Nuhost it’s a Responsive Multipurpose Hosting & Domains HTML + WHMCS Template, Nuhost is for any company providing web hosting, reseller hosting, clouds hosting, domains, WordPress hosting, Ddos attacks protection, online support, and multi-purpose business. is fulfilled with all you need to start your own hosting company, Template is a Clean, Responsive Modern design based on the Bootstrap 4 framework.
This template has +19 sub pages They fulfill all your requirements, Even if you want more you can do it easily
- Bootstrap 4.1.1 Responsive Grid System
- whmcs template compatible with latest version 8.10.1
- Fully Responsive
- swipe mobilemenu
- working contact forms
- working search & filters forms
- W3C Validated Code
- Loader Styles
- Font Awesome & flaticon icons
- Google fonts
- +21 sub page included
- 6 backgrounds gradient headers
- 2 homepage styles
- Well Documentation
- Easy to customize
- Unique & Modern Design
- Responsive Megamenus
- Smooth transition
- social icons add
- Professional Support
- and more …
Template Pages
- Index Page
- Index classic Page
- About us Page
- blog Page
- blog single Page
- cloud hosting Page
- contact Page
- ddos Page
- domain results Page
- domain search Page
- empty Page
- empty v2 Page
- help center Page
- knowledgebase Page
- Privacy Page
- reseller hosting Page
- web hosting Page
- WordPress hosting Page
- VPS servers Page
- dedicated hosting Page
What do you get?
- All HTML files
- WHMCS Template files
- Documentation
- hight quality friendly support
Font-Awesome –
flaticon –
Somme images are not included in the download file!
WHMCS 8.10.1 ready (06/05/2024)
changelog: [ theme changelog ]: css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/styles.css, includes/sitejet/homepagepanel.tpl, includes/tablelist.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.js [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: v8.9.0 and v8.10.1 are identical.
WHMCS 8.9 ready (18/03/2024)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme changelog ]: account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl, css/theme.css, css/theme.min.css, invoice-payment.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, upgrade-configure.tpl, [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: all of the order form files
WHMCS 8.8 ready (08/10/2023)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme changelog ]: clientareaproductdetails.tpl , configuressl-complete.tpl , invoicepdf.tpl , quotepdf.tpl , js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.css, css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/invoice.css, css/invoice.min.css, css/store.css, css/theme.css, theme.min.css, includes/active-products-services-item.tpl [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/style.cssdomain-renewals.tpl, domain-renewals.tpl, js/base.js, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, ordersummary.tpl, service-renewals.tpl, sidebar-categories-collapsed.tpl, viewcart.tpl or simply replace all of the order form template files and folder You will find all files to update your theme from whmcs 8.7.1 to whmcs 8.8 in the downloaded package, WHMCS/update from WHMCS 8.7.1 to 8.8 folder
WHMCS 8.7.2 ready (11/04/2023)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme change log ] : account-user-permissions.tpl, css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/store.css, css/styles.css, managessl.tpl, store/nordvpn/index.php, store/nordvpn/index.tpl, store/threesixtymonitoring/index.php, store/threesixtymonitoring/index.tpl, store/xovinow/index.php, store/xovinow/index.tpl, user-security.tpl, viewemail.tpl [ WHMCS orderform template change log ] : css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/style.css, js/base.js, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js You will find all files to update your theme from whmcs 8.6.X to whmcs 8.7.X in the downloaded package, WHMCS/update from WHMCS 8.6.X to whmcs 8.7.X folder
WHMCS 8.6 ready (15/11/2022)
Change log: [ WHMCS theme change log ] : clientareadetails.tpl, css/invoice.css, css/invoice.min.css, css/oauth.css, css/theme.css, css/theme.min.css, header.tpl, includes/sidebar.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.js, oauth/error.tpl, quotepdf.tpl, store/ox/manage.tpl [ WHMCS orderform template change log ] : js/scripts.min.js, js/scripts.js, js/base.js You will find all files to update your theme from whmcs 8.5 to whmcs 8.6 in the downloaded package, WHMCS/update from WHMCS 8.5 to 8,6.x folder
WHMCS update (14/06/2022) WHMCS 8.5 ready
WHMCS update (05/02/2022) WHMCS 8.4 ready
WHMCS update (23/10/2021) WHMCS 8.3 ready
WHMCS update (27/06/2021) WHMCS 8.2 ready
WHMCS update (09/03/2021) WHMCS 8.1.3 ready
WHMCS update (15/02/2021) WHMCS 8.1.1 ready
WHMCS update (19/09/2020) WHMCS 8.0 ready
WHMCS update (10/04/2020) WHMCS 7.10.1 ready
WHMCS update (16/01/2020) WHMCS 7.9 ready
- add WHMCS 7.9 template. changelog: ( account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl account-paymentmethods.tpl clientareaproductdetails.tpl clientareaproductusagebilling.tpl creditcard.tpl css/all.css css/all.min.css css/invoice.css css/styles.css footer.tpl includes/captcha.tpl includes/generate-password.tpl invoice-payment.tpl js/scripts.js js/scripts.min.js js/whmcs.js oauth/css/index.php payment/bank/inputs.tpl payment/bank/select.tpl payment/bank/validate.tpl payment/billing-address.tpl payment/card/inputs.tpl payment/card/select.tpl payment/card/validate.tpl payment/invoice-summary.tpl store/codeguard/index.php store/css/index.php store/css/style.css store/order.tpl store/promos/index.php store/sitelock/index.php store/sitelockvpn/index.php store/sitelockvpn/index.tpl store/spamexperts/index.php store/ssl/index.php store/ssl/index.tpl store/ssl/shared/index.php store/weebly/index.php usagebillingpricing.tpl viewinvoice.tpl)
Version 1.3 (21/8/2019) WHMCS 7.8.3 ready
- Add new header style ( video & image background ) - Add 6 sub pages to whmcs version (26/11/2018) - about us - web hosting - reseller hosting - WordPress hosting - ddos - cloud hosting - Add whmcs 7.7 template (23 Dec 2018) - Add Font Awesome 5.6.1(23 Dec 2018) - Add New Christmas Style(23 Dec 2018) - WHMCS 7.8.3 READY files to chenge from 7.7.1 to 7.8.3( - account-paymentmethods.tpl - account-paymentmethods-billing-contacts.tpl - account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl - clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareachangepw.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareainvoices.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaquotes.tpl - clientareasecurity.tpl - creditcard.tpl - invoicepdf.tpl - masspay.tpl - password-reset-change-prompt.tpl - password-reset-container.tpl - password-reset-email-prompt.tpl - password-reset-security-prompt.tpl - pwreset.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - viewquote.tpl - viewticket.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/blue.png - css/blue@2x.png - css/invoice.css - css/styles.css - includes/generate-password.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - oauth/login.tpl - store folder ) (15/08/2019) - fix Google ReCaptcha WHMCS 7.8.3(includes/captcha.tpl - includes/head.tpl)
Version 1.2 (21/09/2018)
- Add new +210 icons - Add VPS servers page - Add dedicated hosting page - Fix some bugs in WHMCS orderform template - New WHMCS sidebare styles - Add WHMCS RTL standard template (08/10/2018) - Add WHMCS RTL standard template (08/10/2018) - Fix WHMCS Sign In Intergration issue (28/10/2018)
Version 1.1 (13/09/2018)
- Add WHMCS 7.6.1 templates - Add new WHMCS template - Add new WHMCS orderform - Fix some bugs in HTML version - Update template documentation
Version 1.0
initial release