Palleon – Javascript Image Editor

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palleon javascript image editor

Palleon is s complete javascript online photo/image editor. It is built on jQuery and FabricJS. It can be easily integrated to any project or can be used as a stand-alone application.

To make ’”save functions” (save image and template) work, you should have a database on your server and integrate it to Palleon using a server-side language. See Documentation -> Settings. If you are not a developer, you can remove these parts from the HTML file and use only download option. If you are not familiar with coding, you might be interested in WordPress version.


You can crop, rotate or resize images in a few clicks. Easy to use image filters allows you to to create beautiful effects for your photos.


Palleon comes with ready to use photo frames that you can add to your images easil..


Add texts to the canvas and customize them using rich set of text settings (Google fonts are supported).


You can add as many image as you want to the canvas.


Palleon comes with over 130 customizable svg shapes. Just use your imagination.


Palleon comes with tons of ready-to-use SVG files; Elements, frames and icons. Svg files are carefully selected and can be used on any kind of design.


Palleon comes with hundreds of ready to use modern icons which are suitable to use for any purpose.


Palleon comes with useful apps such as QR code generator, barcode generator, triangle art, multi-avatar, cryptocurrency, brands and country flags. More apps will be added soon!


You can align objects and fix spacing issues using drag&drop guides.


You can paint anything you wish using free drawing brushes. The limit is your imagination.


You can lock/unlock, show/hide, clone or delete any layer with ease from the panel. You can also drag&drop layers to change their orders.


Palleon comes with 2 themes. Users can switch between these light and dark themes. If you are familiar with CSS, you can create your own themes easily.


Built-in Template and Media libraries. Template library comes with 42 ready-to-use templates.


With Pexels and Pixabay integration, you can browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images from the image editor.


Add to favorites for Elements, Frames and Templates are fully functional. There is no need to connect to a database because the data is stored in the browser (localStorage).


You can undo or redo your actions. History feature allows you to browse all stored actions and restore any one as you want.


You can shrink JPEG images to the minimum possible size while keeping the required level of quality.


Palleon can be easily integrated to any project or can be used as a stand-alone application.


Palleon is built on JQuery and FabricJS. It is fast and lightweight.


Developer friendly, clean code. We strictly follow latest Javascript coding standards to keep Palleon secure, stable and fast.


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Update History

Version 2.6.1 December 27th, 2023

Fixed a bug with gradients.

Version 2.6 December 26th, 2023

Added Brands App.
Updated “Shapes” panel.
Added 150+ new shapes.
Added “rounded corners” setting to the following shapes; Square and Rectangle.
Added “diagonal gradient” option.

Version 2.5 December 20th, 2023

New Module! Palleon Apps.
QR Code and Barcode modules moved to Apps.
Added triangle art app.
Added multi-avatar app.
Added country flags app.
Added cryptocurrency app.

Version 2.4 December 12th, 2023

Added fill color options for multi-color custom svg files.
Multi-color SVGs can be added to the Elements panel now.
Added “Mask” options to the image settings. @see Image->Image->Mask.
Fixed an issue with image filter select.

Version 2.3 December 07th, 2023

New Feature! Added barcode generator.
Added turn on/off template preview setting.

Version 2.2.2 December 06th, 2023

Added template preview on hover
Added 37 new elements (Moon shapes and thunderbolts)

Version 2.2.1 November 23th, 2023

Fixed an issue with ruler guide settings.

Version 2.2 November 21th, 2023

"Save preferences" is now fully functional. There is no need to connect to a database because the data is stored in the users’ browser storage (localStorage).

Version 2.1.2 November 06th, 2023

Added a few helper functions

Version 2.1 October 30th, 2023

AntimenaJS compatibility
Minor bug fixes

Version 2.0 October 28th, 2023

Integrated with Pexels and Pixabay APIs.
Add to favorites for Elements, Frames and Templates is now fully functional. There is no need to connect to a database because the data is stored in the browser storage (localStorage).
Favorites layouts changed.
Updated documentation.

Version 1.9.1 August 30st, 2023

New feature. Deselect all objects within clicking outside the canvas easily.
Updated blank canvas size select tag for easy editing.
JQuery has been upgraded to the latest version.

Version 1.9 July 31st, 2023

Added QR Code preview feature.
Removed QR code size setting since it’s scaled automatically.
Added checkered background to the items on the SVG library.
Updated colorpicker plugin (Spectrum).

Version 1.8 June 21st, 2023

Fixed issues on some image filters; Emboss, SobelX, SobelY
Moved “my templates” section to template library
Added WEBP image format support on upload buttons

Version 1.7 May 23rd, 2023

Added font preview feature to the font family select box.
Added 2 new shape (pentagon and octagon).
Added image preview to the overlay image section.
Fixed a bug on free drawing section.

Version 1.6.2 May 01st, 2023

Fixed a few bugs

Version 1.6.1 April 29th, 2023

Fixed some bugs on image save/download function.

Version 1.6 April 27th, 2023

Added generate SVG QR code feature!
Added “Overlay Image” feature under “Image” tab.
Added “Aspect Ratio” option for custom width and height settings (shapes).
Added “DPI” setting for image save/download.
Added aligning guidelines.
Added delete multiple selected object feature.
Enabled SVG settings for custom SVG files ( Flip, Align, Skew, Rotate).
Added missing “ellipse” option to delete layers dropdown menu.

Version 1.5 April 10th, 2023

Added “delete” and “duplicate” buttons to the selected objects on the canvas.
Added ruler guide color and size settings to user preferences.
Added “uppercase/lowercase” button to the edit text settings.
Removed maximum image size limit on resize canvas field.
Fixed some rotate & resize issues on templates.
Fixed some bugs on history module.
Disabled “crop” if there is no background image on the canvas. You can use “resize” instead of “crop”.

Version 1.4 March 30th, 2023

Added save/download as SVG and Webp options.
Added watermark settings. If enabled, customizable watermark is added to the image when user clicks save or download.
Added canvas ruler feature
Added “backspace” keypress delete event.
Fixed Google font (Roboto) issue
Fixed deleted object issue on history. 
Updated help documentation.

Version 1.3 March 03th, 2023

Added load default template feature on the first page load.
Updated documentation.

Version 1.2 February 28th, 2023

Added edit layer name feature


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