Product Carousel for Elementor has TWO types of Carousels.
- Recently Sold Products Carousel
- Best Selling Products Carousel
Recently Sold products will be last 7 days of your sales.
Best selling products shows of your top most sales.
- Responsive and mobile friendly
- Powerful, and Fast Loading
- Create unlimited Carousels
- Device-wise specific responsive control
- Highly customizable
- 100% Multilanguage
12+ Slider controls
- AutoPlay
- AutoPlay speed
- AutoPlay timeout
- Slide scroll speed
- Slide to scroll
- Slide to scroll in different devices
- Pause on hover
- Infinite loop slider
- Show/hide navigation
- Show/hide pagination dots
- Slide to show
- Touch swipe
- Auto height
Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.
Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you are still stuck you can contact through email on
Change Log:
= Version 1.0.0 (2020-04-03) =
* [+] Initial Release.