Porichoy is a multitenancy-based portfolio platform customers can create portfolio websites within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain, custom domain also path based domain for portfolio URL. Anyone can build any kind of portfolio site using this script. Customers can create portfolio websites, online CV, VCard (Online Business Card), and QR Builders. We have integrated 4 portfolio themes, 2 VCard themes, 5 online resume themes and added 12 payment getaways. All payment Getaways supported sandbox mode and live mode and fully securely. This script included 2 click site installer to install this script without your technical knowledge.
Demo Access:
Admin Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Customer login:
Login Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Portfolio Templates Demo
Theme 1
Live Demo:
Theme 2
Live Demo:
Theme 3
Live Demo:
Theme 4
Live Demo:
VCard Templates Demo
Theme 1
Live Demo:
Theme 2
Live Demo:
CV Templates Demo
Live Demo:
Payment Gateways:
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Paystack
- Razorpay
- Instamojo
- Mollie
- Toyyibpay
- Mercadopago
- Mollie
- Payu
- Thawani
- Bank Transfer
- Cash On Delivery
Main Site features.
- 11+ payment gateways.
- Custom / Subdomain Supported
- Path Based Subdomain.
- Resume Builder
- Digital Business Card Builder
- 4 Portfolio Templated
- Admin can directly log in to the customer panel.
- 2 VCard Templates
- 5 CV Templates
- Role-based admin.
- Multi-language (menu & text).
- SEO settings.
- Cron job configuration.
- Social login (Facebook google github)
- Admin can set domain registration type
- Drag and drop menu builder
- Blog
- Mailchimp modules
- Seo modules
- Awesome admin dashboard
- Tax modules for subscription
- Templates upload modules
- Order Report
- Subscription notification before expire
- Subscription notification after expire
- Google Analytics
- Many more…
Customers Features.
- Customer can change theme
- Qr code
- Domain Request Modules
- Storage limit check
- CV Builder
- Blog Modules
- VCard
- Complete Portfolio site builder
- Many more…
v1.7 Security issue fix
v1.6 some minor issue fix
v1.5 Well Documentation Some minor issue fix
v1.1 Zip code change to text format Some minor issue fix security update
initial release v1.0