Promotional Plugin for Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform

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Promotional Plugin for Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform

Welcome to Xilacner, your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and efficient freelance marketplace. Crafted with the powerful Laravel framework, Xilacner is designed to cater to both freelancers and clients, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for all users. Whether you are aiming to launch a full-scale freelance platform or a niche job-posting site, Xilacner is your go-to choice.

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Important Notice

This Promotional Plugin will not work unless you have use it with Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects


Top Features

  • Freelancer can promote their projects using available payments gateway and their wallet.
  • Freelancer can promote their profile using available payments gateway and their wallet.
  • Freelancer can view their promoted profile expire date, status, impression, click etc.
  • Freelancer can view their promoted projects expire date, status, impression, click etc.
  • User can find pro freelancer projects all most all projects pages like all projects, category project, subcategory project etc also filter promotional projects.
  • User can find pro freelancer profile from talents page also filter promotional profiles.
  • Admin can create unlimited promotion package in admin panel with duration, prices, active, inactive etc.
  • Admin can manage all promotion settings.
  • Admin can see all promotional list differently both profile and projects also their impressions and clicks.

Changes Log

    Initial Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 8.x

Demo Url Products/xilancer Freelancer Marketplace Platform/

High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, PHP, Layered PNG

Video Preview Resolution
