Product Import Export with Excel for WooCommerce

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Import, Update & Export WooCommerce Products with a simple Excel, no more csv’s!

Manage WooCommerce Faster by Bulk Importing Multiple Simple or Variable Products and their Images with Excel!

Instead of uploading products individually, with this Ajax driven plugin you have the opportunity to upload Unlimited products at a single time, without any delay, timeouts or inaccuracy.

Rather than figuring out how to import the info on Excel columns, data mapping with simple Drag and Drop of what you want to upload. As simple as that!

No more hassling with CSV formats, just use a simple Excel file!

Lastly Schedule Product Import or Export with cron and do the job seamlessly in the background!


  • Import Simple & Variable WooCommerce Products – You can upload simple products with attributes or variables, along with their attributes and their images!
  • Define which attributes will be used for your Variable Products during Import
  • Product import – Simple with Attributes: add multiple attributes,comma separated, this means you need only one Excel row for each product!
  • support for WPML WooCommerce Product Translations Import with Excel
  • Import / Export Affiliate/External products
  • Import WooCommerce Subscription products
  • Automap Excel Columns with Product fields for saving time
  • Save Mapping Template of Excel Columns to Product Fields to Save time
  • Schedule Product Import with scheduled Cron Job
  • Schedule Product Export with scheduled Cron Job
  • Update products via TITLE, ID or SKU
  • Export WooCommerce Products – Simple-Variable with product ID
  • Update WooCommerce Products based on Title or Product ID
  • Delete WooCommerce Products with Excel
  • Import Product Categories and Subcategories with their Images Excel
  • Delete Product Categories with Excel
  • Choose between various excel export methods
  • Setting to get Log File in text during import
  • Import ACF and ACF PRO custom fields for products
  • Setting to add manually custom fields for import and export
  • Support to import Yoast SEO meta for products
  • Compatible with Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce to import / export gallery images with variations
  • Compatible with Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce to import / export gallery images with variations
  • Compatible with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
  • Compatible with Perfect Brands for WooCommerce
  • Add User role setting to access the plugin apart from Admin
  • DEMO

    View Demo here
    Username: demo
    Password: demo


    View Documentation here



    • Title
    • Description
    • Excerpt
    • Product Category (multiple comma separated, terms created on import or from existing terms)
    • Product Tags (multiple comma separated, terms created on import or from existing terms)
    • Custom Taxonomies (multiple comma separated, any Taxonomy the user has predefined, terms created on import or from existing terms)
    • Product Attributes (each combination need an excel row, any Attribute the user has predefined, terms created on import or from existing terms)
    • Weight
    • SKU
    • Regular Price
    • Sale Price
    • Stock
    • Author ID
    • Url – Slug
    • Downloadable
    • Download Name
    • Download URL
    • Download Expiry
    • Download Limit
    • Virtual
    • Featured Image (from URL or image name)
    • Product Gallery Images (multiple comma separated, from URL or image name)
    • Upsell Ids (multiple comma separated)
    • Crosell Ids (multiple comma separated)
    • Purchase Note
    • Backorders
    • Featured
    • Sold Individually
    • tax class
    • ACF and more Custom fields – note it mostly support text fields


    Product Import Export with Excel for Woocommerce

    Informação adicional

    Compatible Browsers

    IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

    Compatible Software

    WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x

    Compatible With

    WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x

    Demo Url Admin/admin.php?page=wpeiePro

    Gutenberg Optimized


    High Resolution


    Source Files Included

    JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

    Video Preview Resolution


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