Online Learning App | E-Learning App | Flutter UI Kit

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Online Learning App | E-Learning App | Flutter UI Kit


This fully customizable E-Learning UI kit is meticulously designed to provide a seamless, professional, and visually appealing interface. It caters to individuals and businesses aiming to create an immersive educational platform with a focus on user engagement, satisfaction, and dynamic interactions. The comprehensive feature set ensures a versatile and enriching learning experience.

Key Features:

  • Sleek Onboarding: Engage users from the start with a captivating Splash, Welcome, and Onboarding screens.
  • Authentication Flow: Seamlessly manage user accounts with Sign In, Create Account, Verify Code, New Password, and Profile Completion screens.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Effortlessly navigate through the app’s various sections using the Home screen and intuitive menus.
  • Rich Course Experience: Dive into detailed Course Details, explore lessons, and track progress with Ongoing and Completed courses.
  • Smooth Payment Process: Ensure a hassle-free transaction experience with Payment Method, Add Card, Review Summary, and Payment Success screens.
  • Comprehensive User Profile: Personalize the learning journey with a robust Profile section, managing ongoing and completed courses, bookmarks, and certificates.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Empower users with a versatile search function, including filters for Courses, Mentors, and Categories.
  • Engaging Notifications: Stay informed with a dedicated Notification center keeping users updated on their learning progress.
  • Interactive Mentor Interaction: Connect with mentors through detailed profiles, courses, and leave reviews for a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Communication Tools: Foster collaboration with Chat, Voice Call, and Video Call functionalities.
  • Course Purchase Integration: Students can seamlessly enroll in their desired courses directly within the app. Effortlessly purchase courses from mentors, creating a streamlined transaction process.
  • Certificate Upon Completion: Upon successfully completing a course, students receive a digital certificate to showcase their achievement. Certificates can be accessed and shared directly from the app.
  • Learning Progress Tracking: Empower students with a detailed overview of their learning journey. Track progress, completed lessons, and achievements to motivate ongoing engagement.
  • Top Course Sellers: Discover and engage with the best course-selling mentors. Rankings and reviews highlight top-performing mentors, providing insights for students.
  • Popular Courses Section: Easily explore and enroll in courses that are trending and highly sought after. Featured courses offer students a curated selection of high-quality educational content.
  • Category Exploration: Effortlessly navigate through diverse categories to find courses tailored to individual preferences. Explore a wide range of subjects, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Communication with Mentors: Establish direct communication channels between students and mentors. Ask questions, seek clarification, and receive guidance throughout the learning process.
  • Live Learning with Video Calls: Elevate the learning experience by facilitating live video calls between students and mentors. Enable real-time interaction, personalized coaching, and on-the-spot assistance.

Demo Apk:

Demo APK

Why Buy This UI Kit:

  • Professional Design: Crafted with a keen eye for design aesthetics, ensuring a visually appealing and engaging user interface.
  • Professional and Clean Code: Implementing the MVC pattern, the codebase is meticulously organized, making it easy to understand, modify, and scale.
  • Customizable: Tailor the UI kit to suit your brand with ease, allowing for a unique and personalized user experience.
  • Versatile Integration: Ready to seamlessly integrate with any back-end service, providing flexibility in choosing the preferred server solution.
  • Comprehensive Feature Set: Boasting a rich set of features, from authentication to course management, payment processing, and interactive communication tools.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: In-app course purchases, live interaction, comprehensive insights on top-performing mentors, popular courses, and learning progress, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Suitable For:

Educational Institutions, Online Learning Platforms, Training Centers, E-Learning Startups, Developers, and Businesses Seeking a Robust E-Learning UI Solution.

Enhanced User Engagement:

  • Course Purchases: Simplify the enrollment process, encouraging more users to access premium content.
  • Certificate Recognition: Grant digital certificates upon course completion, allowing users to showcase their achievements.
  • Learning Progress Tracking: Provide a detailed overview of user progress, completed lessons, and achievements to maintain motivation.
  • Top Course Sellers Ranking: Discover and engage with the best mentors based on rankings and reviews, ensuring a high-quality learning experience.
  • Explore Popular Courses: Easily explore and enroll in trending courses, curated for their relevance and quality.
  • Category Exploration: Navigate through diverse categories to find courses tailored to individual preferences, enhancing the overall learning experience.
  • Direct Communication with Mentors: Establish direct channels for communication, enabling users to ask questions, seek clarification, and receive guidance from mentors.
  • Live Learning with Video Calls: Elevate the learning experience through live video calls, providing real-time interaction, personalized coaching, and on-the-spot assistance.



  • Splash
  • Welcome
  • Onboarding
  • Sign In
  • Create Account
  • Verify Code
  • New Password
  • Complete Your Profile

Main Navigation:

  • Home
  • Course Details
  • Payment Method
  • Add Card
  • Review Summary
  • Payment Success
  • E-Receipt

User Interaction:

  • Review (Course)
  • Review (Mentor)
  • Bookmark
  • Remove From Bookmark

User Profile:

  • My Course (Ongoing)
  • My Course (Completed)
  • Course (Lesson)
  • Course (Certificate)
  • Search
  • Search (Course)
  • Search (Mentors)
  • Filter
  • Category

Content Discovery:

  • Popular Course
  • Top Mentor
  • Continue Learning (From Home)


  • Notification

Mentor Interaction:

  • Mentor Details (About)
  • Mentor Details (Courses)
  • Mentor Details (Review)


  • Chat
  • Chat Details
  • Voice Call
  • Video Call
  • Share

User Settings:

  • Profile
  • Your Profile
  • Settings
  • Manage Payment Methods
  • Password Manager
  • Help Centre
  • Privacy Policy
  • Logout


  1. Read Documentation:

    Thoroughly explore the accompanying documentation. It’s a valuable resource containing essential information on installation, usage, and customization tailored for this UI Kit.

  2. Compatibility Check:

    Verify the UI Kit’s compatibility with your platform, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your requirements before making a purchase.

  3. Reach Out for Support:

    Should you encounter any challenges or have inquiries, our support team is here to help. Contact us through the designated channels before leaving negative feedback; we are committed to assisting you promptly.

  4. Understand Refund Policy:

    Familiarize yourself with the CodeCanyon refund policy. While we believe in the quality of this UI Kit, refunds are available for valid reasons, and we are dedicated to resolving any issues swiftly.

  5. License Compliance:

    Ensure strict compliance with the UI Kit’s licensing terms. Each purchase typically covers one installation; adherence to the license agreement is crucial.

  6. Clear Communication:

    If customization or specific requirements are needed, communicate them clearly during the pre-purchase phase. This ensures expectations are set and misunderstandings are avoided.

  7. Regularly Check for Updates:

    Stay informed about UI Kit updates. Periodically check for new versions, bug fixes, or additional features that may enhance your users’ experience.

  8. Community Etiquette:

    Engage positively and respectfully within the CodeCanyon community. Your constructive feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your contributions to the UI Kit community.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, .plist, .swift

Video Preview Resolution
