Pinterest API Widget – Responsive jQuery Plugin

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Pinterest API Widget – Responsive jQuery Plugin

Pinterest API Widget allows adding pins to your website very fast, using Pinterest’s API for retrieving user pins and pins from a user’s specific board.

Because it uses the API, results are obtained instantly (no web scraping). And everything comes with a code generator so you can easily generate your custom pin configuration.

The plugin allows multiple customizations over the pins being shown: fixed or responsive(100%) width for the pin container, custom height, custom pin sizes, custom number of pins (max of 50), showing/hiding “Pin it” button, showing/hiding Pin’s source link, showing/hiding/trimming description.
Pinterest API Widget is also designed for bandwidth efficiency. Only the pins that you look upon will have their images loaded. For a nice effect, each pin shows a dominant background color of the image, before the image is loaded.

Also, you can have an unlimited number of widgets into the same page, showing different boards or user’s feeds.


Responsive solution

  • Display a user’s feed or board in a fully responsive widget with pins adapting to the display size
  • Hardware accelerated pins with CSS3 transforms and transitions for unprecedented performance
  • Smart loading of pins in view with pin’s dominant color in the background

Total control of dimensions

  • Custom widget width/heights
  • Custom pin widths
  • Custom amount of pins to display

Control the information you display

  • Show unlimited widgets in the same post/page
  • Show/hide user/board feed header
  • Show/hide Pin it button
  • Show/hide pin source link
  • Show, hide or trim pin’s descriptions

Pinterest widget Code Generator

Code Generator allows setting your Pinterest widget very fast. Everything is ready in a second.

Pinterest API Widget - Responsive jQuery Plugin - 1

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software


Demo Url
High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
