Popups and Notifications for WordPress – Snitcher

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The powerful and flexible modal popup window plugin for your WordPress site. The Snitcher adds wide functionality for creating popups on different pages with any content. You can display posts created on various page builders. This is a unique tool to draw users’ attention to your promotions, offers, feature announcements, or provide important information via bright popup messages. It can display the registration or subscription form to increase the conversion of the resource.

Create an unlimited number of popups that will be displayed under certain conditions. You can set the popup trigger to different actions, such as page loading or scrolling, click or hover elements, browser tab switching, site exit, or even custom JS. You can also set up a chain of popups to call the user to action. Each of the windows has individual style settings for each element, which allows you to add uniqueness to your site. Nearly all ideas concerning a modal popup window can be implemented using the plugin.

Customizable Overlay Size and Layout

Use Favorite Visual Builder for Popup Content

12 Popup Appearance Positions

Assignment interface for any entity

10 Trigger for Open/Close a Popup

Build a Chain of Popups One by One

WordPress Shortcodes Right Inside Popups

Minified and optimized native JS without jQuery

Unlimited Simultaneously Open Popups

Creating the popup content in Classic WordPress Editor

Modern User Interface

Creating the popup content in Elementor Builder

WCAG 2.0 Compliant level AAA

Fully Compatible with WordPress 5+

Suitable for all kind of Layouts and Templates

Works Great with All Popular Themes

Completely Cross-Browser Support

The Snitcher has many additional options that can more accurately configure when and for which audience displays the popup. You can assign the windows display for specific user roles or time for certain pages or devices. Limit the number of impressions for one client/session or disable the popup for the specified number of days. Moreover, there are available shortcodes for adding individual popups to specific pages or using a custom button on your page as a popup trigger.

A lot of useful functions and settings

Flexible positions include Fullscreen and Inline. The settings will help you flexibly arrange the popup on the page. In addition to corner positions, you can also place the popup content inline right between two adjacent blocks.

Customizable size & position of overlay-box. Flexible adjustment of the overlay box size will help create a unique behavior of the popup on the page. Style management will create a unique impression and perfectly fit the popup into your website design.

10+ opening triggers – any event, any element at any time. Configure the opening of the popup for any event or action on the page at any time or once. You can open the pop-up by clicking, scrolling, hovering, by the time of activity or inactivity, when you exit or after changing the tab, and of course, immediately after loading.

Support for modern web standards and recomendations. The plugin complies with the WCAG Level AA standard and provides a high level of accessibility of content inside the popup, both at the code level and visually. In addition, the plug-in meets the standards of the GDPR and store necessary data only In the browser.
We follow the innovations and try to update the plugins to continue to meet the most current standards.

Create popup content in your favorite editor. Create popup content in a standard WordPress editor or use ready-made pages and templates as content. Plugins support pages created in Elementor, Divi, or Gutenberg, and of course, shortcodes.

Total control of opening & closing with JS. You don’t need any knowledge of the code to use the plugin. However, in the settings of each popup, there are fields for using a custom JS or CSS code for more flexible customization.

Sequential opening of pop-ups one after another. Create chains of popups by opening the next one after closing the previous one. This is a great opportunity to introduce the user to the interface of your site.

Simultaneous opening of several popups. Do not limit your marketing capabilities to one pop-up – open several pop-ups at the same time there and when you need it to achieve the best conversion on your site.

Auto close and timed open functions. Control the display time using the built-in time functions. For example, show the popup only once every 2 days, 9 seconds after entering, and automatically close it after 1 minute.

The WordPress plugin is fully cross-browser. It does not matter which browser users view your site. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari – in all browsers, visitors will get an incredible experience. The plugin can be useful for different site types, such as a Blog, Portfolio, Corporate Website, eCommerce Project, Creative Agency, Real Estate Listing, Personal CV, a Restaurant or Retail Company.

Features of the Modal Popup Window WordPress plugin

  • Unlimited unique popup windows
  • Supports 10 popup triggers
  • Individual popup shortcodes available
  • Flexible styles for each element of a window
  • Support Popup chain
  • Auto close feature
  • Appearance animation settings
  • More than 12 positions to open a popup
  • Compatible with WordPress Editor, Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi
  • Several pop-ups can be opened at the same time
  • Supports different content types
  • Tracks the document referer
  • Supports Custom CSS and JavaScript
  • Flexible Assignment settings for each popup
  • Works well with all WordPress themes
  • Included pot file for quick translation on any language
  • Perfect for RTL direction
  • Fast and smooth installing
  • Tested and compatible up to WordPress 5.7
  • Works great on phones and tablets
  • Lightweight and Fast
  • Native valid JavaScript, without jQuery
  • All major browsers supported Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, and Internet Explorer
  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • WCAG 2 Level AAA Compliant
  • 100% SEO friendly
  • Easy to use and customize
  • Built-in interface for binding the plugin to categories and single pages
  • Installation Guide
  • Detailed Users Manual
  • Huge Customization Capabilities
  • Six months Included Support for CodeCanyon buyers

Learn a little more about what the plugin can do and how to configure it from the Online Documentation.


1.1.5 – 4 July 2023
Added Custom Posts as content source
1.1.4 – 14 March 2022
Fixed warning if Default Popup field is empty
Added automatic translation files for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian
1.1.3 – 21 February 2023
Fixed Code Editor initialisation issue
Added flush analytics button on the popup edit page
1.1.2 – 26 October 2022
Fixed missing popup for popups builded in WordPress classic editor
1.1.1 – 18 October 2022
Fixed analytics sending for not login users
1.1.0 – 17 October 2022
Added analytics on dashboard and post meta box
Added setting to limit pop-up displays during the entire visit to the site until the tab is closed
Improved WPBakery posts compatibility
1.0.10 – 17 August 2022
Added popup opening limit setting
Added JS events snitcher-open and snitcher-close
Fixed notices for removed popup content
1.0.9 – 4 May 2022
Fixed few translation issues in the pot file
1.0.7 – 22 September 2021
Fixed Top Center popup position
1.0.6 – 22 September 2021
Fixed on-click & on-hover trigger for elements with same CSS selectors
1.0.5 – 5 July 2021
Added close counter trigger
1.0.4 – 3 July 2021
Fixed multiple animation run for inactive trigger
Fixed connection of CSS if Elementor is used
1.0.3 – 30 June 2021
Fixed shortcode running for WYSIWYG editor
1.0.2 - 1 June 2021
Added options for disable page overlay
1.0.1 - 25 May 2021
Added Divi Builder support
Added new setting - Full Screen for mobile devices
1.0.0 - 22 May 2021
Initial release


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