NeoNFT – NFT MarketPlace ReactNative App UI Kit
NeoFT UI Kit is a high-quality pack designed for the NFT Marketplace. This package UI Kit contains modern design trends and comes with 52 ready Screens that well-organized layers and the UI kit is ready to use for your project.
It’s faster and easier with carefully crafted elements of mobile UI Kit for Figma & ReactNative App.
- Clean Code & Clean Design
- Flexible UI
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome Icons
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive Design
- Documentation Include
- Unique and creative Design
- Easy to Customize
- Animation Controller
- 42 Screens
- Support ReactNative Latest Version
- Well Organized and Structured Layer
- Figma File Added
- Inter Font added
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Changelog & Update History
Version 1.0 (08-1-2024)
- React Native Version 0.72.6 - React 18.2.0 - React CLI