RowMoveDirection)
- RadGridView.MoveSelectedRows(RowMoveDirection, IEnumerable(Of Integer))
- RadGridView.RemoveSelectedItems()
- RadGridView.ShowAllColumns()
- RadGridView.ShowAllColumns(Integer())
- RadGridView.ShowAllColumns(String())
- RadGridView.ShowColumns(Integer())
- RadGridView.ShowColumns(String())
- RadListControl.CopyItem(Integer)
- RadListControl.CopyItems(Integer())
- RadListControl.CopySelectedItems()
- RadListControl.DeselectAllItems()
- RadListControl.RemoveSelectedItems()
- RadListControl.SelectAllItems()
- RadListControl.SetSelectedNoJump(Integer(), RadListItemSelectionState)
- RadListControl.SetSelectedNoJump(Integer, RadListItemSelectionState)
- RadListControl.SetSelectedNoJump(String(), RadListItemSelectionState)
- RadListControl.SetSelectedNoJump(String, RadListItemSelectionState)
- RadListView.Copy()
- RadListView.Copy(Integer)
- RadListView.Copy(String)
- RadListView.Copy(String, Integer)
- RadListView.CopyItem(Integer)
- RadListView.CopyItem(Integer, String)
- RadListView.CopyItem(Integer, String, Integer)
- RadListView.CopyItem(ListViewDataItem)
- RadListView.CopyItem(ListViewDataItem, String)
- RadListView.CopyItem(ListViewDataItem, String, Integer)
- RadListView.CopyItems(Integer())
- RadListView.CopyItems(Integer(), String)
- RadListView.CopyItems(Integer(), String, Integer)
- RadListView.CopyItems(ListViewDataItem())
- RadListView.CopyItems(ListViewDataItem(), String)
- RadListView.CopyItems(ListViewDataItem(), String, Integer)
- RadListView.CopySelectedItems()
- RadListView.CopySelectedItems(String)
- RadListView.CopySelectedItems(String, Integer)
- RadListView.MoveSelectedItems(RowMoveDirection)
- RadListView.RemoveSelectedItems()
- RadListView.SetColumnIndices(Integer, Opt: Integer)
- RadTextBox.ClearSelectedText()
- RadTextBox.CopyAll()
- RadTextBox.Deserialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RadTextBox.Serialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RadTextBox.SetCaretPos(Integer)
- RadTextBox.SetCaretPosToBegin()
- RadTextBox.SetCaretPosToEnd()
- RadTextBoxControl.AppendTextAndSelect(String)
- RadTextBoxControl.ClearSelectedText()
- RadTextBoxControl.CopyAll()
- RadTextBoxControl.Deserialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RadTextBoxControl.Serialize(String, Opt: SerializationType)
- RadTextBoxControl.SetCaretPos(Integer)
- RadTextBoxControl.SetCaretPosToBegin()
- RadTextBoxControl.SetCaretPosToEnd()
Initial Release.