Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor

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Elementor Section Addons adds many features to the regular elementor section. Add-ons included:

  • Animated Gradients Elementor Add-on
  • Ken Burns Elementor Add-on
  • Parallax Elementor Add-on
  • Particles Elementor Add-on

All Addons can be directly used and configured inside Elementor with no coding required.

Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor - 1

Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor - 2
Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor - 3
Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor - 4
Premium Section Add-ons for Elementor - 5

Change Log

Version 1.0.3
- New: Apply Parallax add-ons on columns.
- Tweak: Javascript loading method improved for better performance.
- Tweak: Added compatibility between the Addons and Elementor Container element.
- Tweak: Added Horizontal Scroll Parallax option in Parallax Section add-on.
- Tweak: Added Show/hide layers on different devices option in Parallax Add-on multi-layers.

Version 1.0.2
- New: Apply Animated Gradient, Ken Burns add-ons on columns.
- Tweak: Added Wave Effect option in Animated Gradient add-on.
- Tweak: Added new effects for Ken Burns add-on.
- Tweak: Added `Zoom In/Out` option for each layer in Ken Burns add-on.
- Tweak: Added `Responsive Controls` for Premium Particles section add-on.
- Tweak: Javascript Code refactored for better performance and security.
- Tweak: Compatibility with new Elementor versions.
- Fixed: `Transition Speed` option not working in Ken Burns section add-on.
- Fixed: Global Colors not working for Animated Gradient add-on.

Version 1.0.1
- Fixed: `Background Size` does not work in Parallax Add-on.

Version 1.0.0
- First release


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