Power AI – Artificial Intelligence Multipurpose Website Figma Template

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Introducing “Power AI” – Power AI is a modern multipurpose website theme for who want to provide Artificial Intelligence services. This is a compatible template that is design with new and trendy modern features. “Power AI” Figma template comes with unique, modern, creative and clean concepts.

You can use the template to get started in a professional website design to save time. Every element and component are hand-crafted carefully in Figma App in innovative ways like Symbols, Nested Symbols, well organized layers, and groups. Super easy to custom everything in the layouts, you will be free to mix the elements and components to create your design with Figma Artificial Intelligence service based Template. This will be a smart choice for your next projects.

Template Features

  • Based on 1320px Grid System.
  • 04 Awesome Unique Homepage Version.
  • 20+ Total Pages.
  • Trendy Modern Style.
  • Elegant and Creative Design.
  • Color & Text Variables.
  • Easily customizable Figma files.
  • Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
  • This Figma Template is perfect for convert into WordPress, Joomla and other systems… to make website
  • Strong and unique interface, streamlined and impress.
  • Pixel Perfect.
  • Fully Customizable.
  • Free Google Fonts.
  • Free Font Based Icons.
  • Great Support 24/7.
  • Easy to find the files name, folder, layers, groups.
  • And many more…

Figma Files Included

  1. 01_homepage_01
  2. 01_home_artificial_intelligence_default
  3. 2_home_ai_image_generator
  4. 3_home_ai_content_generator
  5. 4_home_ai_powered_customer_service
  6. 5_inner_page_about_us_1
  7. 6_inner_page_about_us_2
  8. 7_inner_page_services
  9. 8_inner_page_blog_article
  10. 9_inner_page_blog_details
  11. 10_inner_page_contact
  12. 11_inner_page_team
  13. 12_inner_page_team_details
  14. 13_inner_page_testimonial
  15. 14_inner_page_pricing_plan
  16. 16_inner_page_terms_conditions
  17. 17_inner_page_privacy_policy
  18. 18_inner_page_sign_up
  19. 19_inner_page_sign_in
  20. 20_inner_page_reset_password
  21. 21_inner_page_404_error

Fonts Used

  • Inter
  • Inter Tight

Sources and Credits

Icons Used
  • Google Font Free;
  • Flaticons;
Graphics Used

All images in the screen shots are for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package.


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