Product Attribute Filter 2.2 for osCommerce

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Superfast Product Attribute Filter 2.2 – is a module for osCommerce, which helps you to easy filter products in your store by attributes (options).

Attribute Filter is a box, which has a set of Attributes and their values with checkboxes.
Please note, this script shows only that attributes, which is added to products from current category.
For example, if you are currently in category “Graphics Cards”, you`ll see attributes for graphic cards, like Model and Memory. But if you are in “DVD Movies” or other category, their products has not attributes like Memory, so, this attribute will now be shown in this category.
This is very useful, because you dont need to see attributes from other categories, just only that you need in current page.
In osCommerce Atributes called “Options”, so, its the same thing.

In addition, we have placed there Price Range Filter, which changes inputs values when sliding, and sliding when you`ll change inputs.

You can see an example here, or, or on screenshots:

Product Attribute Filter 2.2 for osCommerce - 1
Product Attribute Filter 2.2 for osCommerce - 2

PA Filter 2.* is faster for PA Filter 1.0 more than in in 140 times! You can see it if you have many attributes and values, in new version PA Filter box will load in 1 sec if you have even 20000 products with attributes.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form.
If you want to make this script without refreshing page, its more complicated and depends of your version of oSc, but I can do it, see example: If you want the same, just email me ;)

Also we have many other modules and great responsive oscommerce template:
And visit my website:

Difference of version 2.1 and 2.0 is only in osCommerce Phoenix CE support. However we recommend our own osCommerce version: Compare Solomono osCommerce vs Phoenix osCommerce CE

Version 2.2 is security fix: added (int) to few variables in filter.php

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