Profilex – Portfolio Website Builder SAAS (Multitenant)

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Profilex - Portfolio Website Builder SAAS (Multitenant) - 1

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“Profilex” is a Portfolio Builder SAAS / Multi-User Profile.

You can use Profilex to build a multiuser profile website within minutes.
The business website is Multi-lingual & also RTL supported
You can create unlimited monthly / yearly / lifetime packages, control features for that packages. You can make a package Free, Trial, Premium or only free or only trial or only premium. You can set trial days for trial packages.

Users can purchase this packages & have a user dashboard to create Multilingual Portfolio Website, unlimited vCards, unlimited CVs for them. User’s portfolio websites, vCards, CVs are also RTL supported. They will also have Advanced QR Builder to build customized QR code for any URL using QR Builder filters. Users can also show their portfolio website, vCards, CVs in their custom domain / subdomain ({username}.your_domain_name) / path based URL (your_domain_name/{username})

Profilex provides 10 automated payment gateways & unlimited offline gateways to collect membership payment – Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTm, Instamojo, Flutterwave, Paystack, Mercado Pago,

You can also use some more cool features like – Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Popup Banner Builder etc…

Profilex - Portfolio Website Builder SAAS (Multitenant) - 2

Online Documentation:


Website Link:

Admin Login:

User Login:

Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):

This tenant website contains Appointment Feature

Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):

This tenant website contains Appointment Feature

Theme 1 (Path Based URL):

This tenant website contains Appointment Feature

Theme 2:

Theme 3:

Theme 4:

Theme 5:

Theme 6:

Theme 7:

Theme 8:

Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):

Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):

Theme 1 (Path Based URL):

Theme 2:

Theme 3:

Theme 4:

Theme 5:

Theme 6:

Theme 7:

Theme 8:

Theme 9:

Theme 10:

Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):

Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):

Theme 1 (Path Based URL):

Theme 2:

Advanced QR Builder for Users

Profilex - Portfolio Website Builder SAAS (Multitenant) - 3

10 Online Payment Gateways (Unlimited Offline / Manual / Bank Available too)


Profilex - Portfolio Website Builder SAAS (Multitenant) - 4

Tenant’s Website & Tenant Dashboard Features:

– Custom Domain
– Subdomain & Path Based URL
– Light & Dark Dashboard
– 8 Portfolio Templates
– Appointment Booking for Tenant Website
   —Categories Management
   —Category Enable / Disable system
   —Form Builder for each category
   —General Form Builder (if category is disabled)
   —Day-wise time slots
   —Holidays Management
   —Advance Payment (partial) / Full Payment system
   —Auth / Guest Checkout
– More Themes Coming
– Multilingual Tenant Dashboard & RTL Support
– Multilingual Portfolio Themes & RTL Support
– Advanced QR Builder to generate QR Code for any URL
– Saved QR Codes Management
– 10 vCard Templates
– Multilingual vCards & RTL Support
– 2 CV Templates
– 10 Online Payment Gateways added for Tenant
– Unlimited Offline Gateways for Tenant
– Multilingual CVs & RTL Support
– CV Export to PDF feature
– Registered Customers in Tenant Dashboard
– Customer Panel for Tenant’s Website
   —Google Analytics
   —Facebook Pixel
– Email Templates Added for Tenant
– Package Purchase
– Base Color Settings
– Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
– SEO Info Management
– Hide / Show Any Page & Home Section
– Portfolios, Blogs, Services, Skills, Achievements etc management
– Followers / Followings

Business Website & Admin Dashboard Features

– Multilingual Website & RTL Support
– Multilingual Admin Dashboard & RTL Support

– Unlimited Pricing Plans (Free / Trial / Premium)
– 10 Online Payment Gateways
– Unlimited offline payment gateways
– Custom Domains Management
– Subdomains Management
– Profiles Listing Page with Advanced Search
– Base Currency Setup
– Drag & Drop Menu Builder in Admin Dashboard
– Light & Dark Admin Dashboard
– Default Language Setup & Translation for Tenant Dashboard & Website
– Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard from Admin
– vCard Limit
– Home Page Sections Hide / Show
– Base Color Settings
– Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
– Packages Management
– Package / Pricing Plan Upgrade / Downgrade
– Plugins (Google Recaptcha, Disqus,, Whatsapp Chat Button)
– Email Templates
– Payment Logs
– Popup Builder with 7 Predefined Templates
– Push Notification
– SEO Info Management
– Blogs, FAQ etc all website content management
– Custom Pages
– Registered Users Management
– Maintenance mode
– Admin / Role / Permission Management

Admin Workflow:

– Add Languages
– Add Packages with Features
– Setup Payment Gateways
– Upload Language wise contents (FAQ, Blogs etc…)
– Manage Users

User Workflow:

– choose a package (premium / trial / Free)
– register & checkout
– verify email & login to dashboard
– add languages
– setup color, preloader, logo etc…
– upload language wise contents (services, blogs, portfolios etc…)

Server Requirements

Built with Laravel 9.52.7

– PHP 8.x
– BCMath PHP Extension
– Ctype PHP Extension
– Fileinfo PHP Extension
– JSON PHP Extension
– Mbstring PHP Extension
– OpenSSL PHP Extension
– PDO PHP Extension
– Tokenizer PHP Extension
– XML PHP Extension
– Imagick Extension
– GMP Extension
– Imagick Extension


Version 2.5 – Released on 19th November, 2023

- Token based stripe checkout implemented
- Fixed: Add to contact issue in vcard
- Fixed: Mollie payment issue during tenant registration
- Fixed: Issue during changing tenant's customer password by Tenant
- Fixed: changed password success message issue in Tenant dashboard

Version 2.4 – Released on 1st May, 2023

-- Appointment Booking for Tenant Website
    -- Categories Management
    -- Category Enable / Disable system
    -- Form Builder for each category
    -- General Form Builder (if category is disabled)
    -- Day-wise time slots
    -- Weekends
    -- Holidays Management
    -- Advance Payment (partial) / Full Payment system
    -- Auth / Guest Checkout
    -- Reset serial number system (will set the appointment serial to 0)
-- Added Appointment feature in Pricing 
-- 10 Online Payment Gateways added for Tenant
-- Unlimited Offline Gateways for Tenant
-- 3 More Themes Added for Tenant
    -- Photography
    -- Agency Light 
    -- Agency Dark
-- Multilingual Tenant Dashboard
-- RTL Support for Tenant Dashboard
-- Multilingual Admin Dashboard
-- RTL Support for Admin Dashboard
-- Default Language Setup & Translation by Admin for Tenant Dashboard & Website
-- Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard from Admin
-- Registered Customers in Tenant Dashboard 
-- Limits for vCard based on pricing plan
-- Customer Panel for Tenant's Website 
    -- Appointments
    -- Edit Profile, Dashboard, change password etc... 
-- Plugins
    -- Google Analytics
    -- Disqus
    -- Whatsapp
    -- Facebook Pixel
-- Added Plugins to Pricing Plan
-- Email Templates Added for Tenant
-- Coupon Added for Tenant Registration
-- Fixed issues
-- many untracked changes

Version 2.3.5 – Released on 15th February, 2023

Please download latest files from Envato & replace ‘app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php’ file to get the fix

- Fixed invoice folder permission issue

Version 2.3.5 – Released on 20 November, 2022

- Laravel version upgraded to 9.39.0
- Upgraded PHP version to 8.x
- Image validation added in tenant's edit profile page
- Folder Structures changed to enhance security
- Upgraded all 3rd party composer packages
- Upgraded all security patches

Version 2.3 – Released on 10th February, 2022

-- 3 more Portfolio Templates added
-- 6 more vCard Templates added
-- Added Package / Pricing Plan Upgrade / Downgrade option in Admin
-- Added more Mail Templates
-- Hide / Show mail address in user website
-- Hide / Show user profile in listing page
-- CV file removal option added
-- Hero image removal option added
-- Preview Templates section added in main website
-- Added 'www.' support in URL
-- Improved cron job code
-- Fixed vcard URL issue
-- Validation added for vcard profile image
-- fixed export PDF button issue fixed in CV

Version 2.2 – Released on 1st November, 2021

-- Theme Added
-- Some issues fixed

Version 2.1 – Released on 17th October, 2021

-- 'Add to Contact' option added in vCard
-- Share in social media option added in vCard
-- Call, Mail, Whatsapp button added in vCard
-- Links clickable option added in vCard
-- About, Video section added in vCard
-- Services section added in vCard 
-- Portfolios section added in vCard
-- Testimonials section added in vCard
-- Contact form added in vCard
-- Any section can be enabled / disabled in vCard
-- Color change option added in vCard
-- Keywords translation option added for vCard
-- Lifetime Package option added
-- Package features management option added for Admin
-- blog title, blog image will be visible during sharing in facebook
-- Custom Page preview URL showin Admin Panel
-- some minor issues fixed

Version 2.0 – Released on 12th September, 2021

-- Custom Domain added for Porfolio Website, vCards, CVs
-- Subomain added for Porfolio Website, vCards, CVs
-- Now, User can create unlimited vCards
-- RTL Support for vCard
-- 4 vCard Template added
-- Now, User can create unlimited CVs
-- RTL Support for CV
-- 2 CV Template added
-- CV PDF export functionality added
-- QR Code can be generated for any URL
-- Generated QR Code can be saved
-- Email templates added in Admin Dashboard
-- City, Country based search added in profile listing page
-- Some small issues fixed
-- big update in documentation
- video tutorials added

Version 1.1 – Released on 10th August, 2021

-- Admin can send push notifications to website visitors even if visitor's browser is closed
-- Advanced QR Builder with lots of filters added for users
-- QR Builder added in pricing plan
-- Payment Gateway added
-- Role / Permission added for push notification
-- Mail notification for membership expiry reminder. Admin can set when the customers will be notified about their membership expiry
-- Membership Expired mail notification
-- Package features are multilingual in frontend now
-- Membership 'reject' status issue fixed for offline gateways

Version 1.0 – Released on 4th August, 2021

Initial Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x

Demo Url

High Resolution
Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution
