Price Table with sliding effect

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The Interactive Price Table is a dynamic web component created using HTML and CSS. This table is designed to display and compare different pricing plans for a coding product and utilizes Microsoft Visual Studio as the code editor. One of its standout features is the sliding effect, allowing users to easily navigate through various pricing options. This engaging and interactive design enhances user experience and helps prospective customers make informed decisions about the available plans.

Key Features:
1. HTML Structure:
The price table is built with semantic HTML, ensuring accessibility and search engine optimization. It’s structured with various div elements, making it modular and easy to style.

2. CSS Styling:
The CSS file contains all the necessary styles for the price table. The design is customizable to match the branding of the coding product.

3. Sliding Effect:
The sliding effect is implemented using CSS transitions and JavaScript. Users can click on tabs or buttons to slide between different pricing plans horizontally. This effect is smooth and user-friendly, making it easy for customers to explore the various options.

4. Pricing Plan Details:
Each plan in the table includes detailed information such as plan name, price, features, and a call-to-action button. This information is clearly presented for users to understand the value of each plan.

5. Responsive Design:
The price table is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Media queries are used to adjust the layout and font sizes as needed.

6. Customization:
The code is modular, making it easy to customize the color schemes, fonts, and other design elements to match the branding of the coding product. The user can also add or remove pricing plans as needed.

7. Browser Compatibility:
The code is thoroughly tested for compatibility with modern web browsers to ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms.

The Interactive Price Table with a sliding effect is a visually engaging and user-friendly way to present pricing information for a coding product. Created with HTML and CSS, and developed using Microsoft Visual Studio, this table offers a seamless user experience, customization options, accessibility, and SEO benefits. It is a valuable addition to any coding product website, helping customers make informed decisions while providing an interactive and aesthetically pleasing design.


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