NFTBOX – NFT Marketplace Script

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NFTBOX is the complete Script using Metamask, Web3 and Polygon Matic network for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace Business. Capable of minting NFTs over the blockchain whilst allowing consumers to Buy, Sell and Transfer their NFTs on the marketplace freely with indisputable proof of ownership and authenticity achieved using ERC-721 standard smart contracts. Additionally, NFTBOX also incorporates all the necessary features needed for a present-day NFT marketplace such as a bidding system, and NFT collections as well as granting creators the option to sell and trade their digital works in various forms such as images, GIFs, video, and audio.

How to install NFTBOX at your Cpanel >>>

How to setup and use the NFTBOX | NFT Buy Sell and Auction tutorial full tutorial >>>

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Super admin :

Key Features of NFTBOX

  • The Admin Panel dashboard is a hub where admins can effortlessly get information about:
  • Total active users in the marketplace.
  • Total NFTs minted in the marketplace.
  • Total NFTs listed for sale.
  • Total NFTs bought and sold in the marketplace.
  • Total inactive users in the marketplace.
  • Summary report of the total NFTs sold sorted by month and year in a graphical form.
  • Summary report of the total NFTs sold, total NFTs listed for sell and total NFTs minted all filterable by year in graphical view.
  • Admin can add sub-admins to manage the marketplace software and also get information such as the last login and logout times along with the active and inactive statuses of all administrators.
  • Admins can view all marketplace users information and can check on their activities.
  • Through the admin panel, admins can view and manage the list of all NFTs minted on the marketplace as well as see their details, information such as NFT name, token ID, owner ID, owner name, NFT owner wallet address as well as the status of the NFT, etc.
  • Admin wallet can be setup from the admin panel with ease.
  • Admins can deploy their marketplace smart contract with ease directly from the admin panel.
  • From the admin panel, admins can set the network information for the marketplace such as the network name, Chain ID, symbol, and RPC.
  • In this system, you can edit the website’s About, Contact, Terms, Privacy policy, F.A.Q and Social links section from the Content Manager System section present in the Admin panel.


  • Dashboard
  • Admin Users
  • Metamask Connected
  • Polygon Matic Network used
  • Add Admin Users
  • Users
  • NFT List
  • NFT Categories
  • NFT Collections
  • NFT Setup
  • Smart Contract Deploy
  • Content Manager
  • App Settings
  • Fees Setting
  • Selling Type Setting
  • Transfer Option Setting
  • Email Gateway Setting
  • Email Template Setting

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Language
  • PHP-CodeIgniter Framework
  • JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • MySQL
  • Solidity

Server requirements

  • Apache or IIS or Nginx
  • PHP version 7.4.X (ie. recommended: Any PHP version 7.4.X )&.4 is stable PHP version to use this application.
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (recommended: MySQL 5.5 or greater)
  • We recommend DigitalOcean for hosting or any linux server, where you can install node js and PHP.
Change log: Version1.4 - 05-07-2023
    Major Features Added + Major Security Fixes / Changes
[User-Side] Instant un-listing feature added for NFTs listed for Fixed and Auction NFT Sale. (Important Note: Once another user bids on an Auctioned NFT the owner can no longer unlist the NFT from Auction Sale!)
[Admin-Side + User-Side] NFTBOX Smart Contract version updated (Security Fix)
[User Side] When a user bids on an NFT they can now no longer withdraw that amount from NFTBOX before the NFT auction, that they had bid on, has concluded. (Blocking the free bidding loophole)
[Admin-Side + User-Side] Gas-Limit is now set dynamically when calling smart contract functions.

    Features Reworked + Quality of Life Changes
[User-Side] In the Homepage a new Latest Auction Section is added to show latest running Auctions.
[User-Side] NFT details page will now show a message when an NFT sale time or auction time is over instead of not showing any information about the state of the NFT. (This is before the admin has yet not performed their action to transfer the NFTs between the users.)
[Admin-Panel] In the admin panel "Today Sale End" section "Click to complete today's sale list" button will also perform the action on all pending NFTs that need admin action to be performed instead of performing only on todays pending NFTs. (Needed in-case daily cron job fails)
[User-Side] After an NFT Sale time or Auction time is over it will not appear anymore in the Latest NFTs section in the homepage.
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] If admin doesn't set Sale and Transfer Fees from the Admin Section for auction sale, fixed sale and transfer transactions then it will still complete these actions with 0 fees. (Which had led to a bug that desynced data between the database and smart contract. - fix mentioned in the bug-fixes section below.)
[User-Side] NFT minting page now shows an external link to create a collection if no collection has been created by the user or admin beforehand.
[User-Side] When user switches Metamask account they are now automatically redirected to the homepage.
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] Some error message and alerts are made more comprehensible.
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] When NFT is listed for Fixed Sale then text now shows "Sale ends in" instead of "Auction ends in" to avoid confusion.

[User-Side] After an NFT Sale time or Auction time is over the "Buy Now" and "Make Offer" buttons will now no longer show up in the NFT details page.
[Admin-Panel] The list in the "Today Sale End" section will no longer show NFTs that still have Sale/Auction time remaining that with end today. 
[Admin-Panel] In admin panel "Today Sale End" section the list will now show all NFTs that are pending admin action instead of showing only todays pending actions. (Needed in-case daily cron job fails)
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] Privacy Policy page made dynamically changeable from admin panel.
[User-Side] Owner link in NFT details page no longer leads to 404 error page.
[User-Side] In My-NFTs page copy-link button's copy action fixed.
[User-Side] Auction and Sale timers for NFT's in the Homepage, NFT Details Page, Collection Page and Categories Page is now fixed and working as intended.
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] When transfering NFT's between users, if the admin didn't set a transfer fee beforehand then it completed the transfer between users in the blockchain smart contract but didn't update the server database causing data syncing issues.
[User-Side] Missing Admin-Side app settings details now show in the User-Side homepage footer.
[Admin-Panel] Right-to-Left side panel setting in app settings now works.
[Admin-Panel + User-Side] Setting Google maps external API to inactive fixed. (Google map becomes hidden in User-Side)
[Admin-Panel] Username field no longer mandatory when updating customer information.
[Admin-Panel] Last logout information for admins fixed.
[Admin-Panel] Admin image now shows in admin-side top dropdown after admin uploading profile picture in settings.
[Admin-Panel] Repositioned refresh button that were covered by another element in page.
[Admin-Panel] Added space between first name and last name in admin users lists full name section.
[Admin-Panel] Headline in Content Manager's Home section now shows in the user-side homepage.
[Admin-Panel] Fixed default install text for Content Manager's home section title, contact section's Let Us subsection's subtitle, contact section's Email Us subsection's title.
[Admin-Panel] Fixed headline field going blank after any subsection Content Manager's contact section is updated and page is refreshed.
[Admin-Panel] If NFT is in Fixed Sale the "Bids" section will no longer appear.
[Admin-Panel] Withdraw amounts now shows correctly in user and admin side.
[User-Side] User icons of users that favorited NFT's fixed in multiple pages.

Change log: Version1.2 - 05-09-2022
1. Auto update system added
2. Added new add-ons & module system
3. some bug was fixed

Change log: Version1.1 - 08-17-2022
1. meta mask based full login system integrated
2. auction features added
3. Polygon metic network added
4. Some other bug were fixed.


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