Obit WebView Android App

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kotlin version also available for android webview app
Google Play Store TMD Android Webview App updated version available
update to 2.0 version of android webview app
features list of updated version android webview
admob support

Access admin panel of app
download demo app from Google play store

Create Android App For Your Website
webview android app push notiffication
permission for webview android app
Feature explain
 offline page when internet gone
complete overview of offline web pages

 in-app-review and browsers in wbview android app
Navigation menu for webview android app
21 webhooks present in android app

support link

Create Android App For Your Website

It takes only 5 min to configure the app. No programming knowledge is required, just go with documentation.

Access Admin Panel To Manage The App


password: 123456

Kotlin Version of App Availabled

App gets the Kotlin version. You will have the JAVA and KOTLIN codes in the download package.

Take Control Over App From Admin Panel

Google Admob Ads

Google Admob is supported now. Full-page and banner ads can be shown on the app. Show and hide the full page ads from webhook.

Push Notification

Send push notification to the installed app from the admin panel. Image or text-based notification options are available. Google Firebase and One Signal are integrated.

Previous Push Message List

It records all push messages you have sent so far. Also, give you an overview of the success rate of delivered messages in percentage for Firebase api.

Social website links which will show on the mobile app when the user clicks on “social menu”.

Hide Elements On Page

Content on web pages can hide only on mobile apps. It is really helpful when you want to give better performance and experience to your user.

Work With All Kind Of Website

This app is ready to display your blog, ecommerce, portfolio, video, company website, magazine, social media, and other websites.

Change Splash Screen Images

App’s first-page image can be managed from the admin section. Every time the app opens, it will look for an updated image for the splash screen to show.

User Agent

Set your own user agent for the mobile app to load the web page. It will help to recognize the browser and how to behave with the website.

List of devices

Device list will give you an overview of on which mobile phone your app is installed. Device basic information has also shown there.

Navigation Drawer:

App has menus in the left navigation drawer. Users can navigate to the pages from the menu.


Internet gone. No problem, Now you can show a page with your design and message. Whenever the internet comes back, the web page will reload.


Users stay in your app when they click on other websites’ links. In-App-Browser will create a browser to navigate the user to another website.


It helps you to show the play store app review popup within the app. The user won’t need to go to the play store app and give a review and rating.

Social Share:

App is integrated with a native social share system. Just call the webhook to share something from the app to social sites.

File Uploading:

Upload images and other files right from mobile. Single and multiple file upload supports. (doc, pdf, jpg, mp4, m4a, etc.)

Camera Image :

It enables you to take a photo from the camera and upload it to the server.

Download Manager:

Donwnload files from the website to your device. All kinds of files are supported. (doc, pdf, jpg, mp4, m4a, etc.)

QR And BAR Code Scanner:

Just scanned the QR and bar code from mobile and. the result will be sent back to the website through webhook callback methods.

Popup On Close

A popup will show when app is about to close. User can select yes to close the app

19 Webhooks :

Webhooks are used to perform the action on the app Whenever called from the website. App has 19 webhooks and all are given with proper documentation.

No Programing Language Requirement

All you have to upload the admin panel files on your server, is do the setting. Update the Android app website url. And your app is ready to launch.

The documentation for the android app and admin panel both are available.

It will convert your website into a mobile app. You can distribute the app to Google Play Store for your user or customer.

Gelocation, Video, Music player, Recording, Everything Works seemlesly

App is fully compatible with HTML5 version. It can enable all the functionalities that a website seeks to work with.

Permission popup display whenever there is permission needed by the website. There is an extra webhook added to enable permission from the setting when the user dined and never ask.

Here Is Complete Features Of App

  • Google Admob is supported
  • Offline Web Page
  • File Uplading and Downloading
  • Take Photo From Camera

  • Geolocation
  • QR And Bar Code Scanner
  • Language Detection
  • Push Notification API
  • Audio, Video, Recorder
  • In-App-Browser
  • In-App Review Dialog
  • Native Loading Icon
  • Social Link Popup
  • 21 Webhooks
  • Pull To Refresh
  • Splash Screen Image
  • Set User Agent
  • Hide Elements On Web Page
  • Navigation Menus
  • API and Webhook For Device Token

webview and swiplayout issues solved

Google Admob added the banner and full page ads 
Show a full page ad from the webhook
hide the banner ad from the webhook 
API response handling more issues solved
Voice permission dialog is more elegant now

Push notification with image

Android 12 and API 33 compatible
Correction in Documentation
14.10.2022 - Major Update

1. Google Admob and Facebook ads manage from the admin panel
2. Added timer to display ads in mobile app
3. Connected with Google Analytics
4. improved speed of splash screen and app opening time
5. improved admin API response
6. Improved documentation 
29.04.2023 - Kotlin 

Kotlin version of app is added.
05.09.2023 - Kotlin 
Compatible with Android SDK 33 
Added popup on close 
Images added in the documentation in Java Android App

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Kotlin 1.x, Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
