Pizzaro – Fast Food & Restaurant HTML template

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Pizzaro - Fast Food & Restaurant HTML template - 1

Pizzaro – Fast Food & Restaurant HTML Responsive Template is a modern, functional and clean layouts design with premium attention to the details for Fast food, sushi and Pizza delivering restaurants. This Template is brought to you by the same team that built the electro and mediacenter

The template contains 42 HTML files, 4 Header Styles and 5 Footer Styles 8 Color variations.

It also contains 7 completely different Homepages with 4 headers option. Any content from each single Homepage can be transfered into another one very easily.


  • Built with Bootstrap
  • SASS files supplied
  • Break-down of SASS files into components and blocks
  • PHP Files included ( not working PHP files but files separated into smaller blocks)
  • Fully responsive
  • Highly Customizable
  • RTL Compatible
  • Touch Enabled Sliders


Home & Static Pages

  1. Home v1
  2. Home v2
  3. Home v3
  4. Home v4
  5. Home v5
  6. Home v6
  7. Home v7
  8. About
  9. Contact
  10. FAQ V1
  11. FAQ V2
  12. Terms and Conditions
  13. 404

Ecommerce Pages

  1. My Account
  2. Track Order
  3. Cart
  4. Checkout
  5. Order Placed
  6. Store Locator

Shop Pages

  1. Shop Grid 3 Column
  2. Shop Grid 4 Column
  3. Shop Grid 6 Column
  4. Shop Listing
  5. Shop List 2 Column
  6. Shop List No Images
  7. Shop List No Image Parallax
  8. Shop Sidebar Grid 3 Column
  9. Shop Sidebar Listing
  10. Shop Sidebar List 2 Column
  11. Shop Dark Grid 3 Column
  12. Shop Dark List
  13. Shop Dark List 2 Column
  14. Shop Dark List No Images

Single Product Pages

  1. Single Product v1
  2. Single Product v2
  3. Single Product v3

Blog Pages

  1. Blog
  2. Blog Fullwidth
  3. Blog Fullwidth Grid
  4. Blog Grid

Images on preview are not included.


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