PixelPhoto Android is a social timeline application for PixelPhoto PHP Script social network, with PixelPhoto users can Post & Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !
PixelPhoto app is easy, and secure, and it will be regularly updated.
PixelPhoto PHP Script v1.4.1 or higher.
-If you are charging your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license
What does Extended license includs?
1-Extra payment system such as Google in app billing
2-More priority in ticket replies
User Features:
- ِNative Post views.
- Send, receive messages.
- Regitration pages and steps.
- Share & upload images, Videos and more.
- Offline access to all messages and recent conversions.
- Image Caching system.
- Explore New user’s & Friends.
- Control Your Privacy and Settings.
- 8+ Image filters & brushes and more .
- Change Profile information.
- Explore Lates Posts.
- ِ30+ new features.
and much more…
Android Version 2.8 ( 12 August 2023 )
[Added] Shared post system. [Update] New Cert key required. [Update] Stripe payment system. [Update] Braintree PayPal payment system. [Update] Braintree PayPal payment system. [Update] Google ads system (AdMob). [Update] Google services. [Update] Ads-colony, One signal. [Update] For multiple nuget packages. [Fixed] Update image avatar. [Fixed] YouTube player when RTL and other bugs. [Fixed] Encoding video after editing (size video). [Fixed] Wallet related issues.
Android Version 2.7 ( 27 May 2023 )
[Migrated ] To .Net 7.0 – Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33. [Update] New Ui. UX theme redesigned. [Update] Code & Api to work with PixelPhoto v1.6. [Added] Ads AppLovin. [Added] Shimmer load. [Added] Wallet system. [Added] Razorpay Payment Gateway. [Added] CashFree Payment Gateway. [Added] PayStack Payment Gateway. [Added] PaySera Payment Gateway. [Added] SecurionPay Payment Gateway. [Added] AuthorizeNet Payment Gateway. [Added] IyziPay Payment Gateway. [Added] FlutterWave Payment Gateway. [Added] Recent Donations activity. [Added] Support for referral system during registration. [Added] Ability to Hide adult content images and lock them. [Update] New Cert key required. [Update] Material Dialogs. [Update] Braintree PayPal Payment Gateway. [Update] Stripe Payment Gateway. [Update] Bank transfer system. [Update] Smart Lock For Passwords system. [Update] Google services. [Update] Ads-colony, One signal. [Update] For multiple nuget packages. [Removed] All Resources not used. [Fixed] Facebook ads And login. [Fixed] Android 12 issue with material components. [Fixed] Deep link issues. [Fixed] Taking image or video from the camera. [Fixed] 10+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.6 ( 14 April 2022 )
[Added] Support for 360-degree video. [Added] Abillity to unlock images. [Update] New cert key. [Update] Google services. [Fixed] Android 12 issue with material components. [Fixed] Aplash screen page. [Fixed] FFmpeg with all version SDK and all CPU types. [Fixed] 10+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.5 ( 21 December 2021 )
[Migrated] to Android 12 SDK + build tools 31. [Added] About app section. [Added] Ability to invite friends. [Added] Braintree payment gateway. [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Fixed] 10+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.4 ( 1 November 2021 )
[Added] OG link in the comment. [Added] Video editor when adding post or story. [Added] Integration with smart lock for passwords. [Added] Show ads system for users or just unprofessionals. [Added] New YouTube player. [Update] Android AOT [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Fixed] 15+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.3 ( 29 July 2021 )
[Added] Custom Toast. [Added] AdsColony ads system. [Added] Video compress system during uplaod. [Added] New story system. [Added] Reels post in Newsfeed section. [Update] Exoplayer, Facebook Sdk, Youtube Player, Glide [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Fixed] 15+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.2 ( 24 March 2021 )
[Added] Support For Android 11. [Added] New icon to Add New Store. [Added] Support Network Security Config. [Update] Exoplayer, Facebook Sdk, Youtube Player, Glide [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Update] Login via Google using last API release.
Android Version 2.1 ( 12 December 2020 )
Improved Splash screen loading time by 60% faster. [Added] Ability open profile in store view. [Fixed] 15+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.0 ( 20 October 2020 )
Migrated to AndroidX. Migrated to SDK 29. [Added] ProgressBar in Notification while Uploading new post. [Added] Multi Images Post Viewer with Touch Image Zoom. [Update] Exoplayer, Facebook Sdk, Youtube Player, Glide [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Update] Login via Google using last API release. [Fixed] 15+ reported bugs.
Android Version 1.9 ( 2 October 2020 )
[Added] Add AOT Profiles. [Imroved] Splash screen loading time. [Added] New post feed (Vimeo ,Dailymotion , PlayTube). [Added] In App Review. [Added] In App Update Manager. [Added] My Store. [Added] Preview image Store. [Added] Deep Links to App Content. [Added] My Downloads Store. [Added] My Downloads Store. [Upgrade] C# to 8.0. [Update] For Facebook Ads, Google ,OneSignal package. [Fixed] 15+ reported bugs.
Android Version 1.8.2 ( 22 July 2020 )
[Added] ability to delete and copy text comments. [Added] ability to view Featured post. [Added] new style lock user list. [Added] some animation on double like click. [Added] some animation on double like click. [Fixed] add post issue. [Fixed] size image post. [Fixed] dark mode on login and Register page. [Fixed] ability to add funding. [Fixed] story system. [Fixed] 12+ reported bugs.
Android Version 1.8.1 ( 16 July 2020 )
[Update] new UI / UX design for all the application. [Added] ability to send image type message. [Added] ability for friend requests. [Added] publisher AdView. [Added] money withdrawals section. [Added] ability to manage sessions. [Added] ability for profile Verification. [Added] full store system for buy and sell. [Added] Facebook ads system. [Added] ability to report funding. [Added] business account. [Added] new type of notifications. [Added] full affiliates system. [Added] Payment system (PayPal ,CreditCard, BankTransfer ). [Added] ability to view story count. [Update] adSize Banner to Smart Banner. [Update] remove all resource unused. [Update] OneSignal and all packages. [Update] Google login api. [Fixed] dark mode theme issues. [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
Android Version 1.7 ( 7 Feb 2020 )
[Added] support for android version 10. [Added] prelaoding images and videos for stories [Added] checking system for shared files with server [Update] for multiple packages and framworks. [Update] from package to .Net reference system. [Fixed] dark mode theme issues. [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
Android Version 1.6 (26 November 2019)
Update for ExoPlayer to last version Added new TikTok theme for user profile Added ability to view last user activities Added ability to preload videos during scroll. Added ability to play cached videos. Fixed dark mode theme issues. Fixed 5+ bugs.
Android Version (3 September 2019)
Added full admob ads system Added ability to play videos full screen Added native Google Ads between posts Added ability to recourd video on post . Added ability to filter images on story Added sound effect on like buttons of post Ability to load messages in background service Fixed dark mode theme issues. Fixed 9+ bugs.
Android Version 1.5.3 1 August 2019
Added Verification badge Added dark mode Added business account profile. Added private profile Added pro system Fixed 7+ bugs.
Android Version 1.5 (11/07/2019)
Added ability to reply on comments New UI news feed design Added ability to view fundings. Added ability to Like comments Added ability to view boosted post Update SDK version to 9.0. Fixed 10+ bugs.
Android Version 1.4 (06/05/2019)
Added Block System. Added pull and refresh on explore page. 8+ Bugs fixes.
Android Version 1.0.0 First Release (10/1/2019)
Added full Push-notifications system for all kinds of notifications. Added ability to send/reiceve messages. Update ability to post 4 types of posts. Added ability to login via social logins. Added settings prefencess screens. Added Story/Status and view. Added Filter image system. Added 24 image effects system. Added Brush and draw system. Added abilty to search for Gifs. Secured the app of illegal uses Android SDK Upgrade to 8.1. Added ability to search for users online. High Improvement on performance of the app. Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3. Added block users system. Added abilty to delete account . Add abilty for full screen. Add Ads Reward Video Google. Added font system . Added ability for offset mode. Added Ability To Report posts. Added Native like and comment Request App Permissions system. Added Native Emoji keyboard view. Added Empty state pages and offline pages. Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish . Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more.. Added ability to handle image download and cache load and speed. Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections. Registration steps: Added 2 new pages steps. Added regex for numbers & hashtag and Mention. Welcome Page : New page added on the fisrt load . Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address. Animations : added Animations on pages and items Materials Design: Total new Design for the app Added Image croper and rotate system. Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .