What is Prime AI Flutter UI Kit?
Prime AI Flutter App UI Kit provides assistance with chatting with AI, image generator, video generator, and content generator. It contains complete app templates, ready-to-use widgets, and code snippets. This kit is compatible with Android and iOS. This app added clean code, well-formatted, easy to understand, and the good thing is that it has a light and dark version.
Add multi-language support for English, Hindi, Arabic, German, French, and Chinese.
Top Reasons to Buy This Kit
Intuitive, unique, user-friendly, attractive design & easy navigation
Clean, structured, and easily readable code and save at least 150+ hours of development time
Responsive design to any device screen & compatible with both Android and iOS
Single codebase super fast loading and best performance
Using GetX for state management
Contains 60+ screens with different types of interface
Developed using latest Flutter version
Flexible Structure, Easy to Customise

Chat with AI assistant
Generate image with AI
Generate video with AI
Writing with AI
Subscription plan
Provides Upgrade Pro and History features
Choose your favorite subject and chat with the AI
Premium features include text-to-speech, multiple-language support, speech-to-text, text share, image download and share
Users easily generate videos, images, and content writing
Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows).
Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. Android Studio, VSCode, etc).
A basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart.
Source and Credits
Unspalsh (Images)
Freepik (Vactors & Images)
Flat Icon (Community) (Icon)
Solar Icon (Community) (Icon)
All images are just used for preview purposes only and replaced with Placeholder Images. They are not part of the template and are not included in the final purchase files.
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