Notes App Android

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Notes Taking App MVVM

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What notes app can do?
This is a Simple basic notes app that helps you to take notes and keep them remembered. you can add instant notes so you will
not forget any memories and all. you can make your work list in this app if you want to add daily tasks then you can
also add daily tasks and delete them according to completion. so this is a brief about the notes app. also you can use it as a daily reminder so this is the best app for you. also you can set priority in this app which helps you to do the task as per your priority there is 3 option to prioritize your notes like low, medium, high and also you can filter this notes as per your need. also, you can delete and update notes as well.

Notes is the best place to jot down quick thoughts or to save longer notes filled with checklists, images, web links, scanned documents, handwritten notes, or sketches.. Once saved, you can edit, share, set a reminder, or check off or delete the note through your device’s menu button. When checking off a text note, the app places a slash through the list’s title, and this will be displayed on the main menu.

In the checklist mode, you can add as many items as you’d like and arrange their order with drag buttons activated in the edit mode. After the list is finished and saved, you may check or uncheck each line on your list with a quick tap, which will toggle a line slash. If all items have been checked, then the list’s title is slashed as well.

we use MVVM which is the best Android architecture so you will get industry-level code. also, we use room database and live database so this is also the latest android Jetpack components it is also helpful to increase the performance of your application. also in this app, it is easy to reskin and publish it on the google play store. and you can add your google AdMob ads units this app help you to earn money through google ads.

Features of notes app?

  • Available in both language Java and Kotlin.
  • Clean UI Design.
  • Room & Live Database.
  • Create and Read Notes.
  • Update and Delete Notes.
  • Easy to reskin.
  • Notes filtering by priority.
  • Capture, edit, share, and collaborate on your notes on any device, anywhere.

Technology I used for making this app?

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Google Admob Ads Integration

If you want to customize this app and want to add some features or you want to change ad integration so feel free to contact us
and I will help you for sure.

If you have any issues and want to talk then feel free to contact me at yourdeveloperhere001

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Kotlin 1.x, Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml

Video Preview Resolution


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